Design And Implementation Of An Online Death And Birth Registration System

Computer Engineering Project Topics

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 The activities of hospital which includes personal records drugs inventory, disease inventory and birth statistics keeps on growing from time to time due to apparent population explosion. These areas can benefit from the information technology tool called computer. The control and management of the data call for data base management system (DBMS), which handle structured data that will store manual or card index or cabinet containing file. The main objective of this study is to enable the staff ABSUTH to keep accurate record on the birth and death rate statistic. The study will help the staff in many ways and will be useful in the following way; to embrace the full knowledge and impact of computers in birth rate system to enhance efficiency. The new system was designed using Microsoft ASP.NET and HTML programming language. This language was chosen because of its wealth of class libraries and features for developing online based applications.




Title page                                                                     i

Certification page                                                          ii

Dedication                                                                    iii

Acknowledgement                                                         iv

Abstract                                                                       v

Table of contents                                                          vi



1.1      Introduction and historical background                     

1.2      Background of the study                                               

1.3      Statement of the problem                                       

1.4      Objective of the study                                            

1.5      Scope of the study Limitation of the study                

1.6      Definition of terms                                                 



2.1             Review of related literature                               

2.2  Effects of an increasing population                                  

2.3  Effects of death rate on population                                 



       Research methodology and system design                

3.1      Research methodology                                           

3.2      Data analysis                                                         

3.3      System analysis                                                    

3.4      Data presentation                                                  

3.5      Problem discovered

3.6      Proposed system                                                   

3.7      Input/output design                                               

3.8      Design specification                                               



Programming and implementation                                  

4.1      System design                                                       

4.2      System flowchart                                                  

4.3      System requirement                                              

4.4      Program language used                                          

4.5      Program design                                                     

4.6      Program testing                                                    

4.7      Program documentation                                                

4.8      Staff training                                                          

4.9      Changeover procedure                                            

4.10  Implementation                                                     



5.1      Summary, Recommendation and Conclusion                    

5.2      Summary                                                             

5.3      Recommendation                                                   

5.4      Conclusion                                                            

5.5      Suggestion for further studies                                        







The ways computer application is embraced in every aspect of human life shows that every activity, organization cooperation, companies, hospitals etc need to be computerized. Hospital activities are not left out. The information revolution that has moved from the individual age to the information age is as a result of several developments is in electronic and information.


The high to revolution and computer in particular is availability of power at modest cost for the consumption of business organization makes the difference. The introduction of microcomputer to information processing gives to all levels of managers, more power to retrieve and process information; it is not a difficult task to computer specialist.


However, arrival of the desktop computer and ability to retrieve needed information from many driven source, promise a huge increase in productivity of decision makers. Furthermore, it is very necessary to survey continually the use of the newly discovered or developers. The necessary information to make changes of existing technology.


This fact point the need to document every aspect of computer system. Attention should be turned towards reduced need to understand the technicalities, which the system developers bothered with in order to design and implement a new system. The activities of hospital which includes personal record, drug inventory, disease inventory and birth statistics keeps on growing from time to time due to apparent population explosion. These areas can benefit from the information technology tool called computer. The control and management of the data call for data base management system (DBMS), which handle structure data that will store manual on card index or cabinet containing files.


Abia State University Teaching Hospital (ABSUTH) Aba. The ABSUTH, which is my case study, is located along Eziukwu Road Aba in Abia State, Nigeria, it is one of the warfare home established in Aba, it was formerly known as general hospital, Abia State unviesity Teaching Hospital Stated in 1920 by colonial master. It was change to teach 0sing hospital in 1994 and was accredited on June 1996, it is a standard teaching hospital that does the following:

i.            To promise quality medical services to all inhabitant of ABia and its envious

ii.         To undertake the diagnosis and treatment of a board range of ailment etc the hospital has staff strength of over. It has the following department which includes:


vMedical division which has internal medical pediatric obstetric

vGynecology and sergeant


vMicro laboratory

vCattery work

vCentral stores


vNursing departments etc.

 The hospital keeps the following record in this manner: hospital attendance. Number of admission in hospital beds or discharge/death. Delivery which include normal delivery and abnormal delivery, surgical operation.


The medical college also serves a string base for graduated in order to acquire the much needed experience in the medical profession; the hospital has a lot of facilities that include:



vDischarge death

vMedical laboratory ‘;




The body ear unit (BCU) is un-charge of babies born in the hospital. This documentation has created problem in filling unit of the hospital. The problems that have been created through the documentation of file include:

Mostly, it occupies some rooms which should have been useful for other important thing in the hospital.

