Role Of Management In Motivating Workers In The Banking Sector

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CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION One of the most significant developments in the field of the organization in recent times is the increasing importance given to human resources. More and more attention is being paid into motivational aspects of human personality, particularly the need of self-esteem group belonging and self actualization. This new awakening of humanism and humanization all over the world has infact enlarged the scope of applying principle of personnel management in organizations. The development of people, their competencies and the process developing the total organization are the main concerns of personnel managers. Extension of organizations in banking sectors face the major problems of professional incompetence and lack of motivation among their employees. Further more, many banking sectors in Nigeria do not have a well defined system of personnel management. Proper planning and management of workers within extensions of organization is essential to increase the capabilities, motivation and over all effectiveness of personnel. Keeping this in view, this research discusses the various dimensions of workers as applicable to extension organizations.
One of the major role of a personnel manager is to recruit, select and place workers at their area of specialty; in other to boost these personnel functions and enable them work effectively, they must be adequately compensated. Comensation being a source of motivation increases the performance of personnel in workplace. Management must first consider what they can reasonably afford to pay their personnel workers and the ramification of their decision; will they affect workers‟ turnover and productivity. In addition, management play vital role in motivating workers and they solely believe that pay can influence their work ethic and behavior towards their job. Moreover, social, economic, legal and political factor also exert influence on the rate at which personnel managers operate. It is hereby articulated that the increase of management creating incentives as a source of motivation tends to boost and increase the rate of response of employees in an organization thereby increasing productivity. 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY
The task facing management in various banking sector in recent times is that of determining what should constitute adequate motivation for the workers. To achieve these objectives,
the environment for the performance of the individuals working in group towards accomplishing common objective must be maintained. Personnel managers as well as employees are the single most important source in any firm. They are the keys to higher productivity and efficiency. Most managers have discovered that productive work cannot be achieved through command, order or executive fiat. The primary aim of personnel managers is to recruit, select and place were they rightly suit, in order words, improved personnel managers productivity and efficiency depends on individuals motivation that gives them job satisfaction. The themes of motivation suggests that personnels who have a clear sense of their own contribution to their firm and who receive effective feedback from their manager are more likely to experience job satisfaction than those who do not. Achieving goals and being recognized for doing so is intrinsically motivational. The satisfaction a personnel derived from their work varies, some derive satisfaction from their environment, good salary they receive other benefits and oversees training courses made available to them by the management.
Those in banking sector derive their own satisfaction from the nature of their job, car loan, rewards, interaction, training exercise and other benefits they receive from the organization. Motivation has a lot to do on workers emotion, when an individual is not motivated he
cannot put in his best. Motivation they say activates human energy. It is a force which leads people to satisfy their important needs. All human behaviour is directed towards a goal. Individual values and goals differ from organizational goals and values. These values help personnel make judgment and decisions on matters affecting them. Personnel in organization have a number of responsibilities. They are responsible to the organization for doing what they are paid to do which is hiring new workers and administering basic resources like pay and benefits and also responsible for meeting their own needs and protecting their own values. According to Eli Ginzberg (1982) in his human Economy, workers want to earn enough from their work to meet the needs of their families and to enjoy a rising standard of living. Secondly, they want reasonable assurance that if their performance is satisfactory they can look forward to holding their jobs and to the special benefit which will accrue to them by virtue of their long term with the organizations. They want their job to provide the satisfaction that comes from the meaningful activities of the management. Finally, workers expect that those who supervise and direct them will not infringe on their rights as human beings and as citizens.
Furthermore, Koontz et al (1982) define motivation in a general term applying to the entire class of desired needs, wishes and similar
force. We can look at motivation as involving a chain reaction on wants or goals sought which gives rise to tension, then causing action towards achieving goals, and finally satisfying wants. We can easily note that many physiological needs are stimulated by environmental factor. The smell of food may make one hungry, a high thermometer reading may make us suddenly feeling hot or the sight of a cold drink may cause an overwhelming thirst, who for example, has not had certain physiological needs accentuated by an attractive advertisement.
Udoh E.U. (1999) says that management has a major influence on our perception and needs. The promotion of a colleague may kindle one‟s desire for a higher position. A challenging problem may want our desire to accomplish something by solving it. Personnel manager like other categories of workers every where are basically the same. They want more money, training exercise, more motivation accordingly. Even in the banking sector, benefits that management can use in motivating personnel managers include, medical facilities, pension, gratuity plans, vacation leave with pay, and sick benefit with pay, housing subsidy, and transport allowance. If these are the needs and wants of personnel managers everywhere in the banking sector, what type of benefit do managers in the sector provide to satisfy the yearning of their manpower. From the situation of things in the
country, we can see that these fringe benefits are being denied to personnel mangers in most banks in Nigeria. We don‟t need anyone to convince us that productivity of personnel managers in such banks is one of the lowest in the sector. However, the basic focus of this study centers on the role of management in motivating personnel managers in the banking sector. Also the study has to look into things that makes recruiting officers in the banking sector feel satisfied in their work as well as the things management in the banking sector have to do to make sure that their personnel derive satisfaction from their work to boost their productivity, using First Bank, Plc, Okpara Avenue, Enugu State as a case study.

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Role Of Management In Motivating Workers In The Banking Sector