Public Administration And Community Development In Anambra State: (an Appraisal Of Selected Communities In Aguata Local Government Area Of Anambra State)

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This project work was geared towards examing and ascertaining the public administration and community development in Anambra State, with particular reference to selected communities in Aguata Local government Area of Anambra. In the bid to achieve this aim or target, primary or secondary sources were used in data collection. The primary source include questionnaire, while the secondary source include text books. A sample size of 500 persons out of the total population of 58.998 persons in the communities under study, comprising both indigenes and non-indigenes from all works of life, was drawn using sample ramdom sampling techniques in view of the sample size, 500 questionnaires were drafted and personally distributed to the sample size, out of which 350 were retrieved and presented accordingly, using frequency distribution tables with research questions, number of respondents, responses and percentages simple enough to understand from the findings, it was discovered that there were some inherent problems in the community of which a greater percentage were aware of it. Government have however in recent past intervened by putting up strategies but the performance of these strategies were not worth the salt, and as a result, able bodied men of the communities have fled to other communities in search for a better life thereby, leaving the communities static and under developed. It was however suggested by the people that the urgent intervention of government of government through the instrumentality of public administration was expedient and necessary and that such intervention should be in all the sectors of the polity or Economy such as economy, agriculture polities, education, health, power and energy infrastructure, etc, since the role of government was considered in evitable, however in reaction to these problems, the research found-out and in response to the findings, the researcher recommended some possible solutions which include: that government should intervene by setting up strategies to curb the problems and bring the situation to its barest minimum, people should shun all acts of corruption a cordial relationship should be maintained by government with the members of the community and finally, the monitoring agencies should be established to monitor projects and implementers to ensure strict compliance to laid-down procedures as well as curb the incidence of corruption, by officers. Finally and conclusively some constraints were encountered in the course of writing his work, such as response to questionnaires, etc. suggestions for further research were also made by the researcher.




Title page

Approval ……………………………………………………………………………i

Dedication  …………………………………………………………..……………iii

Acknowledgment  …………………………………………………………………iv

Abstract  ……………………………………………………………………………v

Table of contents  …………………………………………………………………vi


1.0     Introduction  ……………………………………………………………...…1

1.1     Background to the study …………………………………………………….1

1.2     Statement of problem ………………………………………………….……3

1.3     Research question

1.4     Purpose of study …………………………………………………………….4

1.5     Hypotheses (optional)  

1.6     Significance of the study ……………………………………………………5

1.7     Scope of the study …………………………………………………..………6

1.8     Limitations of the study

1.9     Operationalization / Definition of terms  ……………………………6


          Literature Review and Theoretical framework

2.0     Literature Review ………………………………………………8

2.1     Theoretical framework


3.0     Research methodology

3.1     Research design

3.2     Area of the study

3.3     Population of the study

3.4     Sample  and sampling techniques

3.5     Methods of data collection

3.6     Instruments for data collection  

3.7     Reliability of the instruments

3.8     Validity of the instruments

3.9     Distribution and Retrieval of Instruments

3.10   Method of Data Analysis


Data Presentation and Analysis

4.1     Data presentation

4.2     Analysis of Research Questions

4.3     Testing of Hypothesis (if applicable)

4.4     Interpretation of Results


Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

5.1     Summary of findings

5.2     Conclusion

5.3     Recommendation







During the colonial period in Nigeria the government performed very limited functions such as the maintenance of law and order, defense and collection of revenue. But after attaining independence, the government has totally changed. The government has gone beyond the traditional function of maintaining law and order, defense and revenue collection. Their functions now include both development and national building activities.

        Investigations carried out proved that in community development in Nigeria, with particular reference to selected communities in Aguata Local Government Area of Anambra State, the people especially the poor, expect many things from the set of public Administration or the government   . The poor expect many things from government. The poor and weaker sections look up to government to improve their lot and allieviate their misery. Thus, in response to the rising expectations of the people, governemtns of these communities in Aguata Local Government have assumed enormous responsibilities in order to improve the social and economic conditions of the people, thus bringing community development through the instrumentality of Public Administration.

