The Role Of Women Cooperatives In Rural Development (a Case Study Of Bende Women Cooperative Society Limited Abia State)

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Women natural are tender hearted, no wonder their roles in the family are indispensable, those roles are variously carries are into their immediate environment, hence they (women) are able to identify easily those economic areas where their activities greatly affects and enhance the lives of many. It is expected therefore that these work will contribute its quota to the eradication of this nation that the place of the woman is in the kitchen, they deserve much more positive recognition then that shall be revealed by this work. This is true, and every real sense, community development as we recognize had been an indigenous mechanism and techniques employed by many rural communities in solving their problems.





Title page       -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      i

Approval page        -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      ii

Dedication      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      iii

Acknowledgement -      -      -      -      -      -      -      iv

Abstract -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      vi

Table of contents    -      -      -      -      -      -      -      7


1.0  Introduction    -      -      -      -      -      -      -      1

1.1  Background of the study-      -      -      -      -      2

1.2  Statement of the problems    -      -      -      -      4

1.3  Objectives of the study  -      -      -      -      -      6

1.4  Statement of hypothesis       -      -      -      -      -      7

1.5  Significance of the study       -      -      -      -      -      8

1.6  Scope of the study -      -      -      -      -      -      9

1.7  Limitation of the study   -      -      -      -      -      11

1.8  Definition of terms -      -      -      -      -      -      12


2.0  Literature review    -      -      -      -      -      -      14

2.1  The origin of cooperative       -      -      -      -      15

2.2  Concept of rural development       -      -      -      17

2.3 Women in economic        -      -      -      -      -      20

2.4  Women in Nigeria cooperative       -      -      -      22  

2.5  Importance of women cooperative in rural    development  -      -             -      -      -      -      -      24

2.6  Types of cooperative farmed by women       -      27  

2.7  Sources of fund for women cooperative       -      -      31  

2.8  Role of women cooperative in food production     31  

2.9  Women education as a base for rural development 32 

2.10Women and development      -      -      -      -      33

2.11 Problems facing women in economic activities     36  


3.0  Research design methodology       -      -      -      -      39

3.1  Introduction    -      -      -      -      -      -      -      39

3.2  Research design     -      -      -      -      -      -      40

3.3  Source/methods of data collection-      -      -      40

3.4  Population and sample size    -      -      -      -      41

3.5  Sample technique   -      -      -      -      -      -      41

3.6  Validity and reliability of measuring instrument    42

3.7  Method of data analysis  -      -      -      -      -      43


4.0  Presentation and analysis of data   -      -      -      44

4.1  Introduction    -      -      -      -      -      -      -      44

4.2  Presentation of data       -      -      -      -      -      -      44

4.3  Analysis of data      -      -      -      -      -      -      51

4.4  Test of hypothesis -      -      -      -      -      -      54

4.5  Interpretation of  result -      -      -      -      -      58


5.0  Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations      -      61

5.1  Introduction    -      -      -      -      -      -      -      61

5.2  Summary of findings      -      -      -      -      -      61

5.3  Conclusion      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      63

5.4  Recommendation    -      -      -      -      -      -      64

       References      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      70

       Appendix        -      -      -      -      -      -      -      -      72




One of the instructions of rural women’s economic advancement in Nigeria has been blamed by a school of thought on the inability of Nigeria women to embrace cooperative way of doing business item (1965). This is because cooperative is one the most effective vehicle for organizing rural production.

Cooperative are not only the most suitable organizing and frame work for accelerated rural development, but also they are variable instrument for assisting women in the achievement of increase output of farm productions for instance, in the procurement of farm input like fertilizer, improved seeds and seedling credit as well as in product storage and marketing.

The international bank mission which studies and report on the Nigeria economy in 1954 appreciated this favourable social eliminate when it said. We think full support should be given to cooperative as a vehicle fee economic development for it is a form of economic organization fully compatible with   Nigeria traditional and social sentiment (Onuoha, 1978( This calls for the need to establish cooperative more especially involved in the development of their own area.


However, given the fact that Nigeria is a development nation oriented on the restrained capitalism. The question then is how these women cooperative help the rural people to improve their economic, social, education, cultural and political  states then provide growth and development. The enthusiasm and spirit which some women embrace the formation of cooperative in Nigeria especially in Bende local government area of Enugu state has show that women and development conscious and quick willing and disposed to pool their resources in order to improve their living standards. The emergency of better life programme for rural women in 1987 was one of the greatest in Nigeria history which awaken the conscience of women  folk and integrate them into the social-economic main-stream. This programme is simply the fullest mobilization of rural women’s intellectual and physical resource and has raised the social consciousness of women all over the federation.

       It also serve as a forum to mobilize the women for the resolution of their problem. This programme did not last due to changing of government and was taken over by family support programme (FSP) and the most recent family economic advancement programme (FEAP). The programme in its functions, activities and membership, but the difference is the changing of their names. This is indicative of increasing appreciation of the vital role which women cooperative can play in enhancing progress in the economic where unit of effect on input per product is so small to make coordinating essential for better result  inspite of what has been said on the matter to the contrary, the standard approach to the study of women cooperative in development continued to concern itself with the celebration and amortization of women who are said to contributed to development   in different aspect of neutron life, but who roles are said to see in danger of being relegated to the  garbage heap of history.

