Free Food Technology Project Topics

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1 Nutrient And Anti Nutrient Content Of Raw, Fermented And Germinated Millet Flour

ABSTRACT The nutrient and anti-nutrient content of raw millet, fermented and germinated millet flour were followed during a germination of 48h and a fermentation of 72hrs. There was a significant decrease in the anti-nutritional factors with tannins from 0.357%, to 0.157%, phytates 0.144% to...

2 Effect Of Oil Types On The Physio-chemical And Organoleptic Qualities Of Akara

ABSTRACT Akara is a tasty snack enjoyed by different sections of the population.  This project investigated the effect of oil type on the sensory and chemical properties of akara produced from three different oil samples.  The cowpea samples were soaked, washed, dehulled, grind, mixed...

3 Determination Of Some Physical Properties Of Fresh And Dried Tiger Nut (cyperus Esculentus)

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to determine the physical properties of fresh and dried Tiger nut which are essential for designing engineering processes, material handling, storage, equipment design and fabrication. Samples of Tiger nut were collected from the market (Ekeonunwa), both fresh...

4 Producing And Sensory Examine The Biscuit Using Wheat Flour Cassava Flour Abacha Floor And African Yam Bean Flour

PRODUCING AND SENSORY EXAMINE THE BISCUIT USING WHEAT FLOUR CASSAVA FLOUR ABACHA FLOOR AND AFRICAN YAM BEAN FLOUR Abstract Production of biscuit using composite wheat / Abacha / African yam bean flour was investigated. Cassava root from one year old was used for the production of Abacha...

5 Nutrient Composition Functional And Organoleptic Properties Of Complementary Foods From Sorghum

NUTRIENT COMPOSITION FUNCTIONAL AND ORGANOLEPTIC  PROPERTIES OF COMPLEMENTARY FOODS FROM SORGHUM ABSTRACT Complementary foods were formulated using sorghum, African yam bean and crayfish. The nutrient composition, functional properties and organoleptic attributes of the formulated...

6 Importance Of Utazi Gongronema Latifolium And Nchuanwu Ocimum Gratissium

IMPORTANCE OF UTAZI GONGRONEMA LATIFOLIUM AND NCHUANWU OCIMUM GRATISSIUM ABSTRACT The research work was focused on the possible vitamin composition of Utazi (Gongronema  latifolium) and Nchuanwu (Ocimum gratissimum) leaf juice. Here, it was only the vitamin A and C that were...

7 Effects Of Different Processing Methods Of Afzelia Africana (akpalata) Seed Flour As A Soup Thickener

EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT PROCESSING METHODS OF AFZELIA AFRICANA (AKPALATA) SEED FLOUR AS A SOUP THICKENER ABSTRACT Afzelia africana seeds (African Oak) were processed into flour using three different treatments. The treatments include: raw Afzelia Africana flour (sample A) the control. The seeds...

8 Production Of Jam Using Banana Its Nutritive Value

PRODUCTION OF JAM USING BANANA ITS NUTRITIVE VALUE ABSTRACT Production of jam is a process being advocated for the preservation of our seasonal fruits during their fruiting period. This work is aimed at producing jam without the combination of fruits and to produce without adding colourants...

9 The Physico-chemical And Antioxidant Properties Of Culinary Herbs And Local Spies

THE PHYSICO-CHEMICAL AND ANTIOXIDANT PROPERTIES OF CULINARY HERBS AND LOCAL SPIES Abstract           a comparative study was done on the physico-chemical and antioxidant properties of some culinary herbs and local spices. Piper Guiness (Uziza),...

10 The Effects Of Different Processign Techniquies On The Organoleptic Quality Of Soymilk Processing And Storage

THE EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT PROCESSIGN TECHNIQUIES ON THE ORGANOLEPTIC QUALITY OF SOYMILK PROCESSING AND STORAGE ABSTRACT   Soymilk was processed from soymilk (Glycine Max) seed using that different processing techniques: A       Hot extraction...

11 Production Of Mixed Fruit Using Fuse Locally Soured Citrus Fruits Orange (citrus Silences) Tangerine Citrus Reticulate) Lemon C Groups (citrus Paradox).


12 Isolation And Performance Evaluation Of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae From On Palm Wine

ISOLATION AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF SACCHAROMYCES CEREVISIAE FROM ON PALM WINE ABSTRACT Saccharomyces cerevisiae was isolated from the fermenting sap of flaeis guinneensis. The yeast isolate was used in dough proofing at different temperatures. The samples B, C, D, E, and F, (containing...

13 Effect Of Storage Time On The Functional Properties Of Wheatbambka Groundnut Blend

EFFECT OF STORAGE TIME ON THE FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF WHEATBAMBKA GROUNDNUT BLEND                       ABSTRACT Study of effect of storage time on the functional properties of wheat...

14 Use Of Composite Flour Blends For Biscuit Making (peanut/cassava Flour)

USE OF COMPOSITE FLOUR BLENDS FOR BISCUIT MAKING (PEANUT/CASSAVA FLOUR) TABLE OF CONTENTS   Title page Approval page Dedication Acknowledgement Abstract Table of Contents   CHAPTER ONE 1.0     Introduction 1.1     Statement of...

15 The Status Of Processing And Preservation Of Cereals In Nigeria

THE STATUS OF PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION OF CEREALS IN NIGERIA TABLE OF CONTENTS   Title page Approval page Dedication Acknowledgement Table of contents   CHAPTER ONE 1.0     Introduction   CHAPTER...

16 Production Of Jam Using Banana/its Nutritive Value

  PRODUCTION OF JAM USING BANANA/ITS NUTRITIVE VALUE ABSTRACT Production of jam is a process being advocated for the preservation of our seasonal fruits during their fruiting period. This work is aimed at producing jam without the combination of fruits and to produce without adding...

17 Production And Acceptability Studies Of Malted Sorghum (sorghum Bicolor) Biscuit

PRODUCTION AND ACCEPTABILITY STUDIES OF MALTED SORGHUM (SORGHUM BICOLOR) BISCUIT   ABSTRACT   Biscuit was produced from malted sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and wheat flour blend. Sorghum grains were sorted, steeped in water, germinated and kilned. Four samples of biscuit were...

18 Production Of Bread Using Wheat And Cassava Blend Flavoured With Ginger

PRODUCTION OF BREAD  USING WHEAT AND CASSAVA BLEND FLAVOURED WITH GINGER CHAPTER ONE 1.0     INTRODUCTION Bread is a staple food prepared from a dough of flour and water usually by baking. It is a good source of good nutrient such as macronutrients...

19 The Extraction And Production Of Essential Oil From Cashew Nuts

THE EXTRACTION AND PRODUCTION OF ESSENTIAL OIL FROM CASHEW NUTS ABSTRACT This study was carried out to extract essential oils from cashew shell and its kernel and to characterize the oils; with the view to ascertain their suitability for consumption and other uses. Soxhlet apparatus was used...

20 Production And Assessment Of Acceptability Of Cake From A Blend Of Carrot And Wheat Flour Original

PRODUCTION AND ASSESSMENT OF ACCEPTABILITY OF CAKE FROM A BLEND OF CARROT AND WHEAT FLOUR ORIGINAL CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Humans have consumed bakery products for hundreds of years. Among the different bakery products is the cake. Cakeis a form of sweet...


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