 Considering the fact that the activities of the organization is operated manually, it become necessary to date the problem encountered in carrying out their daily duty, since the sole aim of the baby care unit produces useful information needed, by the management in the birth and deal rate of the babies in the hospital. It become frustrating when this information is not accurate makes the system to encounter the problem of having so much file work. This transit state above, most a time employee’s file may be missing.

 This hinders any updating that may be necessary in the birth and death rate record. The amount of paper document has increased to the extent resulting difficult in referencing by the research doctors of that particular hospital. The problem of access could be improved by the use of computer and this makes the interest of the researcher to be high on this topic and to the development more point, database management system (An online death and birth registration system from 1997 to 2009 will go long way toward redoing the pare works and difficulties for the nurses and doctors in fact the staff are facing to carry out their daily duties.


The main objectives of the study, is to enable the staff of ABSUTH to keep accurate record on the death and birth rate statistics. This study will help the staff in many ways and will be useful in the following way:

i.            To embrace the full knowledge and impact of computers in birth rate system to enhance efficiency.

ii.           This study will help future employees (doctors and nurses) in the areas of family planning and population study.

iii.         Also the study will help the management to plan organize co-ordinate and control operation to achieve the set objective.

iv.         All the above goes long way to help decision making that will minimize cost hence maximize profit.


Death and birth online registration system are carried almost all over the world today mainly in the develop countries like America, Britain, China etc but the researcher chosen Abia State university teaching hospital aba, as the scope of the study because of the inability of covering all the hospital she wishes to cover, considering this, fact that the activities of the organization are done manually it then becomes necessary to state the problem encountered in carrying out their daily operation. Based on this, if the operation of (BCU) baby care unit is done manually, accurate information will not be drawn but the implementation of online system will help in storage of useful information that may be use in future reference.

1.6            DEFINITION OF TERMS

Automation: This is the use of automation equipment machines to do work that are previously done by people mainly.

Advent: This has to do with the arrival or approach of an important person, event.

Computer: This is an electronic device that accepts, process and sore the processed data as information that may be use for another operator.

Constraints: This is defined as a thing that limits or restricts an individual from processing.

Database: It is a large stores data held in a computer and accessible to a person e.g. individual same, address, sex etc.

Computer hardware: This are those physical peripheries that one can see touch in a computer system and also medical attach to the computer to examine patience body.

Computer software: These are program store in the computer by the manufactures. And more programs can also be stores by the manufactures. And more programs can also be store by the person that bought the computer to be specific task.

Insufficient material: Since the hospital have not introduced the using the computer in previous years. It is very difficult to get necessary material needed to carry out this study and material that are related to online medical system.

Finance: One of the difficulties encountered during study is the lack of money, to finance the researcher in order to get all the materials needed. Some finds it difficult to transport themselves to place where he want to get materials from. Thirdly money to brows for more information mainly current information.

Time constraint: Lack of time affect this study the time given is not enough for the researcher to encounter all the materials he need for the study, in this process he write only on the little materials he got. The above factor makes it difficult for the researcher to obtain all the information required for the competition of the project work. Nevertheless, the few materials gotten and enumerated make is study a successful one despite all odds.

Hard copy: Is the information that is displayed on the screen.

Medical laboratory: This is a place where patient are tested, examined to know the particular problem that they have before treatment.

Cardiologist laboratory: This is a medical doctor who specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease he is an expert in handling specialized equipment such as the electrocardiograph, and in reading the various training that indicate whether the heart muscle is working normally or behaving in some unusual manner.

Pathologist: A pathologist is not a medical doctor although he has some basic training in the effect of medicines upon the human body.

Pharmacologist: A pharmacologist is medical doctor who specialized in the field of drugs and their effect upon the human body.

Laboratory scientist: He/she is a specific in the field of medical laboratory. He directs and supervises a specialized division.

Specimen specialist: This is a substance taken to be tested to represent the whole for definite purpose.

Patience: This is an individual who is sick and the person is admitted in the hospital for treatment.

Ultrasound: This has to do with the following having volume, bulky and copies. 

Website: This is defined as the network of web pages that contain information about a person organization.

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Design And Implementation Of An Online Death And Birth Registration System