Development Of A Customer Relation, Interation And Complain Management

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 The Issue Tracker system is web based application and it is designed to keep track ofcomplaints registered by the college clients and staffs,so this system need to have distributed platformindependent web application. Incase registration it should be open and assigned to technical and functional staff can update the issue status to closed. The methodology used is the object oriented model.The task of Administratorexecutives can control all the activities in the system, forcreating issue using case registration, assign to technical staff and check the service performance. The web application was developed using JAVA, HTML, JAVASCRIPT, MySQL, CSS



1.0 Background of study                                                                                      1-2

1.1 Statement of Problem                                                                                     2

1.2 Objective                                                                                              3

1.3 Significance of the Project                                                                    3

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.0 Introduction                                                                                          4

2.1 Theoretical Background                                                                       4-5

2.2 Review of Related Literature                                                                6-8

2.3 Summary                                                                                              8

Chapter 3: System Analysis and Design

3.0 Introduction                                                                                          9-10

3.1 Describe the existing system                                                                 11

3.2 Analysis of the proposed system                                                                   11-13

3.3 Design of the proposed system                                                            14-17

Chapter 4: System Implementation

4.0 Introduction                                                                                          19

4.1 Choice of development Environment                                                   19

4.2 Implementation Architecture                                                                20

4.3 Software Testing                                                                                  20-26
4.4 Documentation                                                                                              26

      4.4.1 User Manuel                                                                                26

      4.4.2 Source code listing                                                                       27

Chapter 5: Summary and Conclusion

5.0 Summary                                                                                              28

5.1 Conclusion                                                                                           28

5.2 Recommendation                                                                                  29







Most times, customers have made complains to company under which they have been working with and the complaint have not been heard or look into for solution, or have complained and have not been directed to the right channel And at that process the issue may be left unsolved. This make customers angry, frustrated and wanting to stop doing business or buying or partnering with the company. Customers Happiness are the first priority of Any company, so this web application was created to help company look into rising issues and solve them as soon as possible .

This web application was created so as to help resolve complaints from customers ,and also follow up on the issue if it resolved or not. This project illustrates the development of a issue tracker application.

                   Issue Tracker is an application that allows customers using a company’s product, to make there complains through the application over the internet. A tracking application that typically runs on any browser on the computer where your Web site is located, allows customers to make complains from their homes, offices and were they find themselves as long as access to the internet is made available. Issue Tracker application will be able to notify complain and the complaint will be sent to dash board, were it will be indicated what section the issue will be put in. After the issue has been delivered to any section of your choice it will be processed and a reply will be sent.

  The Manual form of making a complain has not been very reliable over the ages and no comprehensive reply or feedback nor those help in solving the issue at when due.

          Issue tracking system helps the a company to look into rising issues, determine potential problems in the school .

With the advancement in message sending & saving and record retrieval system, the company cannot afford to be ignorance of the basic software tool, which is the driving force behind technological oriented administration. The university can achieve much with a well inform, tracking and well defined database system . The management of institutions is done through network technology, where all the systems of information management has been digitized. All these innovations have the aim to simplify life by making a lot of things ease and efficient.


    My research is aimed at seeing ways of overcoming the problem from customers with conventional complaint management system.

These include;

  1. Incomprehensive complaints history.
  2. Inconsistency in customer interaction.
  3. Lack of prompt updating as to when a complaint issues has been resolved.
  4. Poor performance of the manual system may lead into the missing or exploitative of the complaint by the staff or any member of the management,


This project is aimed at how company can resolve rising issues and improve the efficiency.Thisweb application involves almost all the sections of staff in the company; the future implementation will be online help for the customers .

  • Allow customer to registered and obtain username and password to login into the system and lodge in their complain and view previous complain.
  • To implement a new system called issueTracker. With the use of HTML, JAVA and MYSQL.
  • Rapid responses to customer issues
  • Staff receiving emails and notification for rising issues
  • Customer getting quick response 



The significance of this study is to serve better than the existing system which is highly manual and therefore difficult in terms of monitoring the complaint, it improve database and enhance effectiveness, efficiency and security of the system. It is also intended that the study will help in the development of a new and hopefully and standard better computer aided system.

The new system will save time, reduce improper handling of complaint system and also improve relationship between customer, staff and management.

The system is expected to be easy as customer can login their complaint anytime, staff and management also can equally response to online complaint in a more easy way and reduced turnaround time in responding to customers issues.

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Development Of A Customer Relation, Interation And Complain Management