The main purpose of this study was to examine the role of Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation’s political news coverage in bringing consensus among citizens and political parties. It’s intended to examine how EBC’s television department covers political news and its role in...
Media ownership has an immense effect on the framing of news. Especially in such a time wherernmedia‘s reach as increased, and its power to shape, influence and bring change in differentrnaspects of individuals and nations, news has become primarily a commodity. This commodityrnbrings the...
Background: HIV continues to have a major impact on public health globally with anrnestimated 36.9 million people living with HIV (PLHIV) including 1.8 million newrninfections in 2017.As 2017 national guidelines for comprehensive HIV prevention, carernand treatment of Ethiopia, all people living...
Background: - Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) is a life-threatening respiratory diseasernoccurring when neonates aspirate meconium-stained amniotic fluid near or around birth withrnvarying severity. An average of 8% to 25% live birth neonates with meconium-stained amnioticrnfluid have delivery...
Background: Intensive care unit (ICU) is a special unit of a hospital that provides intensivetreatment for patients with severe life-threatening illnesses which require uninterrupted care andrnclose monitoring with life support equipment. The mortality rate is still very high in most...
Background: Service user and caregiver involvement has become an expectation in all aspectsrnof the mental health system, including in policy, planning, service delivery, qualityrnimprovement, research and education around the world. Service user involvement is particularlyrnpromoted as a strategy...
Introduction: Gaps in managing the supply chain of anti-tuberculosis (TB) medicines result inrnsupply interruptions posing significant health-related and economic consequences.rnObjective: To assess anti-TB medicines supply chain management practices and related challengesrnin Gurage Zone public...
Background: cancer related fatigue is a, subjective sense of physical, emotional,rnand/or cognitive tiredness related to cancer that is distressing, persistent and notrnproportional to recent activity and interferes with usual functioning. Though, thernpercentages of patients who experience cancer...
Background: During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes significant physiologicalrnchange and it is a very vulnerable time in a woman's life which may be understood as arnpart of a woman's transition to motherhood as being with child', a paradox of joy andrnsuffering due to the coming of a newborn...
Machine translation is a process of natural language translation automation to translate text from one natural language to another natural language. Machine translation is the fastest way to process a vast amount of data and produce usable translations in any language in the world. In this paper,...
Background: The majority of hypertension people are at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease.rnThe primary barriers to controlling hypertension are a lack of awareness about the disease and poorrnmedication adherence, both of which have a negative influence on the patient's behavior. ...
Background: Group B streptococcus (GBS) is gram-positive coccus which is a normal flora ofrnthe intestines, vagina or rectum and around 25% of healthy women carry this bacteria withoutrnshowing any symptom. Bacteraemia, endometritis, amnionitis and urinary tract infection arernmajor cause of...
Background: Every day the lives of more than 14,000 people are cut short as a result of anrninjury globally. The burden of injury is especially high in LMICs, where over 90% of injuryrndeaths occur. Although the hospitals should have a clear image of injury, little is known aboutrninjury...
Allometric Equation for Aboveground biomass estimation of selected indigenous tree speciesrnnamely, Balanites aegyptiaca, Piliostigma thonningii, Terminalia macropetra, and Vitellariarnparadoxa was conducted in Gambella National Park, Southwestern Ethiopia. The allometricrnequation that was...
This study investigate the E ect of External debt on Private Investment in Sub Sa-rnhara.The objective of the study is to investigate whether the SSA external debt burdenrnhas contributed to weak private investment in the country. For this purpose, two hypothe-rnses need to be tested. First, the...
Identifying the impact of income inequality on economic growth has paramount importance for shared and broad-based economic growth. Thus this study was conducted to examine the effect of income inequality on economic growth evidence from Ethiopia. To achieve this objective time series data from...
Today, integrated marketing communications is becoming a necessary condition for the existence of an organization. Many organizations in the world make out its great value, which is why they have been practicing their marketing communication purposes. The purpose of this research is to explore the...
The purpose of the study was to explore the practice of IMC. The study was then made to draw the practice of integrated marketing communications in Derba Midroc Cement factory and MOHA Soft Drinks Industry S.C.rnThe researcher employed a qualitative research approach and regarding generating data...
This study was undertaken to examine the practice and the effectiveness of the outsourced television programs in EBC. The study was guided by three basic research questions; and the public broadcasting service and, use and gratification theories as a theoretical framework. The study used...
This paper takes a critical analysis of news content; The case of ETV prime time (Arat Ma’ezen) news. It focuses on how a variety of news sources, geographical scenarios, heterogeneous content or diverse ideas are entertained in Ethiopia Television news channels and how balanced and...