Computer Hardware Skills Required Of Nd Secretaries In Imo State

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       This study was conducted to ascertain the computer hardware skills required of ND secretaries in Imo state.  The population of this study was formed using the students in secretarial Administration in federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri.  Questionnaires were also designed and distributed.  It was found that ND secretaries should acquire all these computer hardware skills, as the knowledge of these skills make for accuracy, speed and high productivity in the execution of their duties.  In conclusion, computer hardware skills are very important to ND secretaries so that they will not find it difficult when they get employment.



Title Page                                                              i

Approval Page                                                        ii

Certification Page                                                    iii

Dedication                                                             iv

Acknowledgement                                                  v

Abstract                                                                vi

Table of Contents                                                   vii


Background of the Study                                                1

Statement of the Problem                                        3

Purpose of the Study                                              3

Research Questions                                                 4

Significance of the Study                                                5

Scope of study                                                       5


Computers                                                            6    

Computer hardware                                                7

Components of the computer hardware                            8

Computer literacy                                                   17

Challenges of training ND secretaries on computer hardware skills                                                                          18  


Design of Study                                                     19

Area of Study                                                         20

Population of Study                                                20

Sample and sampling                                              20

Instrument used for Data Collection                          21

Method of Data Collection                                        22

Method of Data Analysis                                          22


Research Question 1                                               24

Research Question 2                                               26

Research Question 3                                               27

Research Question 4                                               29


Restatement of the Problem                                     31

Summary of Finding                                                      31

Conclusion                                                             32

Recommendations                                                  33

References                                                             35






       In recent years, there has been a great advancement in science and technology.


       This advancement is growing rapidly and its impact is felt in all parts of the world and in all walks of life.  Every day brings about the birth of new organization.  The incessant growth of business organization has created a massive development in office technology.


       This development brought about the introduction of various types of machines and system, which has so many resource skills like the keyboarding skills, opening and saving of information skill etc.   The impact of computer in the organizations and societies has been phenomenal (McGraw & Hanson 1978)


       According to Barker and Yestes, as computer is essentially a device for performing automated information (or data) processing tasks.

       According to Eleoba (1995), he defined computer as an electronic device capable of solving complex problems at a fantastic or electronic speed.

       Computer helps to simplifying complex tasks, speed up routine work, information storage, trieval, and the efficiency in general.

       This is where the skilled secretary is concerned since office procedure and computers in the offices affect practices as they integrate many of tasks of the old machines into some system

       According to Leen (1984) computer is in the form of word processing personal computer to mention but a few, does not displace the secretaries efficiency but has come to enhance her performance on the job by simplifying complex jobs.  And these jobs can be performed more effectively only when the secretary has the required skills involved or required in the operation of a computer.


Statement of the problem

       Majority of the ND Secretaries do not know what a computer is, and cannot effectively operate it.  Some have seen a computer but cannot identify the hardware components, which they use in their day-to-day activities.

       This however, has drastically affected the production of competent secretaries.


Purpose of the study

       Generally, the purpose of this study is to find out the computer hardware skills required of ND secretaries in Imo State.  Specifically, this study is designed to:

  1. Determine the computer hardware skills required of ND secretaries
  2. Ascertain the hardware components required of ND secretaries
  3. Ascertain the level of computer literacy among ND secretaries
  4. Know the keyboarding skills required of ND Secretaries


Research question

       In order to accomplish the objectives of this study, the fall owing research questions served, as a guide for this study and satisfactory answers shall provided in the course of this project.

  1. What are the computer hardware skills required of ND Secretaries?
  2. What are the hardware components available for ND Secretaries?
  3. Are ND secretaries computer literate?
  4. Which keyboard skills are required of ND secretaries?

Significance of the study

       This research work will be of immense value to secretarial students.  It will also enable the secretaries to know the various hardware skills required of them for effective performance. 

       It will be of great help to institutions, computer institution and even the employers and the employees.


Scope of the study

       This study is concentrated on the computer hardware skills required of National Diploma Secretaries in Imo State and the need for full computer hardware training in the curriculum of ND secretaries, using Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri as case study.

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Computer Hardware Skills Required Of Nd Secretaries In Imo State