Invitro Determination Of Bacteriocidal Effect Of Garlic On Staphylococcus Aureus

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          Invitro determination of bacteriocidal effect of garlic extract on staphylococcus aureus causing skin and urinary tract infection (UTI) on some female patients were studied.

High vagina swab (HVS) samples were collected randomly from selected number of patients who had symptoms similar to that of Staphylococcus aureus activities.  The samples were inoculated on Macconkey agar and nutrient agar and incubated at 370c for 24-48 hrs.  Colonies that appeared pinkish in whitish creamy and yellowish on nutrient agar were gram stained and examined microscopically. Also, biochemical tests were carried out in order to characterize the organism present in each positive sample 80% of the samples examined were found to react positively to Staphylococcal infections. It’s prevalence is more among the age range of  18 – 30 years.  It is suggested that government should encourage public health education on the potency of the cheap and readily available antibacterial agent like garlic and it’s addition to daily dietary which will act as a prop drug especially to women to reduce the incidence of S. Aureus  that causes skin and urinary tract injection.  Garlic extract has been proved to be an excellent cure to the ailment.






          I wish to express my profound gratitude to my supervisor, Mr. Nwaogbaga A.C. for his sincere advice, suggestion and guidance throughout the period of this project and the pains he took in reading through the manuscript and making necessary correction.

          My thanks go to Mr. Nwamaghinna, my immediate elder brother Dick Sunday, and all my brothers who contributed immensely to the success of this project by giving me moral and financial support.  My hearty gratitude also goes to the entire staff of science Technology Department.  IMT.  Enugu.

          Finally, my thanks go to my only Sister Mrs. Comfort Enyinnaya and to my cousin Mr George O Chukwu and also to my faithful brother pastor Victor Mba who helped prayerfully to see that the work was well done.




                                                                   SUNDAY ENYIDIYA. P


TABLE OF CONTENTS                                  

Title page                                                                      





Table of content                                                            

List of tables                                                                           

List of figures      



1.0            Introduction

1.1     Aim and objectives

1.2            Hypothesis

1.3            Delimitation

1.4            Statement of problem



2.0            LITERATURE REVIEW


3.0            Materials and method

3.1     Bacteriological culture

3.2            Sterilization

3.3            Collection and transport of specimens

3.4            Laboratory examination of H.V.S. Sample

3.5            Biocehmical characterization of isolates catalase

3.6            Procurement and extraction of garlic extract

3.7            Serial dilution

3.8            Disc preparation

3.9            Impregnation of thegarlic extract into the paper disc.

3.9.1    Sensitivity testing of garlic extract





4.0            Result

4.1     preliminary identification of bacteria isolate

4.2            Biochemical test showing staphyloccoccus aureus

4.3            Sensitivity testing using garlic extract and three antibiotics indicating their zone of inhibition.



5.0            Discussion, conclusion and recommendations

5.1     Discussion

5.2            Conclusion

5.3            Recommendation









I        The level of bacteria according to age range                            37

II.      Preliminary identification of bacteria isolate                           38

III.     Biochemical test carried out to identify staphylococcus

Aureus                                                                           39

IV      Sensitivity testing using garlic extract and three

antibiotics                                                                      40

V       Table for minimum inhibitory concentration                           40

VI      Bacteriocidal evaluation of garlic extract                       41









LIST OF FIGURES                                           PAGES


I        CHEMICAL STRUCTURE OF ALLICIN                     30

II       Flow chart of garlic extract                                            30

III      Flow chart of serial dilution                                           31

IV      Disc before incubation                                                   35

V       Disc after incubation                                                      36












Allium satirum  commonly known as garlic is an odoriferous plant belonging to a family lilacease.  It is a small perennial herb with narrow flat leaves and surrounded by membranous patches, it is grown mostly in  Northern Nigeria. It is used primarily for seasoning or spice and also for its medicinal property.  The plant  contain a medicinal properly just like other plants such as aloes, Indian liquorices, alligator pepper etc which are also found useful, although the extend is not accurately recorded.  The medicinal property of garlic is due to its “sulphur” content which was believed to be responsible for it’s medicinal value.  Garlic as a medicinal plant has been widely used and found to be effective on number of serious infections.  Other plants like the ones mentioned earlier also have their medicinal properly, some which is as a result of the presence of ackloids, volatile oils, polyphenol and some related sulphur compound contained in them.  Similarly,  some are found to be used as  vermifuge, stimulating carminative toxic and also as condiments and for treatment of worm bites just like garlic.

          The diluted juice of the fresh bulb is used externally as a mild antiseptic and the finely chopped cloves added to food act as an effective vermifuge.  By the distillation of the bulb, a volatile oil consisting mainly of daily disulphide


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Invitro Determination Of Bacteriocidal Effect Of Garlic On Staphylococcus Aureus