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Accounting Project Topics

1Evaluation Of The Effect Of Non-current Assets On Return On Assets Of Cement Manufacturing Industry In Nigeria

EVALUATION OF THE EFFECT OF NON-CURRENT ASSETS ON RETURN ON ASSETS OF CEMENT MANUFACTURING  INDUSTRY IN NIGERIA ABSTRACT The study is on evaluation of the effect of investment on non-current assets on return on asset of cement manufacturing industry in Nigeria. The major aim of the study is to ascertain the effects of non-current... Continue Reading »

2A Study Of Services And Problems Of The College Of Education (technical Enugu State Library)

A STUDY OF SERVICES AND PROBLEMS OF THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (TECHNICAL ENUGU STATE LIBRARY) Abstract In this research work titled a study of services and problems of the college of education in Nigeria with particular reference to Technical Enugu state Library. The specific objectives of this research work include the following; the... Continue Reading »

3The Problem Of Financing Government Corporations (a Case Study Of Tracas)

THE PROBLEM OF FINANCING GOVERNMENT CORPORATIONS (A CASE STUDY OF TRACAS) ABSTRACT This research was carried out problem of Financial of Financing Government Corporation and a particular reference with TRACAS, while carrying out this research work these are the areas that this research work concentrated. The first chapter is the... Continue Reading »

4The Difficulties Of Personal Income Tax Generation And Administration (a Case Study Of Enugu Board Of Internal Revenue)

THE DIFFICULTIES OF PERSONAL INCOME TAX GENERATION AND ADMINISTRATION (A CASE STUDY OF ENUGU BOARD OF INTERNAL REVENUE) Abstract The topic “The Difficulties in Personal Income Tax Generation and Administration” A case study of Enugu Board of Internal revenue evaluates the salient facts in the topic in question with respect to... Continue Reading »

5The Co-operative Society In Rural Development

THE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY IN RURAL DEVELOPMENT TABLE OF CONTENT Title page -     -      -      -      -      -      -      -     ... Continue Reading »

6Stock Market Development Indicators And Economic Growth In Nigeria

CHAPTER ONE Introduction 1.1      Background of the study Stock markets may affect economic activity through the creation of liquidity. It contributes to economic development by enhancing the liquidity of capital investments. Many profitable investments require a long-term commitment of capital, but investors are... Continue Reading »

7Effect Of Depreciation On Profitability On Fiancial Institution In Nigeria: A Comparative Approach A Study Of Uba Plc, Enugu

ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to appraise the Effect Of Depreciation On Profitability On Fiancial Institution In Nigeria: A Comparative Approach with particular reference to UBA Plc, Enugu . The objectives of this study includes the following: To determine the extent to which depreciation affect income statement reporting of UBA, Enugu. To... Continue Reading »

8E-payment Risks And Control Technique In Government (a Case Study Of Enugu State University Of Science And Technology)

ABSTRACT The study examines electronic payment risks and control techniques in government with specific focus on Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT). Some of the specific objectives are: To examine the need for legislation or a notional policy on Information Technology (IT) development. More so, simply table and... Continue Reading »

9Pricing Policy And Profit Planning In A Public Company (a Case Study Of Nigerian Breweries Plc And Coca-cola Plc)

PRICING POLICY AND PROFIT PLANNING IN A PUBLIC COMPANY  (A CASE STUDY OF NIGERIAN BREWERIES PLC AND COCA-COLA PLC) ABSTRACT This project investigate on pricing policy and profit planning in a public company. A case study of Nigeria Breweries Plc and Cocoa-cola Plc. This therefore bothers on determining how pricing policy and profit... Continue Reading »

10Internal Auditing As An Instrument For Effective Management (a Case Study Of Imt Enugu)

INTERNAL AUDITING AS AN INSTRUMENT FOR EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT (A CASE STUDY OF IMT ENUGU) ABSTRACT The function and the Existence of Internal audit department in an organization cannot be over emphasized considering the enormity of trust and responsibility attached to this department of an organization. This brings to mind why the... Continue Reading »

11The Impact Of Taxation As An Aid To Economic Development In The Rural Areas Of Enugu State. (a Case Study Of Three Selected Local Government Areas Of Enugu State)

THE IMPACT OF TAXATION AS AN AID TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN THE RURAL AREAS OF ENUGU STATE. (A CASE STUDY OF THREE SELECTED LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREAS OF ENUGU STATE) Abstract The most essential need of any government is to generate enough revenue to take care of its citizens need. Thus taxation is by far the most significant source of revenue... Continue Reading »

