Design And Implementation Of Password Basedaccess Control With Intruder Alert System

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The necessity of a low cost electronic home security system designed in co-ordination with other security measures is always there in our society to reduce the risk of home intrusion. Keeping this problem in mind, we are working on a project on automatic password based control system which is technology is based on access control system. We want to utilize the electronic technology to build an integrated and fully customized home security system at a reasonable cost.

This is the design and construction of access control system which is use in locking or switching on and off a password based design through a microcontroller (at89s52) for example creating a password system to make led on and off when the write password is entered



Title page                                                                                          i

Certification page                                                                              ii

Approval page                                                                                  iii

Dedication                                                                                         iv

Acknowledgement                                                                             v

Abstract                                                                                            vi

Table of content                                                                                vii



1.1 Background of the study                                                             1

1.2 Statement of problem                                                                           3

1.3 Aim and objective                                                                       3

1.4 Scope of the project                                                                    4

1.4 Scope of study                                                                                      5

1.5 Significance of the project                                                           4

1.6 Project limitations                                                                       4

1.7 Definition of importance terms                                                   5

1.8 Project report organizations                                                        5




2.1 Origin of the project                                                                    6

2.2 Types of digital                                                                           7

2.3 How it works                                                                              13



3.1 Project specification                                                                    14

3.2 Concept review                                                                           14

3.3 Block diagram of the project                                                       15

3.3.1 Functions of each block                                                                     15

3.4 Design program flow chart                                                                   16

3.5.1 Analysis of the flow chart diagram                                          17



 4.1 Project resource centre                                                               18

4.1.1 Choice of material                                                                    18

4.2 Circuit diagram of the design                                                      19

4.2.1 Circuit diagram analysis                                                                    19

4.3 Design implementation steps                                                      20

4.3.1 Component listing                                                                   20

4.4 Component analysis and descriptions                                        21

4.4.1 Diode rectifier                                                                          21

4.4.2 Transistors                                                                               40

4.4.3 Battery power supply and Lm7805                                         45

4.4.4 Led                                                                                           47

4.4.5 Microcontroller (Atme189s52)                                                50

4.4.6 Resistors                                                                                  58

4.5 Component gathering                                                                 62

4.5.1 Component testing                                                                   62

4.6 Design steps                                                                                64

4.6.1 Component placing and wiring                                                         64

4.6.2 Component soldering                                                                        65

4.7 Embedded software integration                                                  65

4.7.1 Programming language                                                                      66

4.7.2 Programming steps                                                                  66

4.7.3 Design program source code                                                    66

4.7.4 Compilation of the source code (Language-assembly-hexadecimal or machine code)                                                                                                    76

4.7.5 Burning of the hex file into the microcontrollers                      76

4.7.6 Inserting the microcontroller into the hardware design            77

4.8 Circuit test                                                                                  77

4.9 Packaging                                                                                    77

4.10 Design test and error corrections                                                        77

4.11 Final test                                                                                   77



5.1 Summary                                                                                    78

5.2 Problem encounter                                                                      78`

5.3 Suggestion for further design                                                      79

5.4 Recommendation                                                                        80

5.5 Conclusion                                                                                 80

          Reference                                                                                 81

          Appendix                                                                                82



1.1  Background study

Traditional lock systems using mechanical lock and key mechanism are being replaced by new advanced techniques of locking system. These techniques are an integration of mechanical and electronic devices and highly intelligent. One of the prominent features of these innovative lock systems is their simplicity and high efficiency.

Such an automatic lock system consists of electronic control assembly which controls the output load through a password. This output load can be a motor or a lamp or any other mechanical/electrical load.

An electronic lock (or electric lock) is a locking device which operates by means of electric current. Electric locks are sometimes stand-alone with an electronic control assembly mounted directly to the lock. Electric locks may be connected to an access control system, the advantages of which include: key control, where keys can be added and removed without re-keying the lock cylinder; fine access control, where time and place are factors; and transaction logging, where activity is recorded. Electronic locks can also be remotely monitored and controlled, both to lock and unlock.

Many times we forgot to carry the key of our home. Or sometimes we come out of our home and door latch closes by mistake. In these cases it is really difficult to get inside the house. This project is designed to solve this purpose. Main concept behind this project is of a door-latch opening using a password entered through keypad. As well as turning on the Buzzer when password is entered wrong for multiple times. User can change this password anytime he/she wish using a keypad.

Here we develop an electronic code lock system using 8051 microcontroller, which provides control to the actuating the load. It is a simple embedded system with input from the keyboard and the output being actuated accordingly.

This system demonstrates a password based door lock system wherein once the correct code or password is entered, the door is opened and the concerned person is allowed access to the secured area. Again if another person arrives it will ask to enter the password. If the password is wrong then door would remain closed, denying the access to the person.

The main component in the circuit is 8051 controller. In this project 4×3 keypad is used to enter the password. The password which is entered is compared with the predefined password. If the entered password is correct then the system opens the door by rotating door motor and displays the status of door on LCD. If the password is wrong then door is remain closed and displays “pwd is wrong” on LCD.

1.2  Statement of problem

Home security is one of the major needs of human race, coming to security locks electronics system has introduce different ways of protecting lives and properties by the use of password authentication, this system has one of the major electronic advanced system and can be used in different locking system.


1.3  Aim and objectives

The aim of this project is to design and construct a digital password based locking system which is use in different places for door authentication and other form of locking system.

Objectives includes:

a.     To design and create a password door locking system

b.     To implement and show how to design a password looking system

c.      To show stages involve in the design and implementation of password based system.


1.4  Scope of the project

A student will be show on how a digital password system works, how it can be implemented and different stages on how to design and construct a password locking door.

1.5  Significance of the Project

It is important to increase the system of our various abode with a dependable security system, password system are not just used for security purpose but due to its mode of operation has being applied to car ignition lock joints and engine voltage supplied when it saves as a security system for car system. It importance does include:

a.     As a fast way to increase security intrusion protection

b.     It saves a better way to protect homes and properties by using the user personal identification system for effective protection.

c.      It also help in highly advance ones to trace treat finger tips if when trying to intruder without authentication number accuracy etc.

1.6  Project limitations

a.     If not supplied the recommended voltage can keep the door lock until the voltage level is reached.

b.     It has a low authentication Barry and can be breaker by hackers.

c.      Only one password can be used which only known by the users

1.7  Definition of important terms

Keypad:  human interface numerical button to typing passwords

Microcontroller: a programmable unit that controls the whole section

Password: a set of security number or code use only by one person for security authentication

1.8  Project report organizations


Chapter one carries the introduction, aim and objective, scope of study, limitation of the work, significance and the project report organization of the work. Chapter two carries the literature review of the work along with other reviews of the project. Chapter three carries the project design methodology and steps which lead to the construction of the project. Chapter four testing the project design, observation and Bill of engineering. Chapter five carries summary and conclusion.


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Design And Implementation Of Password Basedaccess Control With Intruder Alert System