Design And Construction Of An Electronic Dice Display With Audio Unit.

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          This work deals extensively with the design and construction of an electronic dice display (EOD) with audio unit.  The device displays the of a hudo dice in numberical form and also produces sound as it displays the number.

The device works with principle of chance employee by ludo game players.  The output of the display is usually very rapid that the player does actually sex the number when the device is switched on so that it will purely be a game of chance.  When the off key is pressed, a patellar number is displayed and this number is the number, the player got.

The operation of the device starts by the generation of a pulse frequency.  The pulse frequency (square wave signal) generated by times (555 times) by connecting in an instable multibibrator.  The output from this timer is used in clocking the binary counter (mod to counter) but this counter is biased to count just from zero through six (0-6) as we have in a lodo game dice.  To achieve this bias in the mod 10 counter, the output from Qo, Q1 and Q2 were connected to the riset prins so that once the counter finishes the count of six or goes back to zero.

The result from the binary counter is then fed to the decoder driver before connecting it to seven segment so that the decoder will be able to covert the binary values to the decinal values that are being used in the ludo game dice.  The seven segment then displays the numbers by lighting the diodes that make up that particular value.

This device is being regulated by a latch (4-edge triggered flipflope) which has two switches, one is used for putting the power supply and the other two push switches for the working of the dice display.


The organization of this work is in seven chapters: the first on the introducing; the second is on the literature review; the thiod on the design of the system; the fourth deals with the construction (implementation); fifth on the testing and result (documentation); sixth on packaging and the seventh on the recommendation and conclusion.

The first chapter: introduction give a general view of what the electronic dice display (EDD) with audio unit is all about, it lists the components required, its aims and objectives, scope, limitations, problems and purpose of study.

The second chapter: literature review explains the different component, that make up the system, their makeup and how they operate.

The third deals on the  design of the system, descrises vividly each component of the system, their operating modes, specifications and applications, schematic diagram of the system showing independent modules which function together to make up the system.

 Construction, the fourth chapter deals with the actual construction of the system, the design requirement, theory of functioning of each module system, breakdown of the module specification and construction.  Calculations and careful selection of the component values of each module are detailed in this chapter.

The fifth chapter which is on the documentation deals on the general description of the work, provides ease of maintenance and usage of the system.

Packaging, the sixth chapter lists the factors that were taken into consideration in the design and construction of the package.

The seventh and the last chapter, recommendation and conclusion gives a general view of what is conversed and the importance of this device.  It also suggested certain areas for further studies.



FIG 1.0       and gate diagram

Fig 1.1        capacitor diagram

Fig 1.2        seven segment diagram

Fig 3.01      block schematic diagram of an electronic dice display

Fig 3.02      block schematic diagram of an audio unit

Fig 3.03      555 timer schematic circuit diagram

Fig 3.04      555 timer block diagram

Fig 3.05      555 timer configuration

Fig 3.06      pin-out connection of a 555 timer

Fig 3.07a    555 timers in astable mode

Fig 3.07b    timing diagram

Fig 3.08      Jk flip flop symbol

Fig 3.09      delay flip-flop from Jk flip-flop

Fig 3.10a    delay flip-flop from JK flip-flop

Fig 3.10b    D flip-flop timing diagram

Fig 3.11      D type flip-flop in TTL

Fig 3.12      Quad-and gate symbol

Fig 3.13a    Circuit block diagram of a digital counter

Fig 3.13b    Output wave forms

Fig 3.14a    circuit block diagram of mod 10 counter

Fig 3.14b    output wave forms

Fig 3.15      Mod 6 counter using decade counter

Fig 3.16      functional logic diagram of BCD to decimal decoder

Fig 3.17      seven segment display layout arrangement

Fig 3.18      seven segment display connections

Fig 3.19      BCD to seven segment block diagram

Fig 3.20      7447 BCD to seven segment decoder driver functional

Fig 4.01      top view of 7414

Fig 4.02      counter configuration for the 7490A

Fig 4.03      top view of 7474

Fig 4.04      top view of SN 7447

Fig 4.05      top view of common unode display

Fig 5.01      output wave of 555 timers



Table 3.1 time table for sK flip-flop

Table 3.2 delay flip-flop forms flip-flop

Table 3.4 and logic gate truth table

Table 3.5 table of counter output in various forms.

Table 3.7 bid to seven segment decoder truth table

Table 4.1a BCD count sequence

Table 5.0 procedure chart

Table 5.1 system flowchart

Table 6.0 program design

Table 6.1 program flowchart


Title page                                                                                ii

Approval page                                                                        iii

Dedication                                                                               iv

Acknowledgement                                                                   v

Abstract                                                                                  vi

Organization of work                                                              viii

List of figures                                                                          x

List of table                                                                             xii

Table of content                                                                      xiii


INTRODUCTION                                                                 1

1.0            Statement of problem                                                    1

1.1     purpose of study                                                           2

1.2     Aims and objectives                                                       2

1.3            Scope                                                                                      3

1.4            Limitations                                                                    3

1.5            Definitions of terms                                                       5


Literature Review                                                                    9


Description and Analysis of the Existing System                             15

Organization structure                                                             16

Objectives of the existing system                                            17


Design of the New System                                                      18

Output specification and design                                                        20

Input specification and design                                                 29

File design                                                                               38

Procedure chart                                                                       39

System flow chart                                                                             41

System requirement                                                                 42


Implementation                                                                       47

Program flowchart                                                                            49


Documentation                                                                        51


Recommendation and Conclusion                                           53              

7.1     Recommendation                                                           53

7.2     Conclusion                                                                     53

Reference                                                                                 55




Instrumentation engineering has advanced widely with the introduction of medium scale integration (MSI), large scale integration (LSI) and very large scale intergration (VLSI).  For purpose of accuracy and reliability, analogue instruments are being replaced by  the digital ones.  The electronic dice display (DD) with audio unit is among this new bread of instruments.

 1.0            STATEMENT OF PROBLEM

The design of an electronic dice display is invented because of the quest for reducing strenuous activities encountered by man, especially in the area of its recreational activities.  This device is used in indo game.  The indo game in its manual operation can be manipulated by the experts so that it can no longer be a game of chance.  Sometimes players can employ tricks on their opponents when playing the game, for example, of the both players are not vigilant, one of them can  event thoart the dice and claimed that nothing happened.  The players too may get tired after playing two or three times because of the stress in shaking and playing the dice, the frequent hitting of the dice’s can on the ludo board can even give cracks in the glass covering the ludo board.  One can even experience the dice getting cost in the game because the dice is very small so if care is not taken it can fall out from the board.  All these problems were taken into consideration before constructing the electronic dice display.


As stated earlier, the design of this device is to help man conguer his environment with the advent of medium scale integration (MSI), integrated circuits (IC) can be used to design devices.  That can help man perform his work effectively, with little or no stress and even sometimes at a cheaper into.  The devices too will eradieated all the stress, tricks and pranks encounted when playing ludo game.


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Design And Construction Of An Electronic Dice Display With Audio Unit.