Free Business Administration Project Topics

21 Impact Of Accounting Information Systems On Organizational Effectiveness Of Automobile Companies In Kenya (msc Project)

ABSTRACT Currently, most organizations continue to increase spending on information system and their budgets continue to rise. Moreover, economic conditions and competition create pressures about costs of information. Generally, information system is developed using information technology to aid...

22 Employee Benefit And Its Effect On Employee Productivity

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Maintaining healthy employee relations in an organization is a pre-requisite for organizational success. One way of maintaining good and healthy employee relations in an organization is by attaching lucrative benefits to every job and task carried out by every employee in...

23 Effects Of Job Stress On Employee Performance

CHAPTER ONE Introduction 1.0 Background of the Study Stress is a common element in any kind of job and persons have to face it in almost every walk of life. Stress has been defined in different ways over the years. According to Robbins and Sanghi (2006) "A dynamic condition in which...

24 The Relevance And Application Of Operations Research In Managerial In Managerial Decision Making (a Case Study Of Nigeria Manufacturing Organization)

ABSTRACT Operations research is one of the most comprehensive research and analysis approaches to decision making.  It is a product of World War II.  Although its antecedents in scientific method, higher mathematics, and such tools as probability theory go back far beyond that...

25 Analysis Of Development Capabilities Of The Nigerian Local Government System (a Case Study Of Idemili North Local Government Area)

ABSTRACT The topic of this study “An analysis of development capabilities of the Nigerian local government system:. Which is been considered as an avenue to know the development of rural areas in the country. This study which was conducted in Idemili North local government embraced...

26 The Effect Of Worklife-balance On Employee Performance

Abstract “Effects of work- life balance to performance of employees” have become an issue to different scholars, this made the researcher of this work to carry on a research on the topic, with reference to Aqua-Rapha Industry. In order to achieve a reasonable outcome based on the...

27 Examination Of The Effect Of Manpower Training And Development On Employees’ Performance In Selected Hospitality Firms In Enugu

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Human resource management regards training and development as a function concerned with organizational activity aimed at bettering the job performance of individuals and groups in organizational settings. Training and development can be...

28 Effect Of Staff Training On The Performance Of Civil Servants (a Study Of Ministry Of Agriculture Enugu State)

ABSTRACT The project “effect of Training on the performance of  Civil Servants was an attempt to make contribution to the ongoing debate on the Nigerian Civil Service training and productivity that has been raging since the Nigerian Third and Fourth Republics. The study isolated an...

29 Assessment Of Indigeneous Entrepreneurs In International Business (a Study Of Coal-camp Enugu)

ABSTRACT This study is on performance of indigenous entrepreneur in international business in Coal Camp Enugu. The survey research design was adopted and a sample size of 171 (one hundred and seventy one) was gotten using Taro Yamani formula. Questionnaire were administered to the respondents...

30 Time Management And Its Effect On Employees’ Performance

ABSTRACT  This study is focused specifically on the effect of time management on employees’ performance. It examines the influence of time management on employees’ performance. Enugu , using MICHELLE LABORATORY LTD. as a case study. Three research questions and three Hypotheses...

31 Effect Of Organizational Culture On Employees Performance (a Case Study Of Hardis And Dromedas Umunya, Anambra State)

ABSTRACT This study is based on the effect of organizational culture on employee’s performance. (A study of Hardis and DromedasUmunya, Anambra State). The study adopts the following object; to determine the relationship between training and development on employee’s competency, to...

32 The Effect Of Recruitment And Selection Policy As A Tool For Achieving Higher Employee Productivity In Manufacturing Organizations (a Study Of Dozzy Group Of Companies)

ABSTRACT This study titled the effect of recruitment and selection policy as a tool for achieving higher employee productivity in manufacturing organizations; a study of Dozzy Group of Companies. The objectives of the study are; to identify if external sources of recruitment strengthens...

33 The Effect Of Compensation Management In Organizational Performance (a Case Study Of Copen Group).

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Compensation Management is one of the most complex and dynamic issues in organizational performance. For an organization to achieve its stated objectives, there is the need to effectively manage compensation, taken into...

34 Problems Of Development Policy Making And Implementation In Obudu Local Overnment Area Of Cross River State

ABSTRACT This study is aimed at identifying the problems of development-policy making in Obudu local government area of Cross River state. The theoretical framework adopted in this study is the planning theory propounded by Fainstein (2000). This research adopted the survey method given the...

35 Policy Making And Implementation In Oji River Local Government Area Of Enugu State

ABSTRACT This study focuses on the policy making and implementation in Oji River Local Government Area of Enugu State. The objectives of this work are to ascertain the quality of policies made and implemented in Oji River Local Government Area, To find out  the impact of the policies made...

36 Constraints On Effective Development Policy-making In Nigerian Local Governments (a Case Study Of Enugu East Local Government Area Of Enugu State)

ABSTRACT This study focused on the Constraints of Effective Development Policy-Making in Nigeria Local Governments (A Study of Enugu East Local Government Area of Enugu State).The pace at which development in the local government can be realized is hinged essentially on the ability of the...

37 Appraisal Of Quality Control Procedures In A Manufacturing Organization (a Case Study Of Juhel Pharmaceutical Company, Emene, Enugu)

ABSTRACT The study “an Appraisal of quality control procedures in a manufacturing organization” a study of Juhel Pharmaceutical Company Enugu, sees quality as the totality of features of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy the customers perceived or stated...

38 A Suggested Policy Framework For Improving Bureaucratic Effectiveness In Egor Local Government Area Of Edo State

ABSTRACT Every local government in Nigeria functions on a framework of bureaucracy. This enables them to function optimally and with shared layers of responsibilities. The essence of this research to suggest a policy framework for improving bureaucratic effectiveness using Egor local government...

39 Production Planning And Control In A Manufacturing Concern (a Case Study Of Dem-mag Nigeria Limited Owerri)

ABSTRACT This research was designed to find out how production planning and control in a manufacturing concern can be improved to achieve the organizational aims and objectives. This therefore draws the attention of establishment/ organization that practice it to realize the beat way for...

40 Performance Evaluation And Its Effect On Productivity (a Case Study Of Star Paper Mill Ltd. Aba)

ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to find out the work of performance evaluation to productivity and the relationship between productivity and performance evaluation in the star paper Mill Nigeria ltd. Aba. The population of the study consists of 100 workers. The sample for the study was...


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Role Of Inspection In Product Quality Management Drive In Northern Noodles Ltd, Kaduna Problems Of Development Policy-making And Implementation In Obudu Local Overnment Area Of Cross River State Effect Of Indiscipline On Academic Performance Of Students Of Selected Secondary Schools In Irele Local Government Area Of Ondo State Problems Of Indiscipline On Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students In Kosofe Local Government Area Of Lagos State Mass Media On Community Development In Nigeria (a Case Study Of Vandeikya L.g.a, Benue State)