The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between leadership styles and the performance of employees in UNIC. To assess the objective, three basic questions were prepared. The sources of information were employees of UNIC. Thus participants were selected using simple random...
Developing effective employee motivation scheme becomes one of the major challenging tasks in manufacturing firms. The general objective of this study is to investigate the effect of different factors that influence the effectiveness of employee motivation in the case Finfine Furniture Factory Plc....
The main objective of the study is to examine the effects of leadership competencies on employees’ job satisfaction at Zemen Bank S.c. The focus was on three major leadership competencies dimensions’ emotional intelligence, social intelligence, and cognitive intelligence. The study...
The increase in smart device numbers and also high-capacity demanding services has led to growth in wireless cellular data traffic. This forces mobile operators to increase network capacity to meet subscriber demand. In order to increase network capacity, one solution can be dense network with...
This study was conducted to assess the effect of innovation activities on the performance ofrnEthiopian Airlines Group during the time of the global airline industry crisis, which followed thernemergence of the Covid19 pandemic. The researcher was motivated to seize the opportunity thatrnthe...
Background: Stroke is the second leading cause of death and third leading cause of disabilityrnworldwide. After three months of sustaining stroke, 26% of stroke survivors require long-term rncare for long-term disabilities which includes mostly hemiparesis, speech problem, swallowingrnproblem,...
The research project examines the effect of transformational, transactional and laissez-faire leadership style and the three dimensions of employee’s affective, continuance and normative commitment. The main objective of this study was the effect of leadership style on employee’s...
Background: cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among typern2 diabetic (T2DM) patients. Statin therapy is effective in reducing cardiovascular events for bothrnprimary and secondary prevention of ASCVD. rn rnObjective: to assess statin utilization extent for...
The purpose of this study is to examine the Effect of leadership styles on organizational change management at Cordova academy. The study used a quantitative research approach and an explanatory research design. Primary data was gathered using structured questionnaires and secondary data was...
Background: Critically ill patients admitted to the Intensive Care Units are prone to developrnvarying degrees of agitation and painful experiences. Despite the many researches and knowledgernand practice assessments done in the developed world, there has not been significant studies whichrndeeply...
As part of IFB fast Global growth, leaders in Ethiopia are responsible to remain competent to run Sharia-compliant products irrespective religion. In this regard the research aimed at assessment of leadership gaps and challenges in the implementation of IFB in Ethiopia. An exploratory research...
As part of IFB fast Global growth, leaders in Ethiopia are responsible to remain competent to run Sharia-compliant products irrespective religion. In this regard the research aimed at assessment of leadership gaps and challenges in the implementation of IFB in Ethiopia. An exploratory research...
The initial purpose of this thesis is to explore the Ethiopian TOT laws on UIL in light of the country’s leather industry. By doing so, it tries to understand the status of TOT and UIL under the prevailing legal frameworks. TOT and UIL issues under the FDRE Constitution, the Patent...
In the past two decades, Ethiopia has achieved tremendous economic development. This has brought recognition from the international community including the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank. Despite this fateful economic growth, internal conflict is not contained. The federal...
The Existing Ethiopia’s SACCO regulatory framework does not aim to provide a supportive policy and legal framework consistent with the nature and function of SACCOs guided by cooperative values and principles. Since the Cooperatives Society Proclamation 147/1998 was enacted, SACCOs in...
Telecommunication sector has considerably large network infrastructure consisting of differentrnnetwork equipment to provide telecom services to the customers. As a service provider,rntelecom operators have to make sure that customers are getting services without interruption.rnTo do so, they built...
The volume of unsol icited commercial e-mai ls, also known as spam, is in such a rapidrnincrease that almost over 90% of all e-mail messages are spam. We are in a state wherernan average of200 bill ion e-mail spamsare sent eachday. This problem is exacerbated byrnthe fact that many of these spams...
South Sudan attained independence on 9 July 2011, from the Sudan, through the Referendum. Unfortunately, the Referendum left some issues unresolved. The status of the Abyei Area was one of such unresolved issues and, consequently, it has still remained to be a bone of contention between the new...