Construction Of Solar Panel In Science Laboratory Technology Department Institute Of Management And Technology, Enugu State

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Solar panel circuit is a device that collects solar radiation from the sun and actively convert that energy into electricity. They comprised of several individual solar cells. These solar cell function similarly to large semi conductors and utilize a large area section. We use solar energy as backup for electricity generation to enhance the availability of electricity which the national grid is unable to provide. It serves as a renewable energy supply it does not have effect on climate change. It is unlimited resource, reduces air pollution. We ensured proper mounting and their results connections.




1.1     Background of the Study

A Solar panel is a set of solar photovoltaic modules on a supporting structure. The solar panel can be used as a component of a large photovoltaic system to generate and supply electricity in commercial and residential applications. Solar cells are typically semi-conductor devices.

Considering the rising need for electricity, the product of this project can be used as a backup for electricity generation to augment for the difference in power supply which the national grid is unable to provide. Crisis is power sector is a major problem in the present era. This problem is even more critical for a densely populated developing countries. Many of our people live without electricity which is the basic utility.

Day by day crisis in the power sector is increasing whereas there is God ‘s given abundant natural solar energy.   

1.2     Aim of Study

The aim of this project is to construct a solar panel circuit in order to reduce the shortage of power supply by making use of solar panels to produce energy that can serve as an alternative to the power electricity supply in Nigeria.


1.3     Scope of the Study

To power 1hourse power water pump and all the light points in the department of science laboratory (IMT) Enugu.


1.4     Limitation of Study

The system was designed to power a total of 5kW load.


1.5     Significance of Study

With the successful implementation of the project, the problem resulting from the incessant power cuts in the department of science Laboratory Technology would be solved. 

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Construction Of Solar Panel In Science Laboratory Technology Department Institute Of Management And Technology, Enugu State