Effect Of Mass Media Campaign On The Hiv Aids Menace In Nigeria

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          The media as had been established can provide for audience members information on Varity of issue.  By emphasizing certain topic stressing particular interpretation and projects specific themes the media creates some distorted impression with their “ definition” portraying  reflection of the real society ie if sexual promiscuity is  regularly portrayed as widely practices and accepted in this sense, the viewers  may accept such definition as normative in the society  because of media definition when somebody defines his/ her own over behavior in such a situation norms  internalized from media sources may guide his/ her  conduct.

          The media has gone a long way in teaching people some behavioral practices and pervading them to internalize the norm. the presence of media has attended the nature of societal communication norms

          Large advance has concentrated on the media to provide a continuos flow of news entrapment    political commentaries and other types of messages people depend on te media for various forms of gratification open content and if denied such communication they feel deprived and show (Benelson 1950:887-898) the potential effect of the media in shaping attitudes and  behaviors of people has been the subject of considerable debate because many faction both good and bad aspects modify media influence.  It is clear that the media to have at least  and indirect influence on people attitudes and this is by making them aware of events outside their immediate experience / knowledge.

          We    have learned through research that the images and world carried by media determines within the limitation posed by intervening  factors  opinions  of people and this actions woodier wilson  1998” said “unless you get the right thing go wrong it is believed that the perfect world there is often a vital step to finding the cure for many social ills.

          In this it is believed that extensive coverage and true  information from media houses on the Hiv / AIDS campaign will  reach and perhaps touch on the sexual   habits of youths  particularly in Enugu  environs.

          The backgrounds of this study reflect that this epidemic is called Hiv/ Aids when a disease is sexually transmitted the public and efforts to eradicate it are fortified because of its effect to the society.  As at present one may say that AIDS is our published, it is the worst disease to have  struck human rale since the plaque of the 14th century.

Some health experts are saying that this will cause even more deaths and destruction then the black plague while experts are looking for remedy to this dreadful disease others claim to  have the  capability and even cure for Aids  victim  but was said to have  lacked scientific proofs.  Mean while statistic should that is million people are with this disease and do not know  it for year (VAN IMPT 1987 P.1)



          The devastating  disease “acquired immune  deficiency syndrome” (AIDS ) and human immune virus  (HIV )  came  into the world in 1981  when Dr  Michael Gottle  of the university of California  noticed   unusual  disease “Pnemocystiscarini prieumonia “ in four patients that were homosexuals and all below 40years  age (Njoku, 1989) .

          The world health organization (WHO) explained it to be a virus of  “undermined geographic origin” the  first case of HIV / AIDS  were identified in the U.S.A in  1981  and  the disease was first recognized in  Uganda in  1982, but cases of it  had been observed in the early 1970’s before  it was fully identified.  The virus  causing  it HIV – was discovered in 1983 it was  not up unit march 1986 that the second  type of AIDS virus named  HIV –2  were discovered (Njoku obi 1989) the first confirmed Aids case in African was  reported in 1984 in Nairobi kenya apparently  AIDS   came  from  green  monkeys in Africa.  This is the theory and scientific proof and it moves to what  is known as the “species barrier” from animal to humans this has terrible effect on human and its gotten  through monkeys but  or bestiary (sexual activity between a human and an animal) but the shocking thing is that one person of American has committed such acts with  animals (VAN IMPT 1987:29)


          It is estimated that among couples where one partner is a carrier there is one in four chances that if  carriers is male he will infect the female  and one in ten possibility that the female will infect the  male (THE CUARDIAN JULY 2 1992) prognosis (force cast of problem development ) current statistical report suggest that if a person becomes  HIV positive (A) there is a 60 tendency of developing in AIDS within 10 years of diagnosis.  The figure is based on studies of group of HIV individuals who were inflected 10 years ago.  The remaining 40% many suffer  health  problem such as skin and  genital  diseases one as person  has been diagnosed as having full blown  AIDS life  expectancy  is an average of 20 months ( THE GUARDIANS, JULY 2, 1992)


          HIV /AIDs is common homosexual intravenous drug abuser hemophiliacs and recipients of blood transfusion and heterosexual partner of AIDS victim.  Among the risk groups Homo’s constitute about 75% of the victims’ intravenous drug abusers constitute about 15% and the remaining 10% is distributed among other groups (Njoku obi1989)


          HIV /AIDS can be transmitted through sexual relationship (homosexual or heterosexual) blood transfusion and meternofetal (before ordinary or after birth) This certain  individuals  are placed at a very high risk of being exposed to the disease (Njoku obi, 1989)



          It  takes on the average of 29 months and 12 months between exposure to the virus and  manifestation of AID in adults and children respectively.  The virus can however, remain dormant  in an individual for up to Aid  in children partly explain the time high estimate risk of AIDS is children compared to adults although their immune system and blood value  may be relevant says Prof. Njoku (Njoku obi 1989)


          On the 24th  of June1986, the then honorable minister for health  Prof. ransom  kuti, uncapurated   the national “Expert advisory committed  on  AIDS (NEACA) to advice him  on the statue   of  AIDS in  the country and possibly measure  to  control it’s spread  up to the end of 1988, NEACA has screened over 25,000 person which proved positive  for.

          The first person to die of AID was a thirteen  years old girl  who was discovered to be Hiv carries  in 1996 there was total infection of AIDS victim  which toll up to 22.6 million’ where as 6.1million died of this AIDS. And if the epidemic is unchecked the figure will go up by the tear 2005. Over 300 people infected  daily 3% are  male while the remaining 7% are female (THE GUARDIANS JULY 31, 2000 )

          Last week  it was  reported to  deputy  governor of cross river state chief John Okpat  that  150 person tested positive in the others state of the  federation.

Obviously,  AIDS is  no respecter of person.  Any body can fall victim to it at any time except of one  play  safe by using condom or by abstaining  totally from anything  that will expose one to the disease or victim. earlier researches done or this subject have shown that the greatest numbers infected  are from the age of  20- 40 yrs. This disease that touches the most intimate and most private past of human lives without vaccines for prevention and cure demands our greatest concern effort and our utmost attention.



The  role  of mass media in a society cannot be over emphasized.  It gives beyond the ordinary art  and science of new gathering  and  dissemination to shaping  opinions and  attitude of people  accurate analysis and interpretation of news event through their information education entertaining   and socializing function the mass media affect people attitude and behavior (Graham mitten 1983 32 )

          In  this topic however the effect of mass media campaign on  HIV /AIDS menace  in Nigeria is knowledge acquire through frequency of firm, and coverage of  campaigns behavior instincts  and  knowledge of  sexuality supporting a  programme  and  other factors are employed to  measure persuasion campaign effectiveness.  In view of there programmes it therefore becomes necessary to take a had look at the role of the media in the HIV / AIDS menace in our society especially  in Enugu metropolis.

          However research  is  a systematic  search of  knowledge facts with the primary aim of finding solution to existing  problem.  Proper identification of the problem  (s) steaminess the direction of the study.  Therefore the problem this work aims at solving are

 Research work aim at solving are.

a.                  To  know the effectiveness of media toward informing  people on the ills of HIV/AIDS

b.                 To determine the major sources of information regarding to HIV /AIDS

c.                 To effect exposure to HIV/AIDS campaign on the sexual behavior of the people in Enugu metropolis.



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Effect Of Mass Media Campaign On The Hiv Aids Menace In Nigeria