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Factors That Slow Down Undergraduates Project Research

Factors That Slow Down Undergraduates Project Research

Factors that constitute challenges that students face as some are likely to face same, anytime in the future. As we are going to discuss, these challenges not only inspire discouragement, it also slows down undergraduates project research in ways in you never know.

Undergraduates’ project research can suffer a slow down for any of these factors list below:

Delayed project topic approval

From the initial stage, getting research project topics approved is a serious concern. Obviously, this factor is fueled by students’ negligence to research structure and poor attitude towards academic research. Moreso, project instructors ensure that the actual routine in presenting project topics is followed and that no two persons have the same project topic.

If you do not want to be caught in this same web, present more than one project topic at a time and follow stipulated guidelines for project topic presentation in your institution. Get Free Project topics and Research materials at www.projectng.com

Lack of research materials / poor research materials

Secondly, undergraduate project students suffer slow down during their project research when they can hardly source out research materials. Like mentioned earlier, project instructors many times pay attention to details and wouldn’t allow student to engage in a lazy research work.

I have seen a situation where a student had to summit chapter two for more than five times before getting it approved. Each time he turned in a new chapter two, he is instructed to do more research and add more relevant content.

If you wish to jump over this obstacle, press deep into research, study research works that have gone at before, and present relevant information. Download Unlimited Research materials at www.projectng.com

Financial constraints

We do not all have it at once. Money can be an issue even when you have all that it takes to complete your project. The need for money to type, print, photocopy, spiral bind etc. can become frustrating.
One way to remedy this if you do not have just enough money prior to your final year is, try saving on time for your project

Poor project instructor

Pray you don’t meet a lazy project instructor. There are many good ones and there are very lazy ones too. Some take too much time to review your work therefore making students wait for a long time before they proceed to the next level in their research.

To remedy this pitfall, always check on them, do not relax at home. Be that reminder angel you need to speed up your project.

The process of data gathering, presentation and analysis

Among others, data gathering processes slows down research a lot. From sharing questionnaires to retrieving them and doing further analysis is time consuming enough for an undergraduate. Infact at this point, some are compelled to hire a writer for their project just because of the last three chapters.

At this point, I don’t even know what to recommend to remedy this case, lol. As a project student, you must enter this rain except you want to outsource.

Source: https://polygist.com.ng/2019/01/17/five-possible-factors-that-can-slow-down-undergraduates-project-research/

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