The Role Of Public Relations In Community Banking (a Case Study Of Nnebuife Community Bank Nigeria Limited Enugu).

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          Public relation could be defined a deliberate planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its public.

The purpose of this study is to find out a how public relation is practiced at the Nnebuife community Bank Nigeria Limited, Enugu.

The questionnaires administered to the customer, staff and shareholders of the Bank were used in obtaining data for the study.

It was found that Nnebuife community Bank regards public relation as a management function, and as such is given extreme attention by the Bank.

Further study revealed that Nnebuife community Bank treated its customers very well as well as its shareholders, and the employees hence they were all happy to form the publics of the Bank.

The Bank also provided the best financial service possible and values; that is treating their customers with the best services, quality, merit and so on. And this has gone a long way in helping the Bank to survive despite the numerous competitions ensuring in commercial banks and the banking industry in general.

                                      TABLE OF CONTENT


          Title page

Approval page




          Table of contents

          List of tables



1.1            Background of the study

1.2            Statement of problems

1.3            The purpose of the study

1.4            Scope of the study

1.5            Research Questions

1.6            Significance of the study

1.7            Limitations of the study

1.8            Definition of Terms



2.1    What is Public Relations

2.2    Corporate Image

2.3    In-House Public Relations

2.4    Public Relations Practice at Nnebuife Community Bank (nig) Ltd.

2.5    Organisational /structure of Nnebuife Community Bank (Nig.) Ltd.

2.6.1 Publical Environment

2.6.2 Economic Environment

2.6.3 Social Environment

2,6,4           Legal Environment

Social Responsibility

2.8     Public Relations Practitioner

2.8.1 Ability to communicate

2.8.2 Likeability

2.9     Public Relations Media

Bank Shareholders Relations

2.12   Bank Mass-Media Relations

2.13   Bank Staff Relations

2.14    Nigeria Institute of Public Relations



3.1     Research Design

3.2     Area of Study

3.3     Population for the Study

3.4     Sample and sampling Procedure

3.5     Instrument for Data Collection

3.6     Method of Data Collection

3.7     Method of Data Analysis



4.1     Section One

4.2     Section Two

4.3     Section Three



5.1     Summary

5.2     Conclusion

5.3     Recommendation



Appendix I

Appendix II

Appendix III










Table          Title

1                                         Occupational Distribution of the

Respondents in percentage

2                                         Distribution of Respondents in years

Of Transaction with Nnebuife community Bank

3                                         Distribution of Respondents on the

Type of Account Operated.

4                                         Distribution of Respondents on their

Relationship with the Bank

5                                         Distribution of Respondents on their

Perception of the Bank.

6                                         Distribution of Respondents on some

Questions about Public Relations in Nnebuife community Bank

7                                         Distribution of Respondents on the

Number of years of service with the Bank

8                                         Distribution of Respondents on condition of

Services at Nnebuife community Bank

9                                         Distribution of Respondents on whether they are

Happy with their job

10                                    Distribution of respondents on the

Whether public relations practices extended to the staff.

11                                    Distribution of respondents on knowledge of some public

Relations Practices embarked upon by the Bank.

12                                    Distribution of respondents on the number of

Years of shareh9olding with the Bank.

13                                    Occupational distribution of the

Respondents in percentage.

14                                    Distribution of respondents on the type of

Account being operated.

15                                    Distribution of respondents on how they rate

Nnebuife Community Bank

16                                    Distribution of respondents on attendance of

Any public functions of the Bank.

17                                    Distribution of respondents on whether they have

Received any dividend as a mark of co-ownership of the Bank

18                                    Distribution of respondents on the

Image perception of the Bank

19                                    Distribution of respondents on their

Relationship with the Bank.






The banking industry is a service oriented one.  For any service to be desired, there must be a conscious need for it, such a need must be generated by the knowledge of its ability to satisfy customers, requirement

(Okigbo 1990:237).

Generally, community Banks are run on the basis of profits motive, and they all know the importance of public consent to their continued existence and survival.  People are generally influenced by their belief and impression of certain banks and how they perceive these banks determines the way they will patronize them.

A Community Bank should strive to make plans on how they expect to be perceived by the members of the public, and this image can be communicated through the services offered by the bank; the attitude of the bank’s employees as well as the activities came out by the bank.  Since “reputation” is very important in a bank’s growth, the role of public relations cannot be under-estimated.  At best its practice and importance are recognized more as a useful effective tool of corporate image promotion.

The attitude of the Public towards an organization will determine its credibility.  These attitudes could be positive or negative depending on how the organization earns the reputation or image it deserves.

Public relations, which is a two-way communication process involves working with public opinion.  Public relations experts or bridge builders attempt to influence public opinion in a way that is positive to the Babnk they are working for.  It is the responsibility of the public relations expert to disseminate information on what the Bank does and how it does it.

The basic tool for public relations is “communication”. Sequel to this, a public relation personnel must endeavor first to know what the public opinion is through research, how to uphold, correct or change such opinion (planning); after the communication an evaluation of the campaign is necessary for feedback.

Nowadays community Banks generally strive to be seen as efficient and effective”.  Based on this fact, they either set up their own in-house public relations department or employ the services of successful Public Relations Consultancy Firms to polish their image.

 On the other hand, some community bank seem to ignore the importance of public relation practice, a specially when such community bank enjoy the patriotism of the community where it serves.

