Effect Of Pollution To The Society It’s Causes And Effects (a Case Study Of Enugu Metropolis)

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I investigated the factors that contributed to pollution in Enugu metropolis. The aim of this research was to find out the effects of pollution to the life of the society and also to view the possible causes of this pollution, and make recommendations for eliminating the problems from all its roots and branches.


The following research questions were used for the research.

1.     What are the various types of pollution?

2.     Identify the common sources of pollution

3.     To know the causes of environmental pollution

4.     What are the effects of this pollution on human life.

5.     To find out it these is any possible control measures of environmental pollution.

6.     What are the possible remedies to this?


The area of study (Enugu metropolis) was divided into 8 sections out of which 5 persons were sampled from each section making a total of 40 Persons.

Copies of the questionnaire were used to collect data that were personally administration to the respondents by the researchers.

In analyzing the data collected, simple percentages were used.

Based on the analysis, these are some the findings made.

1.         There has been considerable feeling that the public health (ENSEPA) had not taken a strong stand against pollution and is still weak when it comes to enforcement.

2.         The dwellers of Enugu metropolis are suffered from the heart following problem of pollution.

3.         Pollution of air crises from refuses which are disposed off by open burning or incineration.

4.         There is gross negative by government agents in controlling the menace of pollution in Enugu metropolis.

5.         There had been an increase in death that is as a result of an increase in the menace of pollution.


Some of the recommendations made include.

1.         The governmental should adopt a strong law against indiscriminate disposal of refuse.

2.         The public need education and enlightenment on the for a healthy environment.

3.         Refuse burning should be restricted to incinerator.

4.         There should be constant inspection of streets by ENSEPA especially or clean-up days.

When this is done pollution would definitely be a thing of past in Enugu metropolis and Enugu State in general and high standards of living will be restored.








Title page                                                                                 ii

Approval page                                                                          iii

Dedication                                                                                iv

Acknowledgement                                                                    v

Abstract                                                                                   vii

Table of contents                                                                      x




            General Background to the subject matter                    2

            Problems Associated with the subject matter               3

             Problem that the study will be concern with                4

            The importance of studying the area.                           4

            Definition of Important terms.                                     5

            References                                                                 7




LITERATURE REVIEW                                                          8

2.1             The origin of the subject area                                           8

2.2             Schools of thought within the subject area                        9

2.3             The schools of thought relevant to the problem of study   12

2.4             Different methods of studying the problem                       15

2.5             Summary                                                                        19

2.6             Reference                                                                       21     



CONCLUSION                                                                        22

3.1             Data presentation                                                             22

3.2             Analysis of data                                                              23

3.3             Recommendation                                                            27

3.4             Conclusion                                                                     29

3.5             References                                                                      33

3.6             Bibliography                                                                   34




The production of pollutions comes as the by-product of man’s actions. They are residences of things he makes uses and throws away, his cans and bottles, metals and plastics caps, waste rock and mill tailings, pesticides and herbicides, automobiles exhausters and industrial discharges. These are concomitants of a technological society with a high standard of living. They increase both because of population increase and because of an increasing expectation fro higher living standards, more is made, used and thrown away. But, as the committee on pollution of National Academy of science noted in 1966. “As he earth becomes more crowded, there is no longer a way one person’s trash basket is another’s living space.”

Pollution therefore can be primarily a consequence of irrigational behavioral.

These researches work little. “The effects of pollution to the society, it’s causes and effects, seeks to exonerate on what causes the pollution and how to handle the causes with a view to eliminate it.

It is also aimed at enlightening the general populace on a need to maintain a healthy environment as a prerequisite for a fulfilled and achievement propelled life.



The deterioration of environmental quality that began when man first assembled into villages and utilized fire has existed as a serious problem since the industrial revolution. Environmental contamination of air, water, and soil and food ahs became a threat to the continued existence of many plant and animal communities and may plant ultimately threaten the very survival of the human race.

 It seems clear that if we hope to improve on the deteriorating standards of Public Health menace of pollutions should be checked structure for tomorrow.

What is urgently needed is a total system to modern civilization through which eh pooled talents of social scientists and medical profession can be focused on the develop into of order among the presently desperate segments of the human environment.


Can every human being have a life of quality in the twenty second century?

In this project I shall use the quality of life to express the way in which individual human beings feels that his or her life is worthwhile.

The quality of life requires freedom from negative think like hemger, cold, ailment, polluted air and water, over crowding noise streets and as well fear, but it must also contain for very human being in the world the positive aspect of frequent access to stress, unspiolt country side and sea side, healthy in a man made surrounding and certainties creation.

The problem I have to investigate is therefore how can I give every human being in the society particular people in Enugu State metropolis, the things essential to a life of quality without subjecting them to the pollutions which destroy life.

Such pollutants may be killing or harmful, destroying people’s enjoyment of life or drinking them made. This includes the indirect effects of such things as destruction of vegetation as well directs effects of food, water and air pollution and noise pollution.



In this study work, I shall focus more on the effects of environmental pollution in Enugu State metrology, it is causes and effects, to archive thus, the area of study (Enugu Metropolis) was achieved into 4 sections but of which 5 persons were sampled from each section making a total of 20 persons.

Copies of the questionnaire were used to collect data that were personally administered to the respondents by the researcher. In analyzing the data collected, simple percentage was used.


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Effect Of Pollution To The Society It’s Causes And Effects