The Impact Of Cooperative Societies In Rural Development (a Case Study Of Owerri West L.g.a Imo State)

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Title page       -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      i

Approval page        -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      ii

Dedication      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      iii

Acknowledgement         -      -      -      -      -      -      iv


1.0  Introduction    -      -      -      -      -      -      -      1

1.1  Background of the study       -      -      -      -      -      3

1.2  Statement of problems -      -      -      -      -      4

1.3  Objectives of the study -      -      -      -      -      5

1.4  Research questions -      -      -      -      -      -      7

1.5  Significance of the study-      -      -      -      -      8

1.6  Scope of the study -      -      -      -      -      -      8

1.7  Limitation of the study          -      -      -      -      9

1.8  Definition of terms -      -      -      -      -      -      10


2.0  Literature review    -      -      -      -      -      -      13

2.1  The concept of rural development -      -      -      13

2.2  The use of cooperative for rural development -    17

2.3  The necessity of rural development       `-    -      18

2.4  The need for corporative and rural industrialization      19  

2.5  Interlink of cooperative and rural development     20


3.0      Research design and methodology        -      -      -      22

3.1  Introductions -      -      -      -      -      -      -      22

3.2  Research design     -      -      -      -      -      -      22

3.3  Sources and methods of data collection       -      -      23

3.4  Population and sample size    -      -      -      -      23

3.5  Sampling techniques.     -      -      -      -      -      24

3.6  Validity and reliability of measuring instruments   24

3.7  Method of data analysis -      -      -      -      -      28


4.0      Presentation and analysis of data   -      -      -      29

4.1  Analysis of data      -      -      -      -      -      -      35

4.2  Decision of interpretation      -      -      -      -      39



5.0      Summary, conclusion and recommendations       -      40

5.1      Introduction    -      -      -      -      -      -      -      40

5.2      Summary of the findings       -      -      -      -      -      40

5.3      Conclusion      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      43

5.4      Recommendations `-    -      -      -      -      -      44

References      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      46

























The main objective of this research work is to examine the impact of cooperative societies in the socio-economic development or rural communities in Owerri West Local Government area was taken as a case study.

Cooperative movement in Nigeria as to improve or meet the common needs of the communities by mutual relationship and to improve both the social and economic condition of the communities through increase in production and mutual understanding. A cooperative society has strategies and plans to help improve the standard living of the rural population.

Development and economic growth are essential to determine the standard of living of the rural dwellers. We cannot talk of development and growth in Nigeria economy without mentioning the development of our rural areas. Neglecting the development of the rural area is like solving our economic problem half way. We should be wise enough to extract the experience gained from countries like china, Israel, Tanzania and some of the Asia which have yielded a great development or success in those countries. Our quest and enthusiasm towards the development of our rural cooperative base is panacea to the rural drivellers. A well planned rural development is the answer to rural poverty. Looking at Nigeria rural scene, one will know that there are some little projects and programs organized which is centered at the urban area which the rural area does not enjoy the maximum benefits of such arrangement. Cooperative societies were introduced to aid the developed and developing area, to have .the same privileges as in urban area.

This also help the woman understand know the importance of woman in cooperative activities.




The general history of cooperative dates back to nineteenth century. Since then, it has spread to the whole including Nigeria, the main objective of the movement is to improve or meet the common need by mutual relationship and to improve both the social and economic condition of the countries and nation through increase in production and mutual understanding.

In Nigeria, the history of cooperative movement dates to the 1930’s, the main aim of the colonial master then, was to organize farmland where farmers would cultivate on and produce cash crops like palm oil, cocoa and rubber, this farmland was later organized ,into registered group after acquiring the required legislations, this was  for the purpose of increasing production, processing and marketing of their products, which at that time was the major exchange for the government, indeed cooperative societies have  been well know as an instrument of the communities development in all countries today, both development government is geared towards the socio-economic development of the masses in pursuing this goal, the tool used is the formation of cooperative.


In recent times, government and other interested organization have made various sources of finance available to cooperative in the rural areas because they see such organization as one of the major paths to the socio economic development of the nation, for instance, in the fourth national development plan of 1980-1985 million was ear marked for the running of cooperative in Nigeria, despite of all the enormous fund being spent on cooperative a list or problems still exist and it is the purpose of this research work to identify and find out  solution to the problems as well;

·                    Lack of cooperation among rural people

·                    Problem of illiteracy, as must of the rural people are illiterate.

