Free Business Administration Project Topics

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1 The Effectiveness Of Marketing Planning And Control In A Manufacturing Organization

ABSTRACT The researcher is determined to see and threw more high on the effectiveness of Marketing Planning and Control in a Manufacturing Organization with ANAMMCO in Enugu as a case study. For orderly presentation the researcher undertake a background study of the company which enable the...

2 Effect Of Recruitment And Selection Policy As A Tool For Achieving Higher Employee Productivity In Manufacturing Organizations (a Case Study Of Dozzy Group Of Companies)

ABSTRACT This study titled the effect of recruitment and selection policy as a tool for achieving higher employee productivity in manufacturing organizations; a study of Dozzy Group of Companies. The objectives of the study are; to identify if external sources of recruitment strengthens...

3 Impacts Of Monetary Policy On The Performance Of Deposit Money Banks In Nigeria

ABSTRACT DMBs are the major conduit for the monetary authority monetary policy transmission in Nigeria and the effectiveness of the monetary policy in the economy is contingent on their performance. Consequently, the study was carried out to determine the impact of monetary policy on the...

4 Effect Of Training And Manpower Development On Productivity Of Workers

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY There are a number of factors that contribute to the success of any organization, these factors include: capital, equipment, manpower, etc. All these factors are important but the most significant factor is the human factor. Since it is the...

5 Assessment Of Indigeneous Entrepreneurs In International Business (a Study Of Coal- Camp) Enugu

ABSTRACT This study is on performance of indigenous entrepreneur in international business in Coal Camp Enugu. The survey research design was adopted and a sample size of 171 (one hundred and seventy one) was gotten using Taro Yamani formula. Questionnaire were administered to the respondents...

6 Credit Contorl Policies In Finanacial Institutions: A Case Study Of Citizens International Bank Limited

ABSTRACT The     focus  of        this      study  is         on        Credit...

7 Impact Of Personal Income Tax On The Growth Of Nigeria Economy

Abstract This paper examined the income profile of Benue State Government and assessed the impact of personal income tax on the growth of Nigeria using the internally generated revenue accruable to the state. Adopting the ex-post facto research design, secondary data was obtained from Benue...

8 Effect Of Business Organizations And Managerial Efficiency On Small Scale Enterprises In Nigeria (a Case Study Of Selected Smes In Owerri)

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the study A business organization is an individual or group of people that collaborate to achieve certain commercial goals. Some business organizations are formed to earn income for owners. Other business organizations, called...

9 Managerial Skills And The Performance Of Small And Medium Enterprises (a Case Study Of Makindye Division, Kampala District)


10 The Assessment Of N-power In Reducing Unemployment

ABSTRACT: The study examined the assessment of N-power in reducing unemployment in Nigeria. Rivers State were carefully selected to represent the entire population of Nigeria . Survey design was used in this study to generate data. A sample of 400 respondent youths was studied. After going...

11 The Effect Of Compensation Management In Organizational Performance (a Case Study Of Beloxxi Industry Limited)

Abstract In most cases, the achievement of the objectives of the organization is achieved through human resources, so it is necessary to strengthen the participation of staff with the organization. Therefore, identifying all possible factors that increase employee participation is of paramount...

12 Analysis Of The Impact Of Effective Communication In Increasing Organizational Productivity (a Case Study Of Nigerian Brewery Plc, Amaeke, Ngwo, Enugu, Enugu State)

ABSTRACT   The topic of this research is Analysis of the Impact of Effective Communication in Increasing Organizational Productivity. A case study of the Nigerian Breweries Plc, Amaeke, Ngwo, Enugu, Enugu State. The researcher used survey design for the study. The population of the study...

13 The Effect Of Job Rotation On Employees Performance (a Case Study Of Consolidated Breweries Plc. Awo-nmamma

ABSTRACT This project tests three possible explanations for why firms adopt job rotation: employee learning (rotation makes employees more versatile), employer learning (through rotation, employers learn more about individual workers’ strengths), and employee motivation (rotation mitigates...

14 Strategies For Improving Managerial Effectiveness In The Brewery Industry (a Case Study Of Selected Brewery In Imo State And Abia States)


15 Effective Communication As A Strategy For Enhancing Organization Performance (a Case Study Of Nigeria Brewery Plc )

ABSTRACT Communication has crucial impacts within or among workgroups in that organization Communication can be a channel to flow information, resources, and even policies. Given the importance of  effective communication on organization performance , further research is needed to...

16 An Assessment Of The Impact Of Entrepreneurship Education Development On The Student Of Federal Polytechnic, Mub

CHAPTER ONE   1.0 INTRODUCTION   1.1 Background of the Study Higher Education, as defined by National policy of Education (1998) is the education given after secondary education in Universities, Colleges of education, Polytechnics, Monotechnics, including those...

17 Assessing The Role Of Small Business Enterprises For Sustainable Development (a Case Study Of Hians Technology Enugu Urban)

ABSTRACT The topic of this research work is geared towards the impact of small business in Enugu Urban Area of Enugu state. The aim of this study is to examine and identify in detail the problems, prospects, effects and the importance of the development of small business in the area under study....

18 Impact Of Employee Motivation On The Banking Industry (a Case Study Of Union Bank Of Nigeria Plc, Maiduguri)

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY The need to increase productivity and efficiency in the work place or any organization has led to increasing academic interest in the area of motivation over the years. Scholars have been keenly interested in knowing what...

19 The Impact Of Job Satisfaction On Employee Turnover Intention (a Case Study Of Bunna International Bank )

A B S T R A C T This study, which was conducted at Bunna International Bank S.C, had two-fold objectives. Firstly, to investigate the direct relationship between job satisfaction and employee turnover intention. The second part of the objective examined the relationship between perceived...

20 Effects Of Internal Controls On Financial Perfomanace (a Case Study Of Technical Training Institutions In Kenya)

ABSTRACT The study investigated and sought to establish the relationship between internal control systems and financial performance in Technical Training Institutions in Kenya. Internal controls were looked at from the perspective of Control Environment, Internal Audit and Control Activities...


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Role Of Inspection In Product Quality Management Drive In Northern Noodles Ltd, Kaduna Problems Of Development Policy-making And Implementation In Obudu Local Overnment Area Of Cross River State Effect Of Indiscipline On Academic Performance Of Students Of Selected Secondary Schools In Irele Local Government Area Of Ondo State Problems Of Indiscipline On Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students In Kosofe Local Government Area Of Lagos State Mass Media On Community Development In Nigeria (a Case Study Of Vandeikya L.g.a, Benue State)