Free Banking And Finance Project Topics

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1 Impact Of Bank Fraud On Nigeria Economy Growth

ABSTRACT Fraud is gradually becoming rampant and a daily occurrence in our banking industry, while the bank management are busy working out means of detecting, checking fraud, the fraudsters on the other end are busy designing new method of circumventing those measures in conjunction with some...

2 An Analysis Of Credit Management In The Banking Industry (a Case Study First Bank Of Nigeria Plc. Enugu.)

ABSTRACT     Credit extension is an essential function of banks and bank management strive to satisfy the legitimate credit needs of the community it tends to serve. This study is aimed at analysing the credit management in the banking industry in Nigeria with particular...

3 An Appraisal Of Merchant Banking In Nigeria

ABSTACT The purpose of this study is to Appraise Merchant bank and to evaluate the extent Merchant bank have achieved their desired policy within 1981 to 2000.During this period of time, there was fluctuation in the growth rate of bank loans and advances due to inability of debtors to repay...

4 The Implication Of Treasury Single Account On Banking Sector Of Nigeria And The Economy As A Whole

ABSTRACT This study was intended to evaluate the implication of treasury single account on the banking sector in Nigeria and the economy as a whole. This study was guided by the following objectives; to examine the implications of treasury single account on the banking sector in Nigeria, to...

5 An Examination Of Impact Of Bank Of Agriculture Credits On Agricultural Sector Performance In Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study attempted to examine the impact of deposit money bank credit or loans on agricultural sector performance in Nigeria between1982 -2016. The study examined the effect of deposit money bank credits on crop production in Nigeria, to find out the impact of deposit money bank...

6 Distress Management And Prevention Strategies For The Nigerian Banking System (a Case Study Of Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc)

ABSTRACT        In this work the researcher worked into different ways of preventing banking distress.        The work is divided into two chapters. Chapter one heated the permute encapsulating the general overview, statement of...

7 Impact Of Microfinance Institutions On Small Scale Enterprises Development In Nigeria

Abstract: This study examines the impact of Microfinance Institutions in financing small scale enterprises for economic growth in Nigeria. Time series data from Central bank of Nigeria (CBN) report on the activities of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) from 1992 to 2014 were used. Ordinary...

8 Job Rotation As Training And Development Tool For Enhancing Employees Performance ( A Case Study Of United Bank Of Africa (uba), Lagos)

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1         Background to the Study The survival of any organization in the competitive society lies in its ability to train its human resource to be creative, innovative, inventive will invariably enhances performance and...

9 Effect Of Commercial Banks Performance On Economic Growth

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1         Background to the Study The precise link and direction of causation between financial development and economic growth has remained at the centre of empirical debates for decades. The debate arguably gathered...

10 Diversification Of The Nigerian Economy: Agriculture And Solid Minerals As Panacea

Seminar Project ABSTRACT Diversification of the Nigerian economy with specific emphasis on the agricultural and solid mineral sectors is feasible in view of Nigeria’s resource endowment. Nigeria has a large expanse of agricultural land. This constitutes 77.7 per cent of Nigeria’s...

11 Industrial Conflicts In Nigerian Deposit Money Banks: Benefits And Challenges

ABSTRACT Conflict can either result to positive or negative outcomes in a firm based on how it is managed. Only when the source is known, can it be properly managed. This study examined the challenges that could possibly lead to industrial conflict and the benefits of a well-managed conflict....

12 Financing Agriculture For Sustainable Economic Development

ABSTRACT Nigeria’s agriculture is diverse, presenting various opportunities. It includes four sub-sectors, namely; crop, livestock, fishery and forestry. The crop sub-sector accounts for about 90.0 per cent of agricultural production in Nigeria, followed by the livestock sub-sector which...

13 The Role Of Deposit Money Banks On The Growth Of Smes (a Case Study Of Yakurr Local Government Area, Cross River State, Nigeria)

Seminar Project | Chapter 1-3 | Banking and Finance ABSTRACT This study examined the role of deposit money banks on the growth of SMEs in Yakurr Local Government Area, Cross River State, Nigeria. The objectives of the study were to examine the degree of relationship between deposit money...

14 Effect Of Bank Consolidation On Performance Of Small And Medium Scale Enterprises In Nigeria

ABSTRACT   The central tenet of banking sector consolidation was to develop a strong, reliable and diversified banking sector that is capable of playing effective developmental roles in the economy, such as funding of small and medium scale enterprises and becoming a competent and...

15 Assessment Of The Contribution Of Commercial Banks To Economic Growth In Nigeria

    ABSTRACT The study focused on the contributions of commercial banks to economic growth of Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study include: to examined the effect of commercial bank loans on the gross domestic product, to ascertain relationship between commercial...

16 The Adoption And Implementation Of International Financial Reporting Standard (ifrs) Issues And Challenges On Nigeria Economy

  THE ADOPTION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARD (IFRS) ISSUES AND CHALLENGES ON NIGERIA ECONOMY ABSTRACT This research work titled adoption and implementation of International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) Issues and challenges on the Nigeria...

17 Problems Of Budgetary Control As Management Tool For Planning And Control A Case Study

PROBLEMS OF BUDGETARY CONTROL AS MANAGEMENT TOOL FOR PLANNING AND CONTROL A CASE STUDY ABSTRACT The research on problem of budgetary control as a management tool for planning and control. Its source is mainly concentrated at Asaba capital city of Delta as a result of the lack o...

18 Mortgage Arrangement In Depressed Economy A Case Study Of Federa

MORTGAGE ARRANGEMENT IN DEPRESSED ECONOMY A CASE STUDY OF FEDERA   CHAPTER ONE 1.0      INTRODUCTION A prominent feature of real property investment is that it involves the expenditure of money. As a result, investors in real property hardly fund the project...

19 Impact Of Internet Banking System In Nigeria Banking Environment

Abstract This project work entitled “Impact of internet banking system in Nigeria banking environment” with particular reference to Union Bank of Nigeria. The project is divided into five chapters. The chapter one of the work covers areas such as the introduction, the back...

20 The Impact Of The Nigerian Deposit Corporation (ndic) On The Operations Of The Nigeria Banking Industry

THE IMPACT OF THE NIGERIAN DEPOSIT CORPORATION (NDIC) ON THE OPERATIONS OF THE NIGERIA BANKING INDUSTRY   ABSTRACT      The study is an empirical analysis of the impact of The Nigerian Deposit Insurance Corporation of the Nigerian Banking Industry. The broad...


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Role Of Inspection In Product Quality Management Drive In Northern Noodles Ltd, Kaduna Problems Of Development Policy-making And Implementation In Obudu Local Overnment Area Of Cross River State Effect Of Indiscipline On Academic Performance Of Students Of Selected Secondary Schools In Irele Local Government Area Of Ondo State Problems Of Indiscipline On Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students In Kosofe Local Government Area Of Lagos State Mass Media On Community Development In Nigeria (a Case Study Of Vandeikya L.g.a, Benue State)