With the Nnebuife community bank Nigeria limited (NCB), still waxing stronger after over seven years of existence, this study will to a great extent show how the bank has been able to build it customers’ confidence through public relation.

The project work is also to fund out how public relation is practiced at the Nnebuife Community Bank Nigeria Limited, and the means the Bank employ to0 achieve an efficient communication with it relevant public.



             The history of Nnebuife community Bank Nigeria Limited, Enugu could be traced back to 31st may, 1995 when it was issued a provisional License by the corporate Affairs commission Abuja to undertake banking service for the members of the public.

The Bank commerce full          business transaction and operations in August, 1997 with a handful of customer patromsing the Bank, and the number of shareholders is quite encouraging.   

It started with an authorized capital of five million Naira (5,000,000.00). As at the time of this research, the share capital has been increased to Ten Million Naira (N 10,000,000.00) by the corporate Affair Commission in collaboration with the National Board for Community Banks (NBCB).

Nnebuife Community Bank has Men and Women of good reputation and unquestionable character of the helm of its affair and at the top management levels, hence it continuous survival in the midst of the economic devitalisation engrossing the nation and it populace.


          Like any other business enterprise, Nnebuife Community Bank concern is profit maximization. Pursuit of this objective, it is very essential that the Bank put motion some public relation strategy in achieving mutual understanding and good relationship between the Bank and its customer. 

Since profit maximization, and good relationship with the Bank’s public are desirable, the public relation practitioner or whosoever is responsible must work hand in hand in achieving the primary objectives of the Bank. And to achieve the primary objectives of the Bank, it is necessary to investigate the following:

(a) How is public relations practiced at the Nnebuife Community Bank (Nig) Ltd?

(b) Does the Bank have good and functional public relation s policy?

(c) How is the public relations policy implemented?

(d) How does the public relation officer relate to the public / customers of the Bank?

(e) What does the public perception of the Bank look like?



The purpose the study is to find out:

1                   How Public relation is practiced at the Nnebuife Community Bank

2                   The Procedure the Bank employs to achieve efficient and effective communication with its Public.

3                   To justify the need for effective Public relation as a mean for goodwill and Customers satisfaction.

4                   The effect of the Bank Public relation strategy o its customers.


The study will cover the activities of the Public relation or of the general service unit of the Nnebuife Community Bank Nigeria limited.


The study centers on Nnebuife Community Bank in order to carry out research finding on the staff and customers of the bank or customers of the bank perceive the image of the Bank


This study is exploratory. Thus, it only answered series of research question. Most available studies have concentrated on the role of public relation in Nnebuife Community Bank, and how it functions between the staff, customers and the management.

It answered the following research questions:

1       What are the reasons for embarking on public relation practies by Nnebuife Community Bank?

2       Is there a discernibly pattern for the practice of public relation in Nnebuife Community Bank?

3       Does the public relation programme help in promoting the image of the Bank to its various publics/customers?

4       What method does the Bank employ achieving effective and efficient Communication with its public?

5       Is the public relation practice in NCB (nig) ltd a management function?

6       How does public relation practice influence the public of the NCB (Nig) ltd toward perception of the image of the Bank?


1.6                            SIGNIFICANT OF THE STUDY

Th8e significance of this study is to show how Nnebuife Community Bank Nigeria Limited has been able to use public relation to win its cuotomers confidence. The study will further help to educate other Community Bank on the essence of embarking on public relation practice, using Nnebuife Community Bank as a yardstick because of the achievement ht r Bank has gained through public relation effort.


1.7                        LIMITATION OF THE STUDY


This research was not intended to be very elaborate, that is to cover a number of Community Banks. Time constraints and financial setback are the reason why Nnebuife Community Bank was selected as a case study in sampling opinions of employees and customers.


1.9                                  DIFINITION OF TERMS




This is a function or part in life or in any event. In order words, it is a function or part assumed by any person or thing



Cutlip, Broom and Center (1985) states that Public is the group of the people bound together by some common interest that is specific to them.


Chambers concise 20th Century Dictionary defined public as a group of people bound together by a common interest that is specific to them and their situation




This is a contract, communication etc, which exist between people, countries, industries, and organization etc



The British Institute of Public Relation defined Public relation “ as a deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its public.


World Book 2001 Dictionary defined Public relation as the activities of the organization, institution, or individual that are designed to win the favour of the general Public and purpose.



 The action or the process of doing something. In this context, Public relation Practice means the actual duties toward achieving goodwill and to safeguard the reputation of an organization



It is a financial institution that accepts and keeps money for the member of the public. It is also store other valuable items such as gold, jewel lies and other important document for a certain of money.



A Community Bank is a financial institution which is normally owned by the member of Community or by a group of people. They carry out all financial service rendered by community Bank, like accepting deposits, (current, Saving or deposits accounts). They equally grant loans to members of the community and their other customers and transfer demand deposit among customers and bank when ordered or instructed to do so by their customers through the use of Bank cheque. Since they have other commercial bank as correspondent Banks, they can invest in interest earning financial assets.



This is the character or attribute of a person or institution as perceived by the general public. It is the totality of the perception, views, expectation that a given public has on the services or products of an organization or institution.



This is the feelings or estimation toward another person or organization.



This could be defined as a method disposition to respond positively or negatively to a given situation, object, person or product. It is a manner of feeling and behaving.

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The Role Of Public Relations In Community Banking