        Consequently, since developing societies are engaged in rapid socio-economic transformation under the leadership of government, public administration necessarily has a very crucial and fundamental impact in the society. Thus, this work is designed and set to find out public administration and community development with particular reference to selected communities in Aguata Local government Area of Anambra State, as well as make recommendations.


        From the background of the study, it is evidenced that some problems actually necessitated the changing of government in these communities after independence, prominent among them include: 1.  Lack of social amenities in these communities.

2.     Poor infrastructural facilities, such as good roads, schools, hospitals, electricity etc which led to the non-development of these communities.

3.     The social and economic condition of the people was very poor.

4.     Poverty engulfed the weaker section of the people of which many died as a result of hunger, starvation and mal-nutrition, especially the women and children.

        Consequently, the issue which arises from this study is to ascertain the importance of Public “Administration in Anambra State in order to alleviate or reduce these problems evidenced in these communities to it’s bearest minimum.


        For the purpose of this study, the following questions are considered important and were used to find suitable answers to these problems. They are:

1.     What is the problem facing the communities?

2.     Does the government strategies to proffer solution to the challenges facing the community?

3.     What is the relationship between the communities and the government ?


The broad purpose of this study is to ascertain the impact of Public Administration and community development to selected communities in Aguata Local Government and the developing societies at large.

1.     To find out the impact of Public Administration in developing societies in general, particularly the selected communities of Aguata Local Government.

2.     To find out the causes and effects of poverty and other problems of the developing societies in community development with particular reference to the selected communities in Aguata Local Government in Anambra Sate.

3.     To find out the reason or reasons behind the changing of government in community development with particular reference to the selected communities in Aguata Local government in Anambra State.


        The overall significance or importance of this study, and  the beneficiaries of this research work are as follows;

1.     It will be of great value to potential administrators, and policy makers to embark on efficient policy and decision making.

2.     It will help the people of developing societies or communities to be aware of the essential and crucial of Public Administration in the community, thus, support and embrace the subject matter.

3.     Students of Public Administration will also benefit as they will begin to understand and appreciate their course of study in improving community development and the national economy.

4.     Finally, this study after documentation will serve as a reference material for similar studies in the future.


        This research work is geared towards ascertaining Public Administration and community development in Anambra State, focusing on some selected communities in Aguata Local Government Area of Anambra State.

                Aguata Local Government Area of Anambra State is made up to fourteen (14) communities namely:  Ekwulobia, Isuofia, Agulu-Ezechukwu, Uga, Achina, Umuchu, Amesi, Akpo, Nkologwu, Ikenga, Ezinifite, Umuoha, Igbo-ukwu, Ora, eri. This study will however be limited to Ekwulobia and Isuofia communities only, so as to ensure an in-depth study.


        In the course of writing this project research work, the research encounted some inevitable constraints in an effort to make the study a reality. Some of these constraints include:

1.     Financial constraints: In as much as finance is fundamental to the meaningful completion of the study the researcher found it a bit difficult raising the needed and required finance.

2.     Time constraints: the paucity of time had a serious impact in conducting the research work. The time lay between the approval of the project topic and the submissions was a serious problem as the researcher had to battle with the limited time available to conduct the research concurrently with his academic schedules.

3.     There was also the problem of insufficient data within the research of the researcher.

4.     Finally, there was little delay in responding to the questionnaire due to the busy and tight schedule of the respondents as at the time of this study.


        These are terms used in this research work which are worthy of definition. They are as follows:

1.     Public Administration: This means governmental administration it is the study of the management of the public agencies that carryout public policy or policies in order to fulfill the state purpose in the public interest.

2.     Community Development: This is a set of values and practices which plays to overcome poverty and disadvantages


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Public Administration And Community Development In Anambra State: (an Appraisal Of Selected Communities In Aguata Local Government  Area Of Anambra State)