Effect Of Broken Home On Academic Achievement

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            This survey research conducted to find out the effect of broken homes on primary school pupils academic achievement in Jere Local Government Area. Two objectives and three research questions where formulated to guide the study. The population of the study consists of all the senior pupils in four selected school in Jere Local Area. Through the process of simple random sampling a total number of 100 pupils were selected to participate in the study. The major instrument used for collecting data was a questionnaire. The data collected were analyzed through the use of simple percentages. It was discovered based on the analysis that most of the respondents are not staying –with their parent. They performed below expectation due to lack of security, care and discipline. Their school fees are not being paid in time. On the basis of such findings, recommendation were made that, Borno Government should create academic and counsel unit in Primary School with adequate funds where students from broken homes would be given proper guidance and counseling concerning their psychological and social problem towards.











            Broken home occurs as a result of separation of marriage either by death or divorce. Broken home, contributed a lot to anti-social behaviour society.

            ISAKE (1963), stated that most of them were very unsuccessful because of separation of house, he said broken house can be as a result of divorce of separation by death of the couple.

            The problem of broken homes are universal phenomenal which affect both developed as well as the under develop country. Yet the courses and effect still persist with varying degree in the various part of the world.

            In an ideal atmosphere, Children should happily be with there parents, children appreciated the love of their parent towards them, one of the tasks that should be fulfilled by parents, is to educate their children because the education of children does not start from school. This is because live schooling of students started from home. A home is the walls of the house but the people who live on it make a home. A house only become a home, when if complete. A home also became a house when is not broken.

            Hemm (1970), broken home means a heroic in which the parents are separated or divorced or are no more by either as a result of death. Children from such home lack proper care and security. The suffering of such children could be seen in differed dimension.

            In most cases, adequate parental and affection may not be given to the children properly by the adopted parents that is the guardian. Unfortunately for the children who find themselves in such a manners can been neglected by the fear groups and society instead of being love and care for however, the present day in Nigeria.

            The rate of broken homes are increasing unprecedented, consequently and it is necessary for the psychologist and teacher to find out the relationship between houses and academic achievement of the concern children.

            Parent (1970); homes are a dwelling place we want on to say that it is also a place of natural shelter from rain, sun and cold which is the season. The other point he stressed on was security and care while we concluded by the fact that it provide a place for happy family life with room and equipment for preparing and eating means for recreation.

            When a student imagines his home a “Vacuum Can” Which exposes him or her to same problems in the environment.

            In some societies in Nigeria and other Parents of African such children are regarded as neglected.

            ISAKE and others (1984), mother are considered as the backbones or major providers of programme of services to individual child.

            Based on the needs and understanding of his environment. They said children from broken home feel very sad when they lack the carrying, affection, security and concern for lovely home.

            Those children are supposed to enjoy. Such children tend to develop a kind of inferiority complex, and aggression, hostility, reserved and isolated among their pear groups. They said when children are not secured and not enjoying the love and parental up bringing, it will affect the cognitive loved of the children, thereby affecting their academic achievement.

            However, as the home became as insecurity, place, the children are respond by developing tension, prostration and aggression and anger and hatred toward on or both parents because of their behaviour, that lead to separation and also broken homes could causes the children to feel isolation and humpies.

            Yusuf (1981), reveal that 60 – 70% of backward students of primary Schools in Jere Government Area, are those children from broken homes, some of them are rerunning errant, while some of them do not have adequate school material that will help them study.

            Hence, there are frustrated and psychologically disturbed, when they are in classroom as a result they cannot do well in the school activities.



            The statement of the problem is therefore stated thus, to what limit do broken homes causes by separation divorce or death of parents affect children or student academic achievement. The children social life could also be affected because they became a problem to their society juvenile delinquency, introvert, behavioural disorder etc. that is a sociological deficiency.

            The study investigated the extend lack of parental are affection an security plus discipline affects student academic achievement of students in Jere Local Government Area.



            The objectives of the study are:-

  1. To determine the number of pupils of students from broken home in the selected primary school in Jere Local Government Area.
  2. To determine whether actually broken homes have any effect on children, students or pupils academic achievement.



A. Does lack of parental care, affection and love affect students academic achievement in school?.

B. Does lack of Parental security affect pupils or students?

C. Does lack of parental discipline of affect student academic achievement?



            Many people do not see broken homes as a social problem, which some how affect children born into such homes. To this end this study aims to some extent see how this affect a child in his academic achievement through the study will only be restricted to Primary to Primary School e.g Mafoni Galtimari Primary School in Jere Local Government Area.

            The findings may likely be applicable to other part of the state and also the country at large. Thus, with the introduction new national policy of education (U.B.E).

            The investigation will be an effective tool in the hands of guidance and counseling personnel’s and also psychologist.

            It would also be relevant to teachers in order to help their students despite the problem in the study will also attempt to some extent suggested some hopeful advice and counseling to people who may like to apply them to their marital life situation.



            The study covers Jere Local Government Area as a case study on the effect of broken homes on student academic achievement.

            The study is limited to some selected Primary School in Jere Local Government Area examples of selected primary Schools are:-

  1. Old Maiduguri Primary School
  2. Goni Kachallari Primary School.
  3. Muna Koreri Primary School.
  4. Shehu Sanda Kyarimi Primary School.
  5. Gambori  III Primary School.



BROKEN HOMES: Broken homes in this with parental being

separated as a result of death divorce and willful but temporally staying apart.

ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT: Here it refers to how well or how

poorly a child can perform in the school.

HOME:                                   This is place where people live together as a family.

DIVORCE: This is an illegal dissolution of marriage.

JUVINAL DELIQUENCY: This is a wrong doing by Young


BEHAVIOURAL CLASS ORDER: This is a situation where an

individual abnormal character such as stealing, fishing, aggressiveness toward other hostile etc

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Effect Of Broken Home On Academic Achievement