12Impact Of Asset Measurement And Management On Corporate Performance”. (a Case Study Of First Bank Plc Okpara Avenue Enugu)

IMPACT OF ASSET MEASUREMENT AND MANAGEMENT ON CORPORATE PERFORMANCE”. (A CASE STUDY OF FIRST BANK PLC OKPARA AVENUE ENUGU) ABSTRACT My project research work is on the impact of asset measurement and management on corporate performance with particular reference to First Bank Plc Okpara Avenue Enugu. These are the area that was use... Continue Reading »

13Marginal Costing As An Essential Tool For Decision Making In A Manufacturing Company (a Case Study Of Emenite Enugu)

MARGINAL COSTING AS AN ESSENTIAL TOOL FOR DECISION MAKING IN A MANUFACTURING COMPANY (A CASE STUDY OF EMENITE ENUGU) ABSTRACT This project is a survey that aims at exploring the importance of marginal costing as an essential tools for decision making in manufacturing company bearing in mind their immense contribution for quick... Continue Reading »

14An Evaluation Of Investment Appraisal And Its Application Techniques In A Manufacturing Industry (a Study Of Emenite Limited, Enugu)

AN EVALUATION OF INVESTMENT APPRAISAL AND ITS APPLICATION TECHNIQUES IN A MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY (A STUDY OF EMENITE LIMITED, ENUGU) ABSTRACT This study examines the evaluation of investment appraisal and its application techniques in manufacturing industries with Emenite Limited Enugu as my study reference. A survey design approach... Continue Reading »

15Stock Market And Macroeconomic Indicators: Evidence From Nigeria

STOCK MARKET AND MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS: EVIDENCE FROM NIGERIA ABSTRACT This study examines the relationships between stock market capitalization rate and interest rate. Time series data obtained from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and Nigeria Stock Exchange (NSE) were analyzed using regression. Results showed that the prevailing... Continue Reading »

16Cost Accounting Information And Price Determination (a Case Study Of Nigerian Breweries Plc, Enugu)

COST ACCOUNTING INFORMATION AND PRICE DETERMINATION (A CASE STUDY OF NIGERIAN BREWERIES PLC, ENUGU) ABSTRACT Increased advancement in industrialization, engineering and general commerce has thrown a great challenge to managers.  There is increased competitions, and the survival of any company lies on the ability of the managers to... Continue Reading »

17The Effect Of Corporate Governance Mechanisms On Bank Financial Performance. (a Use Study Of First Bank Plc Enugu)

THE EFFECT OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE MECHANISMS ON BANK FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE. (A USE STUDY OF FIRST BANK PLC ENUGU) ABSTRACT This research work titled “The Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Bank  Financial Performance” The researcher examined the relationship between board structure and financial performance. Determined... Continue Reading »

18An Evaluation Of The Strategies For Enhancing Finanacial Accountability In The Local Government System. (a Case Study Of Ezeagu Local Government Area, Enugu State

AN EVALUATION OF THE STRATEGIES FOR ENHANCING FINANACIAL ACCOUNTABILITY IN THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT SYSTEM. (A CASE STUDY OF EZEAGU LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, ENUGU STATE) TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page Approval page Dedication Acknowledgement Abstract Table of contents List of tables CHAPTER ONE 1.1.Background of Study 1.2.Statement of... Continue Reading »

19An Evaluation Of The Relevance Of Forensic Accounting In Financial Statement Preparation And Presentation A Private Sector Organization (a Case Study Of Juhel Nigeria Limited, Emene, Enugu)

AN EVALUATION OF THE RELEVANCE OF FORENSIC ACCOUNTING IN FINANCIAL STATEMENT PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION A PRIVATE SECTOR ORGANIZATION (A CASE STUDY OF JUHEL NIGERIA LIMITED, EMENE, ENUGU) ABSTRACT The research topic: Titled "An evaluation of the relevance of forensic accounting in financial statement preparation and presentation in a.... Continue Reading »

20Problems And Prospects Of Forensic Accounting In The Financial Performance Of Nigeria Business Enterprises (innoso Technical Enugu)

PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF FORENSIC ACCOUNTING IN THE FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF NIGERIA BUSINESS ENTERPRISES (INNOSO TECHNICAL ENUGU) CHAPTER ONE 1.1      Background of the study Forensic accounting provides an accounting analysis that is suitable to the court which will form the basis for discussion, debate and... Continue Reading »

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