It is therefore, necessary to ascertain the role of where the expectation of women have not seen easily met which led to apart among women towards their cooperative.


Modern women cooperative were formed to enter for the socio-economic needs of the people and enhance rural development, but there are many problem, which hinder their  role in the rural  development.

i.            Economic Problems: Inadequate finance in most of the societies they lack capital to embark on more realistic project. Also they face the problems of funding their societies adequately due to the fact that most women in their societies are house view can hardly work to earn income.

ii.           BAD MANAGEMENT Most of the time the management abuse the loan granted to members by using that loan in productive ventures. This is also misappropriation of societies funds and assets.

iii.         INADEQUATE INFRASTRUCTURES   They lack such infrastructures as to help them proper in their societies, such are storage facilities machines and so on.

1.         Social Problems: This touches on the made perception of women role. As a result of the traditional social system more than other thing which, gives men more reoccupation and status then women, the work and place of the later are relegated  to the back ground. As a consequence, many planners and statement that are mostly men take the women productive role for granted or these roles are sub-merged with and subordinated to those of the consequences to be worth the consideration.  In this circumstance many men do not allows their wives to join cooperatives in the village since men assume to represent their wives in cooperative meeting.

2.         Education Problems: The education qualification of women especially in rural set-up determines the number and level of women participation in women cooperative. It is well know that in most villages, less than 30% of women do not pass first school leaving certificate and not up to 10% pass west African school certificate.


1.    To study the socio-economic characteristic of the member of women cooperatives societies in the area of study.

2.    To study the contribution of women cooperatives to the rural development of the area.

3.    To study the types of cooperative and economic activities carried out by women cooperatives in the area of study.

4.    To study the source of fund of these cooperatives

5.    To identify the problems facing the women cooperatives in the area of study.

6.    To make policy recommendations based on the funding


The following hypothesis were tested in the study for validity.

1.    Ho   -      The role of women cooperative in rural                             development has not been effective in                              Nigeria.

       Hi    -      The role of women cooperative in rural                             development area has been effective in                                    Nigeria because of the education given to                      women.

2.    H: O-      With the role of women cooperative in rural                      development things has not been okey                             because of bad management in the rural                            areas.

       H: I-      The role of women cooperative in rural                             development can be carried out positively                         because of the contribution of women in                            Nigeria.


One of the ways of the role of women cooperative in rural development in Bende local government help in developing country. This research conducted women in cooperative society is as a result of eliminating in the women society it will equally help the women in the society to imbibe the women culture.


This study will be of great importance to the following groups.

Government: This study to most conspicuous in service as in aid to the rural development especially in this period of economic recession in which government wants all hand on deck to the nation through increases food product.

Public: This highlight the level of women roles in rural development. It will culminate doubts as to whether or not women cooperative are of any significance in the rural development.

Researchers: This study will guide other researcher who may wish to operate along cooperative line especially as in it concerns are of any significance in the rural.

Cooperative Leaders: This information provided by this study may be of tremendous help to the cooperative leaders and other supervising ministries  such as rural development division of the governors, office. Agricultural extension agents, the family support commission and other institutions involves in village adoption schemes as well as cooperative officers and managers.

The scope of the study is limited to selected registered women cooperatives in Bende local government area of Abia State.

The limitation of this select cooperative societies does not necessarily eliminate chance to making valid conclusion on the entire population of women cooperatives in Bende as the societies in the local government area generally.


This is always the case in any human endeavours problem must be encountered in trying to carryout any meaningful activity especially when it involves group.

Moving from one place to the government officials, this project is not an exception. This problems could be classified as follows.

1.          INSUFFICIENT AND INADEQUATE DATA: There are grossly inadequate dates to support the analysis of women cooperative in Bende . This lack of data has made it difficult to appraise the performance of women cooperatives in Bende North.

2.          TIME FACTORS: The time available to carry out the research and come out with something meaning full and reasonable is not adequate. The research work. It being done along with normal academic work. Time therefore, posed a big limit to the scope of the study.

3.          DELIMITATION: As a result of the above mentioned points the scope is limited only form 2007-2011.


Cooperative Society:  Cooperative society is an institution within whose frame work cooperative or point activities by  people take place in formalized long term deliberated and to a great extent specific in the social and especially economic  spheres of human endeavours.

REGISTERED COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES: Registered cooperative society are those cooperative societies that are registered under the eastern Nigeria  cooperative societies law and rules cap 28 11 963 there by acquiring authority to operates.

COOPERATIVE:    Cooperative is used for the purpose of this study is represented as a registered cooperative societies.


Rural development concerns with the improvement of the living standard of low  income population in the rural areas on a self sustaining basis through transforming the socio-economic structure  of their productive activities.


Community should be regarded as a united body of individual with characteristics of interest, a common historical heritage cultural amenities and socio-economic and political interest.


This refers to the entire group under the study.


This is a small group having all the characteristics of the populations or judgement about entire population is based

FMCS: Farmer multi-purpose cooperative society.

MCS: Multi- Purpose cooperative society

CTLS/CTLS: Cooperative thrift  and credit/Cooperative thrift and loan societies.


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The Role Of Women Cooperatives In Rural Development