The purpose of this study was to assess the application of elements of constructivistrnstrategies in the teaching and learning process of the upper primary school sciencesrnin the Addis Ababa Administrative Region government schools. The sources of datarnwere grade seven science (Biology,...
Emotions are so important that whenever we need to make a decision, we want to feel other‟srnemotions. This is not only true for individuals but also for organizations. Due to the rapid growthrnof internet peoples expirees their emotions using different social media networks, reviews,...
Katikala, which in the past was a traditional home made alcoholic drink, hasrnnow became a commercial item and is supporting considerable number of labour forcern(of female), particularly in urban parts of Ethiopia. The purpose of this study is tornassess employment and income generating capacity...
Forest.s pre essential natural resources that make an important contribution to the wealth ofrnthe coui7lry. They provide woodforfuel, poles and timber for construction,furnish callie withrnshelter and fodder and protect the soil from erosion. On the other hand, destruction afforestrnleads human...
The purpose of this study is to investigate the state of public participationrnin relation to the disparity it possibly has by school level, size, appropriation,rnexperience of principals, and geographical setting.rnTo treatrnparticipation,rnapproach.rnboth the micro and macrornthe study was made...
Potenti als exist in a community for undertaking local development. The study therefore aimsrnat exploring the existence of this community potential with a view to base the findings as arnrationale to promote part icipatory community local development initiati ves and sell~reliancernor...
A six-month prospective study was conducted in Holeta, Debre Zeit and Muke Turi dairy fannsrnbetween November, 2007 and April, 200S with the major objective of determining both therncumulative incidences of neonatal calf diarrhoea (NCD) and pneumonia. In addition,rndetermination of calf mortality...
The study was conducted in North West zone of Tigray (Asgede-Tsimbla, Medebay-Zana andrnTahatay-Koraro districts) which is the main tract of Arado cattle breed in Northern Ethiopia fromrnOctober 2008 to March 2009. To study the probable distribution pattern, husbandry practice, torncharacterize...
The presence of fluoride in groundwater sources of drinking water has posed a concern to global public health, particularly in the East African Rift Valley (EARV). The study's ultimate objective was twofold. First, investigate low-cost, locally available adsorbents for fluoride adsorption that...
Many people suffer from mental or behavioral diseases worldwide. Inmates in prison are rnespecially susceptible to these illnesses. However, a lack of research into the prevalence and rnseverity of psychological issues including depression, anxiety, and stress can have rndetrimental consequences in...
A cross sectional study design, consisting serological and questionnaire surveys, was appliedrnto assess the occurrence of leptospirosis in cattle and humans in Wonji from October 2008 tornApril 2009. Consequently, the seropositivity percentage for leptospirosis in human patientsrnvisiting hospital...
This study was conducted to investigate the state of special needs education graduates in rnexercising their profession in Addis Ketema, Lideta and Gulelle sub-cities, Addis Ababa of rnEthiopia. The study employed a mixed methods approach. The population of the study was rn112(one hundred twelve);...
Unintended pregnancy is a worldwide problem that affects women, their families andrnsocieties at large. Recently it appeared as an importanl public health concerns for bothrndeveloped and developing countries because it is not only distressing for the affectedrnwomen and children, but also has a...
This is a study of deforestation and degradation of thernJuniperus procera forest in Liben Awraja near Negelle Borana, asrnaffected by human settlement and land use.rnThe Libenarea (annual rainfall 750 - 1500 mm) is part ofrnthe Semi-arid lowlands of Ethiopia; 60-70 per cent of Liben arearnis used...
2000 subjects from two woredas of a rural sect i on ofrnEthiopia were interviewed to determine how many were sufferingrnfrom mental disorder and what determinants are related to therndisorder. A WHO Self-Reporting Questionnaire was used to assessrnmental illness. The questionnaire has been used...
Background: In resource-rich countries, the incidence of severe perinatal asphyxia (causingrndeath or severe neurological impairment) is about 1/1000 live births. In resource-poor countries,rnperinatal asphyxia is probably much more common. Data from hospital-based studies in suchrnsettings suggest...
The prevalence and determinants of substance usern(alcohol, khat, cigarette), mental illness, suicidalrnattempt, STDs and teenage pregnancy among adolescentsrnaged 10-24 years have not been well documented in therncountry. A community based cross-sectional study wasrnconducted in Awassa Zuria...
Background: The World Health Organization defines palliative care as an approach thatrnimproves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problems associated withrnthreatening illnesses. Assessing the palliative care needs of people living with HIV and AIDSrn(PLHIV) and...
Background: Globally more than half a million women die annually as a result of complicationsrnof pregnancy and childbirth. Ninety-nine percent of these deaths occur in most developingrncountries like Ethiopia. Obstetric related complications cannot be reliably predicted and it isrnnecessary to use...
The worth of a planned curriculum is ascertained through arnthorough inquiry into its practicality and ultimate benefit.rnIn view of this, the purpose of this study is to evaluate thernimplementati on of grade eight mathematics syllabus and tornident i fy the outcomes as well as the problems...