The main objective of this research was to analyze the Mediating role of Employee Engagement on the relationship between Reward and Organizational Performance: The case of Dashen Bank SC - analyzing the effect of Financial as well as Non-Financial Reward on Employee Engagement and analyzing the...
This study was undertaken with the objective of identifying the relationship between bad debt and micro finance institution. The study was based on Addis credit and saving institutions, within the period of 2013/14-2019/20, which are practicing micro-financing business at present. Bad debts are...
Background: To improve the quality of health care, the health care provider needs to know whatrnfactors influence patient satisfaction. Many cases of patient dissatisfaction can occur due torninadequate discovery of their needs. There was no adequate study related to patient satisfactionrnof health...
To make operational on-farm crop genetic conservation strategy in Ethiopia, we havernto understand the factors that determine farmers' for managing portfolios of croprnvarieties. Identifying farmers ' derived demand for sorghum varieties and drawingrnpolicy implication for on-farm genetic resources...
The paper attempts to estimate household energy demand (fuel Choice) using panel data for source of energy consumption . the study contributes to the contemporary literature a coherent view of energy demand (fuel choice) in rural step. The results of the finding...
The main causes of Addis Ababa City Road Authority (AACRA) projects delay are poor site management, payment delay for employee and poor contract management. Thus, the problem of the research is to understand how the emotional intelligence and competency of the project managers are associated with...
This study assessed the determinants of balance of payment performance in Ethiopia using time-series data for the period 1996 – 2019 using the Johansen Cointegration test, Vector error correction model and the Granger causality test. The study adopted restricted VAR model which had lag two...
The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of human resource management practice onrnorganizational commitment and perceived organizational performance. The nature of this studyrnwas a cross sectional survey design with a quantitative approach. The population of this study wasrnemployees...
The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of human resource management practice onrnorganizational commitment and perceived organizational performance. The nature of this studyrnwas a cross sectional survey design with a quantitative approach. The population of this study wasrnemployees...
The effective implementation of the strategy is the vital survival advantage of the organization. Several organizations might not keep their competitive benefits, although the organizations have developed a strong strategy. If it not effectively implemented, it will not be conducive to...
The core objective of this study was to examine the effect of organizational culture on employees’ engagement in Awash International Bank S.C. Organizational culture was used as an independent variable in the conceptual framework, while employee engagement was used as a dependent variable....
The main objective of this study was to examine factors affecting the performance of micro and small enterprises of women entrepreneurs in both Kirkos and Yeka Sub Cities Administration of Addis Ababa. The conceptual framework was designed by considering factors that affecting small and micro...
The generation of solid waste has become an increasing environmental and publicrnhealth problem everywhere in the world, particularly in developing countries. InrnMekelle city, solid waste management is mainly provided by the municipality and itrnhas been measured and evaluated always based on the...
The study assesses the extent of household vulnerability to climate change by applyingrnVulnerability as Expected Poverty (fIEP) approach. The VEP approach is based on estimatingrnthe probability that a given shock or set of shocks moves household consumption below povertyrnline or force them to...
Wetlands in the lower Gilgel Abay River catchment have been adversely affected by a number of anthropogenic activities. As a result, their ecological integrity, socioeconomic and ecosystem services are highly threatened. Thus, this study was conducted to assess the impact of anthropogenic...
Aflatoxins are one of the major factors that affect the quality and safety of feeds that are transferred into livestock species and then to humans via animal sources of food (meat, egg and milk). The objective of this study was to detect and quantify the level of aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1, G2 and...
The main objectives of this study are to estimate and analyse the private returns to educationrnand to look into the existence of gender discrimination in the Ethiopian Lab our Market. Thernmethodologies used to that end are the OLS, the Heckman's two-step and the MLE two-steprnProcedures.rnrnThe...
The study area, Shewa Robit, is situated in the southern end section of the Western Afar Margin. It is located approximately 222 Km northeast of Addis Ababa. In this study, field, petrological and geochemical (major and trace elements) data of the volcanic rocks from the Shewa Robit area are...
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is the fifth important dryland cereal crop worldwide, and a dietary staple food for more than half a billion poor and food-insecure people dwelling in the semi-arid tropics of Africa and Asia. Sorghum is one of the strategic crops in Ethiopia, which provides...
Environmental Impact Assessment is a tool to promote Sustainable Development. Thernessence of sustainable development is balancing the need for development and protectionrnof environment.rnNowadays, Development Banks made EIA a precondition to finance projects andrnInternational Conventions and...