A Study On The Technological Equipment Needed For Maximum Achievement Of Educational Goals In Office Technology And Management Department

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This study was aimed at identifying technological equipment needed in the Office Technology and Management Department for maximum achievement of educational goal. Using Institute of Management and Technology (IMT) Enugu as the case study. In keeping with the dynamic and technological age, Office Technology and Management Department should be equipped with standard equipments in training their students. It is also important to note that  no amount of hardwork in the part of the students and lectures would yield the best result if the equipments used in training are not adequately provided. To achieve the objective of this study, it has been divided into five chapters. Chapter one deals with the introduction, statement of problem, purpose of study, scope, significance and research questions. Chapter two ex[pressed a look or review of related literature. Chapter three deals with the methodology of the research. Chapter four bring into focus the analysis of data collected and its findings while lastly, chapter five deals with discussion, implication and recommendation. From the data gathered and analyzed, it shows the researcher that equipments plays a unique role in training of secretaries and development of Office Technology and Management department IMT Enugu. It was base on these, that the researcher offered the recommendation that for the department to exist credibility, the school management and state government should give several incentives to the department by providing all the necessary technological equipments needed in order to reach the educational goal which is producing competent secretaries in the future.







Title page                                                                                 i

Approval page                                                                  ii

Dedication                                                                       iii

Acknowledgement                                                            iv

Abstract                                                                           v

Table of contents                                                             vi

List of tables                                                                    ix


1.1      Background of the Study                                                 1

1.2      Statement of The Problem                                        4

1.3      Objectives or Purpose of Study                                        6

1.4      Scope and Delimitation of the Study                               7

1.5      Research Questions                                                         7

1.6      Significance of the Study                                                 8


2.1      Concept of A Sectary and  Office Equipments          10

2.2      Different types of Technological Equipments That are

Needed in the Department of Office Technology

and Management                                                     15

2.3      Training Needs of the Department                           33

2.4      Funding Needs of the Department                           34

2.5      Impacts of Technological Equipment to  the

 Student and the Department of Office Technology

and Management IMT, Enugu                                  36

2.6      The Effect of Inadequate Provision of Modern Office

 Equipment to the Office Technology and

Management                                                            38

2.7      Summary                                                                         39


3.1      Research Design                                                      42

3.2      Area of Study                                                           43

3.3      Population of the Study                                           43

3.4      Sample and Sampling Procedure                             43

3.5      Instrument for Data Collection                                        44

3.6      Validation of the Research Instrument                    44

3.7      Reliability of the Research Instrument                     45

3.8      Method of Administering of the Research Instrument 45

3.9      Method of Data Analysis                                          46


4.0   Presentation of Results Summary of Results/Findings 47

4.2      Summary of Result/Findings                                   66


5.0   Discussion of the Result                                          68

5.2      Conclusion                                                              76

5.3      Implication of the Study                                          78

5.4      Recommendation                                                     80

5.5      Suggestions for Further Research                            82

5.6      Limitation of the Study                                            82

References                                                               86

Appendix 2                                                              87













Table 1:   Simple percentage analysis of the technological

equipments that are needed in the department of

secretaries studies.                                                                  48

Table 2:   Simple percentage analysis of the lists of equipments

needed that are not mentioned                                              49

Table 3:   Simple percentage analysis showing inadequate

provision of equipments that effects people most.                50

Table 4:   Simple percentage analysis of the possible solutions

to the problem of inadequate provision of technological equipment in the Office Technological and

Management department.                                                       51

Table 5:   Simple percentage analysis the modern equipments

 have sufficient advantage over the machines

previously in use.                                                                     52

Table 6:   Simple percentage analysis of the students performing

well in academic without practicing with the modern equipments at school                                                      53

Table 7:   Simple percentage analysis of the students practicing

with the available ones during class work                    54

Table 8:   Simple percentage analysis of the advantage of

equipping the department with these modern equipments54

Table 10: Simple percentage analysis of the training of students

with these equipments enhances high performance in academics                                                                              55

Table 11: Simple percentage analysis of the provision of

the modern equipments promote the growth of

the Office Technology and Management                                56

Table 12: Simple percentage analysis of the positive effects of

training students with modern equipments                           57

Table 13:Simple percentage analysis of the problems students encountered due to inadequate provision of modern equipments to the  department                                         58

Table 14:Simple percentage analysis of the problems students encountered due to inadequate provision of modern equipments in the department                                          59

Table 15: Simple percentage analysis of the factors that are responsible for inadequate provision of modern

equipment to the department                                                 60

Table 17:Simple percentage analysis/recommendation for the prospects, of technological equipment that are needed

in the department of Office Technology and Technology

 IMT Enugu for maximum achievement of education goal.  62

Table 18: Simple percentage analysis showing suggestions/recommendation for the prospects, of the technological equipment that are needed in the

department of Office Technology and Management IMT Enugu for maximum achievement of education goal                   62

Table 19:Simple percentage analysis of the training needs of the Department                                                                          64

Table 20:Simple percentage analysis of the training needs of the department                                                                           65








1.7      Background of the Study

Office Technology and Management department is one of the  departments in the school of Business studies at the Institute of Management and Technology Enugu.

The department was established in the year 1973 with the sole aim of training students in secretarial course. The department since its inception has been trying her best in producing competent secretaries inspite of inadequate equipments.

In view of the present technological advancement in the world today, it is now observed that the Office Technology and Management department is lacking behind in the most office automation, hence this research work. The department lacks some of the essential equipment and facilities needed for effective learning process such as telephone, fax machines, scanners, printer, computers, electronic typewriters etc. The unfortunate thing is that despite the great change in technology, the department is yet to be equipped with these modern machine. They still make use of the manual office machine. If they embrace the new technological equipments they will have a great change in output.

Consequently, the study is aimed at identifying the technological equipment needed in the department. Among the departments in the school of business studies in the Institute of Management and Technology Enugu. The department of Office Technology and Management is expected to be acquainted with the knowledge of these modern equipment because it is only secretaries that uses them.

From the year 1920 to date, there has been an increasing interest in the study and practice of office automation which are the fundamental of office equipment. Before the invention of technological equipments, organizations made use of manuals. The introduction of modrn equipments makes work easier and faster. Denyer J.C. (2981) observed that every office executive realize that the weight of his job is lesser by having adequate equipments in his office.

In a brilliant and exhaustive study by Jennifer I. (1978), she ascribed among others the roles of the secretaries towards  productivity in any organization. A secretary is able to apply knowledge and skills in the usage of modern machines, application of communication skills in the organization through oral, written, face to face and profession reporting. They also acquire completeness of the audio typist through specialized training and being able to apply the skills gained in the learning process. It is pertinent to note that secretary is an important asset to any organization and the modern equipment to train them should not be lacking in the department.

Finally, this study is concerned with the management giving several incentives to Office Technology and Management department because the department is lacking behind in office automation. The technological change in the country and all over the world has made it necessary for secretaries to have proper training on the knowledge of various technological equipments and techniques o manipulating them. Poor knowledge of the manipulating skills makes a graduate of this department uncomfortable and unprepared to face squarely challenges of the job thus our aim here would be defeated and become a complete blow to the society and the nation at large.


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A Study On The Technological Equipment Needed For Maximum Achievement Of Educational Goals In Office Technology And Management Department