Free Science Lab Technology Project Topics

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1 Determination Of The Proximate And Phytochemical Constituents Of The Edible Pulp Of Fruits Of African Star Apple (chrysophyllum Albidum)

Abstract This study set to investigate the proximate and phytochemical contents of edible parts of Chrysophyllum albidum fruit. Methods: The edible parts (fruit-pulp, fruit-skin and seed-shell pericarp) of C. albidum were separated, lyophilized and pulverized into powdered. The edible parts were...

2 Electrolyte Imbalance In Type Ii Diabetes

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Of Study The prevalence of diabetes is increasing rapidly and electrolyte disturbances are common in patients with diabetes. According to World Health Organization, over 1.4 Nigerians are diabetic in 2017. Diabetes can be defined as a disease...

3 Phytochemical Screening And Antimicrobial Assessment Of Spondias Mombin (ijikara)

ABSTRACT Spondias mombin leaves are popular choices in traditional herbal medicine practice. The present study of the leave extract, therefore, shown the phytochemical constituents, of phenol content and the antioxidant activity of the ethanol leaf extract of Spondias mombin. Results from the...

4 Phytochemical And Nutritive Composition Of Fluted Pumpkin

ABSTRACT The paper discussed the nutritive value and phytochemical contents of fluted pumpkin (Telfaria occidentalis HOOK F) vegetable grown with four levels of organic manure (turkey dropping). The effects of four levels of organic manue (0,100, 150 and 200kg/ha) on the vegetable were examined....

5 Biodeterioration Of Natural And Artifical Stone

ABSTRACT Stone is one of the most intenstly studied materials in conservation.  Understanding the deterioration of stone requires knowledge of various mineralogical and physical characteristics  and of stone wealthering response in different climates and environment.  The...

6 Bacterial Analysis Of Urine Polluted Environment In Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri

ABSTRACT   The bacteriological status of soil environment polluted with urine was analyzed, using standard microbiological methods. The identification test of bacteria revealed the isolation of proteus spp. Pseudmonas spp, Escherichia coli, Enterobacteria and Staphylococcus aureus from...

7 Production Of Mosquito Repellent

PRODUCTION OF  MOSQUITO  REPELLENT CHAPTER ONE 1.0     INTRODUCTION 1.1     BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Nearly, all insecticides have the potential to significantly affect ecosystem, many are toxic to human and others are concentrated in food...

8 Examine The Presence And Concentration Of Some Phytochemicals In Avocado Pear Persea Americana Mill Seed

EXAMINE  THE PRESENCE AND CONCENTRATION OF SOME PHYTOCHEMICALS IN AVOCADO PEAR PERSEA AMERICANA MILL SEED   ABSTRACT Phytochemical screening to determine the presence of tannins, saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids,sterols and cardiac glycosides in PerseaAmericana will be carried out....

9 Determination Of The Presence And Concentration Of Some Phytochemicals In Avocado Pear

DETERMINATION OF THE PRESENCE AND CONCENTRATION OF SOME PHYTOCHEMICALS IN AVOCADO PEAR ABSTRACT Phytochemical screening to determine the presence and concentration of tannins, saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids, sterols and cardiac glycosides in Persea americana was carried out. The sample was...

10 Design And Construction

DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Abstract   The aim of this project work is to design and construct an electronic digital display system, based on light-emitting diodes connected in an array that forms the information to be displayed i.e. “GREAT NIGERIAN STUDENTS”. This project is...

11 Construction Of A Simple Dynamo

CONSTRUCTION OF A SIMPLE DYNAMO ABSTRACT Dynamo is the name given to D.C generators. In the past, alternating current generators are not common. Voltages are generated using dynamo where the voltage generated are later converts to A.C. The dynamo I constructed had a permanent magnet. This...

12 Incidence Of Urinary Schistosomiasis And The Contributory Risk Factors Among School

INCIDENCE OF URINARY SCHISTOSOMIASIS AND THE CONTRIBUTORY RISK FACTORS AMONG SCHOOL ABSTRACT The purpose of this investigation was to determine the incidence and association of urinary Schistosomiasis among a cross section of two primary school (Agulu migrant and Umuowelle primary school) in...

13 Ethanol Production From Yam (discorea Spp) Peels

ETHANOL PRODUCTION FROM YAM (DISCOREA SPP) PEELS Abstract This work is concerned mainly with the production of ethanol from yam (Discoria spp) peels. The yam tubers were bought from Eke Oko Market, in Orumba North L.G.A. Anambra State. The tubers were peeled and the peels washed, milled &...

14 Determination Of The Level Of Ethanol

determination of the level of ethanol Abstract This project is a survey of level of alcohol in beverages produced in Nigeria and to ascertain the compliance of the producers in accordance with accepted values on WHO recommendation. Six brands of alcoholic beverages (Guilders, star Harp,...

15 Construction Of 12volts Battery Charger

CONSTRUCTION OF 12VOLTS BATTERY CHARGER   ABSTRACT This battery charger is a devices used to store the electrical energy to the battery after the battery has been discharged itself. The battery charger is designed to use electricity as its source of switch, regulation transistor, diode,...

16 Comparative Determination Of The Protein Contents Of Breadfruit, Brown Beans And Soyabeans Seminar

COMPARATIVE DETERMINATION OF THE PROTEIN CONTENTS OF BREADFRUIT, BROWN BEANS AND SOYABEANS SEMINAR CHAPTER ONE 1.0     INTRODUCTION 1.1   Background of the Study Proteins are essential nutrients for the human body (Hermann, 2002). They are one of the building...

17 Comparative Assessment Of Lubricant Produce From Palm Kernel Oil And Tonimas Lubricating Oil

COMPARATIVE ASSESSMENT OF LUBRICANT PRODUCE FROM PALM KERNEL OIL AND TONIMAS LUBRICATING OIL   Abstract This study produced bio-lubricant with palm kernel oil and compared its quality with Tonimas Oil ( A commercial lubricating oil in the market). Palm kernel oil based lubricant was...

18 Asymptomatic Bacteriuria Among Pregnant Women

ASYMPTOMATIC BACTERIURIA AMONG PREGNANT WOMEN ABSTRACT Studies on asymptomatic bacteriuria among pregnant women attending antenantal clinic of the General Hospital Ekwulobia was undertaken, hundred urine samples were collected then centrifriged and 1ml of the supernatant was inoculated on the...

19 Construction Of A Solar Dryer Using Convex Lens

CONSTRUCTION OF A SOLAR DRYER USING CONVEX LENS CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1     Background of the Study Growth is the irreversible increase in volume (size) number of part, length and weight of an organism (Umeh, 2004). Growth can be defined as a process by which a...

20 Ammeliorative Properties Of Methanol Leaf Extract Of Mucuna Pruriens On The Kidney Markers Of Malaria Infected Mice.lst

AMMELIORATIVE PROPERTIES OF METHANOL LEAF EXTRACT OF MUCUNA PRURIENS ON THE KIDNEY MARKERS OF MALARIA INFECTED MICE.lst Abstract The research on Mucuna pruriens was to know its ameliorative efficacy on the kidney markers of malaria infected mice. The antimalaria effect was evaluated against...


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