·                    Fraudulent activities of the officials of cooperatives bestowed with the power of implementing development activities in these rural areas.

·                    The fact that cooperative here are mostly government organized, they have little fund to embark on project, this is due to the delay in release of funds, when they contribute their own, they raise very small amount of money.  

·                    Lack of infrastructure like food roads, electricity, pipe borne water and hospitals etc.


Looking at Nigeria rural scene, which is not dominated by project and programme for the rural development, the little of such organized projects and programmes are centered at the urban area which  the rural area does not enjoy the maximum benefits of such arrangement. Cooperative societies were introduced to aid the developed and developing area, as they could now have the same privileges as in other countries so, the major aims of the research work is to;

i.            Determine the role the cooperative societies have played in promoting economic activities in the rural area.

ii.           Finding out whether those projects are adequate and what they have contributed so far to the development of these areas.

iii.         Finding our avenue of economic activities available to rural area but not presently utilized by them.

iv.         Finding out whether those projects are of improvement.

v.          Investigating project that are implemented and how effective they are to the rural development.

vi.         Examining the various difficulties encountered by cooperative societies in raising fund for their business activities.

vii.       Suggesting solution to problems affecting them.


i.     What role has cooperative played in promoting economic activities in the rural area?

ii.    Does cooperative contribute to the economic development of Owerri West Local Government Area?

iii.         How have cooperative assistance and incentive helped in assessing their adequate and effectiveness in enhancing proper economic development in the rural area?

iv.         Has cooperative made any contribution to the infrastructure and agricultural development of Owerri West Local Government Area

v.          Does cooperative provide functional education and employment opportunities to members and people of Owerri West Local Government Area?


This research work is aimed at highlighting the significance of cooperative societies in the economic development of Owerri West Local Government Area. The study will also find out solution to problems associated with cooperative in particular area and rural development in general. This will also help woman understand more and the importance of farming, woman cooperative activities like family support programme in the rural area.


The scope of this study is that it should take care of the socio-economic development in Owerri West Local Government Area due to limited resources and time available for this work, the time given for this study was too short.

 Secondly, this study help people to pull themselves together and their resources together on mutual or self help basis to form a business enterprises which seeks to solve the economic problems of its members.


The limitation of this study is based on the improvement, implementing and processing the ideas that will heap in the up bringing of the communities, societies and areas where their members live or stay. Another major constraint to the research work is the unwilling of the cooperative staff in the area to release certain document which contains vital information needed for their work.

 Secondly, the limitation of this study also base on research work in order to find out problems and give solution to them.




There are some terms in cooperative which needs to be defined in other to alert their scholars of their meaning examples.

ICA         – International Cooperative Alliance

ILO         – Intentional Labor Organization

UNICEF   – United Nations International Children Emergency Fund

IAEA       - International Atomic Agency

USSR      - Union of Soviet Republic

NGO       - Non Governmental Organization

IFAP        - International Federation of Agriculture Product

AARRO    - Rural Reconstruction Organization

ICFIU      - Intentional Confederation of the Trade Union

WAY       - The World Assembly of Youths

WOCCU   - The World Council of Credit Unions

CUNA      - Credits Union of National Association

CCCS      - Canadian Cooperative Credit Society

ACDSCA  - Asian Confederation of Credit Union

CCCU      - Caribbean Confederation of Credit Union and Cooperation

COLAC    - Latin American Confederation of Credit Unions and Cooperation

UNO        - United Nations Organization

CLICEC    - Liaison Committee of Cooperative Thrift and Credit Organization

COPAC    - Committee for Promotion of Aid to Cooperative

ANCE      - Association of Nigeria Cooperative Exporters

NACB      - Nigeria Agricultural Cooperative Banks

NACCUN  - National Association of Credit Union of Nigeria

ICF         - Imo Cooperative Federation

CCB        - Cooperative Bank

SCFA       - State Cooperative Finance Agency

CTCS      - cooperative thrifty and credit society

NNCWA   - Nigeria National Cooperative Wholesale



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The Impact Of Cooperative Societies In Rural Development