Management Information System (mis) As An Aid To Management Decision Making

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The study was aimed at appreciating the role of management information system as an aid to management decision making, in Juhel Nigeria limited Emene Enugu. The ignorance of management information system or lack of it in certain businesses especially small scale businesses has led to unsound management system, thereby affecting the effectiveness and efficiency of its operations. This ignorance of management information system may lead to the non-effectiveness and efficient accomplishment of the firms’ objectives. The objective is to determine the reliability of the current method of information generation and to find out the effect of management information system on quality of management decision making. The research design was the survey method. The two sources of data used to elicit information and data were primary and secondary sources. The population of the study was two hundred and thirty (230) and sample size was one hundred and forty six (146). The findings indicate that management styles have a great effect on workers productivity in the Juhel Nigeria limited Enugu; the conclusions indicate that management information system goes along way to increasing management decision making. The ingredients of any successful manager is ability to handle people effectively. The recommendations includes that the organization should be well structured and much attention paid to the decision making department which deals with the records and information.


















Title page                                                                                         i

Certification                                                                                     ii

Dedication                                                                                       iii

Acknowledgement                                                                           iv

Abstract                                                                                            v

Table of contents                                                                             vi

List of tables                                                                                    v



1.1       Background of the study                                                       1

1.2       Statement of the problem                                                     3

1.3       Objectives of the study                                                          4

1.4       Research questions                                                               4

1.5       Research hypothesis                                                             5

1.6       Significance of the study                                                       5

1.7       The scope of the study                                                          6

1.8       The limitations of the study                                                  7

References                                                                             8


LITERATURE REVIEW                                                       9

2.1       Historical background of Juhel Nigeria limited                   9

2.2       Many aspects of the study                                                    9

2.2.1  Over view of management                                                     11

2.2.2  Levels of management                                                           13

2.2.3  Overview of information                                                        15

2.2.4  Levels of information                                                             18

2.2.5  System overview                                                                    21

2.2.6  System characteristics, properties and types                      24

2.2.7  Organization as a system                                                      27

2.2.8  Foundation and basic for MIS                                              31

2.2.9  System study, investigation and planning                           34

2.2.10               System analysis and design                               38

2.2.11              System implementation and maintenance                 43

2.2.12              Merging MIS objective with decision making objectives 48

2.2.13              The meaning of decision making                                52

2.2.14              The impact of information system on management decision making                                                             53

References                                                                    55


RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY                          57

3.1       Research design                                                                              57

3.2       Sources of data                                                                      57

3.2.1  Primary sources                                                                     58

3.2.2  Secondary source                                                                  59

3.3       Population and determination of sample size                     59

3.4       Validity and Reliability of Measuring Instrument                62

3.5       Method of Data Collection                                                    62

3.6       Methods of Data Analysis                                                     63

References                                                                             64


DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS                                65

4.1       Data Presentation                                                                  65

4.2       Presentation of Demographic Analysis                                66

4.3       Analysis Based on Key Research Questions in the Questionnaire                                                                          68

4.4       Test of Hypothesis                                                                 77


SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS                                                  92

5.1       Summary of Findings                                                            92

5.2       Conclusions                                                                           93

5.3       Recommendations                                                                 94

Bibliography                                                                           95

Appendix I                                                                              97

Appendix II                                                                            98


Table 4.2:  Sex distribution of respondents                                  66

Table 4.3:  Distribution on qualification of respondents             66

Table 4.4:  Staff status of respondents                                          67

Table 4.5:  Time of joining the organization                                  67

Table 4.6:  Are you computer literate?                                          68

Table 4.7: What is the method of generating information?68

Table 4.8:  Do you think the use of computer will increase the speed and accuracy of your work?                    69

Table 4.9:  Do you believe MIS will make your work easier?      69

Table 4.10:Distribution on benefits of various uses of computers 70

Table 4.11:          How effective is your information generating method? 70

Table 4.12:          Distribution on safety of information                          71

Table 4.13:          What is your department output speed like now?    72

Table 4.14:          How are you retrieving information from past records 72

Table 4.15:          Do you think MIS can reduce fraudulent practices 73

Table 4.16:          The extent of exposure to information technology leading to advancement and better output in the workplace?                                                                      74

Table 4.17:          Can MIS increase time in decisions making              74

Table 4.18:          Extent of the impact of MIS on the management decision making                                                                 75

Table 4.19:          Do you think MIS can enhance decision making process?                                                                             76

Table 4.20:How reliable is the current method of generating information?                                                            76


















Management information system is the study of people, technology, and organizations. Management information on system provides information that is needed to manage organizations efficiently and effectively.

Management information system is more holistic than merely computerizing an aspect of a business.

Some people believes that once their organization is computerized, their management problems have been solved, but this is not the truth.

According to Toffler (1990: 7) information technology (MIS) is the new technology or gathering, storing, manipulating and transferring information. Davis (1974: 15) in his own view stated that a definition of management information system as the term is generally understood, is an integrated, machine system of providing information to support the operations, management and decon making functions in an organization. Where an organization like Juhel Nigeria Limited, decides to computerize its voucher/pay roll, create a data bank for its labour force and such related subjects, they do not by themselves constitute a management information system.

Management information system is not a new thing in any organization, it has always been there from the time, there are mangers requiring information that enables them to plan, control, and run the operations of their organizations. What is new are the added new advantages and dimension that the computer has provided to the manager in the exercise of his traditional junctions easily and more effectively Modum (1995: 25).

    Davis (1994: 26) in line with his, opines that processing support for management and decision functions precede the advent of computers but computers made it feasible.

Information technology has been found to be very useful in preparing financially. Computerization, data base bank, and such related subjects do not by them solves constitute a management information system.




Managers of certain business, especially small scale manage their business intimitively. They are devoid of sound management system which would enable them, monitor effectively and efficiently, operating expenses and possible revenues. They do  not heed to the warnings and useful hints communicated by management information system. This ignorance of management information system or lack of it, may lead to the non-effective and efficient accomplishment of the firms objectives.

Information system, generally, constitutes the sole system through which both managers and external users get a clear picture of the organization as a total entity. Some managers fail to realize this fact and consequently, fail to appreciate the management’s analysis in respect of management information system’s generated. This could lead to poor and irrational decisions being taken and also may affect the profitability and performance of the organization.

The organization owing to management constraints or lack of effective planning or ignorance, may not employ needed experts and this causes the effect and importance of management information system on decision making, not to be observed or gained by the organization.

With respect to the above, the research in this study will seek to highlight on this information, management can derive from management information and their usefulness or benefits or lack of it and effect on decision making in business. 


1)           To find out the effect of management information system on the quality of management decision making.

2)           To determine the reliability of the current method of information generation.

3)           To find out the accuracy and increase in speed of jobs by the use of computer.



1)           Does management information system have any effect on the quality of management decision making?

2)           How reliable is the current method of information generation to management information system?

3)           Does the use of computers increase the speed and accuracy of an organization’s job?

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Management Information System (mis) As An Aid To Management Decision Making