Trade Unionism And Its Influence On Management Policies Implementation (case Study Of Life Breweries Plc Onitsha)

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Title page

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Table of contents

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List of figure




1.1            Background of the study

1.2            Statement of the problem

1.3            Purpose of the study

1.4            Scope of the study

1.5            Research questions

1.6            Research hypothesis

1.7            Significant of the study

1.8            Limitations of the study

1.9            Definition of important terms



Review of related literature

2.1            Literature Review

2.2            Origin and growth of trade unionism in Nigeria

2.3            Activities of trade union

2.4            Functions of trade union

2.5            Weapons used by employees

2.6            Employees grievances

2.7            Collective bargaining

2.8            Relevant management policies

2.9            Formulation and implementation of the policies




Research Design and Methodology

3.1            Research Design

3.2            Area of the study

3.3            Population of the study

3.4            Sample and sampling procedure / techniques

3.5            Instrument for data collection

3.6            Validation of the instrument

3.7            Reliability of the instrument

3.8            Method of data collection

3.9            Method of data analysis



Data presentation and analysis

4.1            Presentation and analysis of data

4.2            Testing of hypothesis

4.3            Summary of result



Discussion, recommendation and conclusion

5.1            Discussion of results / findings

5.2            Conclusion

5.3            Implications of the research findings

5.4            Recommendations

5.5            Suggestions for further research

5.6            Bibliography

5.7            Appendix












This research however carried out in order to determine how the trade unionism influence the management policies of life breweries plc. Onitsha.


The outstanding objective of this study therefore were as follows:

1.                 To determine what actually may lead to employees grievances in work situation

2.                 To dictate and identify the possible management policies that are commonly influenced by trade unions activities

3.                 To determine the effects of trade unionism on the implementation of the policies.

4.                 To determine the relationsips that exist between the trade union and management of the brewery.

5.                 To determine the possible ways of preventing the conflicts that may arise on the organization, particularly, work situation and possible ways of promoting industrial peace and harmony in the brewery and the notion at large.

This research methodology used and adopted in this research was clearly descriptive, having questionnaires as tools. A total number of four hundred workers of the organization life breweries plc, Onitsha were used for the study, data collected in frequency and percentage forms; coupled with a sound testing of hypothesis and summary of results.

Finally, the discussion of this findings, implications of the research findings, possible recommendations, suggestions for further research and conclusion made by the research on this work are include in the subsequent chapters.  





Trade disputes and industrial disharmony in recent times have resulted to low output production lose of lives and properties in the country.

It is thus a worth wile exercise to determine the various ways in which trade unions may influence the implementation of the management policies of an organization, and possibly suggest ways of harmonizing management policies with workers objectives.



According to the trade union Decree No 36 section (1) of 1973, trade union is defined as any combination of workers or employees whether temporary or permanent for the purpose of which is to regulate the terms and conditions of workers employment.   

However, a trade union is permitted by law to have additional purpose instead than that of regulating the terms and conditions of worker employment. It also utilizes its reasonable resources in some other untraceable positions or situations as contained in the rulebook of the union.  

A trade union movement existed in Nigeria as early as 1912 with the civil service union as the first that came into existence, union like the Nigeria Railway Native staff union 1919 and the Nigeria union of teachers in 1931.

However, as the result of the passage of the trade union ordinance in 1938, other trade union emerged several of the union formed were ill motivated by their leaders since the leaders) seem to be illiterate and ignorance at what actually union suppose to be.

According to Yesufu (1952) the main reason for the formation of the civil service union was merely to match with union formed in Sierra Leone and other countries in West Africa, in the supreme position, the main aim  for the formation of the unions were:

(1)             To protect the welfare and interest of members

(2)             To protect the employment position of the members

(3)             To maintain the dignity in labour and

(4)             To maintain standard working hours with standard remuneration equal to the output i.e. to stop or reduce much of human exploitation by the employer. 


Management policies however, are the instrument used by the top management of any organization (firm) in ensuring the problems facing the organization are solved within an acceptable constraint good policies provide definite and as well allow subordinates to make their own decision with limits


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Trade Unionism And Its Influence On Management Policies Implementation  (case Study Of Life Breweries Plc Onitsha)