Free Agric Engineering Project Topics

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1 Quality, Evaluation Of Nworie River Owerri, For Potential Uses

QUALITY, EVALUATION OF NWORIE RIVER OWERRI, FOR POTENTIAL USES   ABSTRACT Since water quality is in most cases determined by its source. Quality of water is also critical to its usage. In view of the above, samples of water were collected from Nworie river, Imo state and subjected to...

2 Quality Evaluation Of Nworie River Owerri For Potential Uses

QUALITY EVALUATION OF NWORIE RIVER OWERRI FOR POTENTIAL USES   ABSTRACT Since water quality is in most cases determined by its source. Quality of water is also critical to its usage. In view of the above, samples of water were collected from Nworie river, Imo state and subjected to...

3 The Effect Of Land Scope On Soil Loss From Erosion Sites ( A Case Study Of Nekede And Akaokwwa All In Imo State

THE EFFECT OF LAND SCOPE ON SOIL LOSS FROM EROSION SITES ( A CASE STUDY OF NEKEDE AND AKAOKWWA ALL IN IMO STATE ABSTRACT Soil loss is as a result of detachment and transportation of soil particles from one place to another due to rainfall. The rate of soil erosion has been of great concern...

4 Evaluation Of The Effect Of Land Scope On Soil Loss From Erosion Sites (a Case Study Of Imt Campus I And Iii)

EVALUATION OF THE EFFECT OF LAND SCOPE ON SOIL LOSS FROM EROSION SITES (A CASE STUDY OF IMT CAMPUS I AND III)   Abstract Soil loss is as a result of detachment and transportation of soil particles from one place to another due to rainfall. The rate of soil erosion has been of...

5 The Effect Of Land Scope On Soil Loss From Erosion Sites (a Case Study Of Nekede And Akaokwwa All In Imo State


6 Effect Of Different Rates Of Cattle Dung On Soil Physiochemical Properties And Growth And Yield Of Cucumber (cucumis Sativus)

ABSTRACT  The field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of different rates of cattle dung on soil physiochemical properties and growth and yield of cucumber during the 2010 planting season. The experiment was a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with five rates (0kg/ha,...

7 Construction Of 500 Liters Water Capacity Tank

CONSTRUCTION OF 500 LITERS WATER CAPACITY TANK ABSTRACT In the construction of 500 liters capacity water reservoir, galvanized steel sheet forms the tank and an angle iron rod forms the stand. Two full length galvanized sheet were marked out and cut out to the required sizes. The work...

8 Physical And Mechanical Properties Of Nerica Paddy (rice)

Abstract The determination of the physical and mechanical properties of NERICA paddy (FARO's 44(SIPI), 51(Isadane), 52(WITA 40) and 57(TOX4004-43-1-2-1)) at different moisture contents were carried out. The paddy rice was studied under un-parboiled and parboiled states. The results indicate...

9 Determination Of Optimum Packaging And Storage Properties Of Packaged Garri

DETERMINATION OF OPTIMUM PACKAGING AND STORAGE PROPERTIES OF PACKAGED GARRI ABSTRACT Samples of white and yellow garri were collected at a week interval. From umunya in oyi local government Area, Anambra state. The purchased garri with initial moisture of 9.3% for white garri and 8.65...

10 Agriculture Mechanization In Nigeria

AGRICULTURE MECHANIZATION IN NIGERIA ABSTRACT Survey was undertake to assess the Anambra state Tractor Hiring Company. The study adopted the use of a questionnaire and interview schedules, discussion and personal observation for primary data collection. The unit had a total of 15 tractors...

11 Economic Analysis Of Reverse Osmosis Desalination Of Water For Agricultural Irrigation Applications

  ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF REVERSE OSMOSIS DESALINATION OFWATER FOR AGRICULTURAL IRRIGATION APPLICATIONS ABSTRACT     The combination of an ever-increasing population and a diminishing usable water supply threatens the sustainability of humanity’s existence on a global...

12 The Effect Of Monetary Policy On Agricultural Output In Nigeria

THE EFFECT OF MONETARY POLICY ON AGRICULTURAL OUTPUT IN  NIGERIA CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1             Background of  the Study The significance of agriculture in bringing about economic growth and development of a...

13 Thermal Conversion Of Palm Kernel Shell And Mesocarp Fruit Fibre Into Fuel

THERMAL CONVERSION OF PALM KERNEL SHELL AND MESOCARP FRUIT FIBRE INTO FUEL ABSTRACT Palm Oil processing yields a considerable quantity of palm kernel shell (PKS) and mesocarp fruit fiber (MFF). This has been predominantly used as fuel through direct combustion which is inefficient and...

14 Evaluation Of The Impact Of Untreated Sewage Effluent On Farm Lands (a Case Study Of Sancaros Farm, Awgu Local Government Area Of Enugu State)

EVALUATION OF THE IMPACT OF UNTREATED SEWAGE EFFLUENT ON FARM LANDS (A CASE STUDY OF SANCAROS FARM, AWGU LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF ENUGU STATE) ABSTRACT This project is focused on the evaluation of the impact of untreated sewage effluent on farm lands. Useofsewage...

15 Evaluation Of The Impact Of Untreated Sewage Effluent On Farm Lands

EVALUATION OF THE IMPACT OF UNTREATED SEWAGE EFFLUENT ON FARM LANDS CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1     Background of the Study Land application of wastewater is centuries old practice. This practice was introduced in US more thaii one hunched years ago but general interest...

16 Design And Construction Of Gari Frying Machine

DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF GARI FRYING MACHINE CHAPTER ONE 1.0INTRODUCTION 1.1BACKGROUND Cassava which is known biologically as “manihotesculentacrantz” is a crop which has many varieties. Cassava, is a perennial woody shrub in the Euphorbiaceous (Spurge family) native to South...

17 Comparism Of Carbon Production From Corncob, Groundnut Shell And Coconut Shell

COMPARISM OF CARBON PRODUCTION FROM CORNCOB, GROUNDNUT SHELL AND COCONUT SHELL ABSTRACT     The studies on characterization of different type of adsorbent such as coconut shell activated carbon, activated carbon from groundnut and activated carbon from corncob has been...

18 Cassava Processing And Marketing Option For Sustainable Agricultural Development

CASSAVA PROCESSING AND MARKETING OPTION FOR SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Recognizing Nigeria’s tremendous Agricultural potentials, the government has accepted the view that the country should resolve to make agriculture...

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Role Of Inspection In Product Quality Management Drive In Northern Noodles Ltd, Kaduna Problems Of Development Policy-making And Implementation In Obudu Local Overnment Area Of Cross River State Effect Of Indiscipline On Academic Performance Of Students Of Selected Secondary Schools In Irele Local Government Area Of Ondo State Problems Of Indiscipline On Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students In Kosofe Local Government Area Of Lagos State Mass Media On Community Development In Nigeria (a Case Study Of Vandeikya L.g.a, Benue State)