Free Computer Science Project Topics

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Explore fresh Computer Science Project ideas or conduct a search for related projects using our convenient search box. Our project materials collection caters to students pursuing ND, HND, BSc, MSc, PGD, and Phd degrees. Access our list of Computer Science Project topics in PDF and Word formats for easy reference.

1 Design And Implementation Of A Web Based System That Will Link Farmers To Buyers

ABSTRACT Agricultural marketing incorporates all exercises which enhance value to agricultural products as they move from rural areas of agricultural production to ultimate urban areas for consumption. A successful and productive marketing system is required in order to ensure fair returns to...

2 Development Of A Real Estate Agency Management System

ABSTRACT In developing countries like Nigeria the performance of real estate remains unsatisfactory as many residential; commercial and Office spaces are unoccupied due to the fact that Real-estate agents cannot be consulted with ease and at one convenience. Acquiring an apartment in Ilorin as a...

3 Application Of Artificial Intelligence For Effective Teaching And Learning Of Robotics Education In Schools

ABSTRACT Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. Artificial intelligence can dramatically improve the efficiencies of our workplaces and can augment the work...

4 Android Battery Saver System Application

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION The rapid development of technology has led to a shift in how we communicate with the world. Computers themselves have also changed significantly since their inception, from analogue machines, to large electromechanical computers and transistor computers. Nowadays,...

5 The Impact Of Internet And The Way It Influence Students Reading Culture

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the study Reading is an essential tool for lifelong learning. It is important for everyone to develop the rudiments of reading and the culture of reading always so as to survive in life. Reading according to Holte (1998) adds quality...

6 Design And Development Of Online Doctor Appointment System

ABSTRACT Online Doctor appointment System in hospital today necessitate a competent administration when handling patients, generating reports for cashier, patient details which serves as a key factor for the flow of business transactions in Farazy Hospital Ltd. Unfortunately the current Record...

7 Home Security System With Mobile Application For Fire Detection And Intruders

ABSTRACT             The use of security technologies and smart application is now emerging the world today. The possibility of combination of this two type of technologies makes security monitoring easier. The research aimed to...

8 Course Registration And Result Processing System In Computer Science Department University Of Nigeria, Nsukka

 ABSTRACT Course Registration and Result processing system form the key activities in the life span of a student. The demand for effective and efficient result computation and output lead to the production of the automated result process. The digitalized process provides the capabilities of...

9 Development Of A Webase Campus Helpdesk

ABSTRACT web-based campus helpdesk that allows students and staff to perform activities such as submitting a request, viewing a list of request made and checking the status of his/her request, the administrator has to perform tasks such as checking the request from the student and authorizing...

10 The Impact Of Information And Communication Technology In Teaching And Learning In Enugu-east Local Government Area Of Enugu State

Abstract This research work investigated the Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching and learning in Enugu-east local government area of Enugu state. It sought to establish the relationship between ICT and students‟ learning, particularly looking at the...

11 Design And Implementation Of Hostel Information System

ABSTRACT The growing number of students in higher institutions poses a lot of accommodation problems for students   and School Management. Some of these problems include, few hostel not properly managed, Statistics of rooms required to match the growing number of student are...

12 Design And Implementation Of An Online Barcode Attendance System

ABSTRACT Attendance is very important in every student. a single absent make a big difference in performance in the school. Most students of high school are prone to absence from classes claiming that the class is boring. Others due to laziness fail to attend classes, having preference of going...

13 Design And Implementation Of A Web-based Library Information Management System (a Case Study Of Godfrey Okoye University)

ABSTRACT In Godfrey Okoye University, library management and administration is a very manual one in the sense that the information management methods are mostly done using the file system, students access to library resources are heavily manual, and that the library catalogue is done using the...

14 Development Of A Web Basedairline Reservation System

ABSTRACT This work is aimed at the development of a web based Airline Reservation System. The current system of airline reservation is faced with few technical issues, ranging from not allowing passengers to cancel their reservations as well as does not provide functionality for passengers to...

15 Design And Implementation Of A Computer Based Automobile Falut Diagnosis System

Abstract This report on Design and Implementation ofan Automobile fault diagnosis system is a web-based application developed to solve the issue of Automobile fault. The report is motivated by the need to guide car owners and learners of motor mechanics in the maintenance and troubleshooting of...

16 The Use Of Ict In Crime Detection And School Security In Nigeria Universities

Abstract The prevalence of crime in higher institutions in Nigeria has been on the increase in recent years, this has not only become a concern to the government, but to the university authorities and members of the society. The menace consequently, is crippling the entire educational goals as...

17 Development Of A Customer Relation, Interation And Complain Management

Abstract  The Issue Tracker system is web based application and it is designed to keep track ofcomplaints registered by the college clients and staffs,so this system need to have distributed platformindependent web application. Incase registration it should be open and assigned to technical...

18 Design And Implementation Of Web Based System For Internet Banking

ABSTRACT This project work is concerned with the use of the internet in banking operation. The  internet in its ever evolving state, is becoming a serious method of business communication and data transfer worldwide. As such banks and other financial institutions are beginning to use the...

19 Design And Implementation Of Medical Diagnostic For. Avian Fever (influenza) In Nigeria

ABSTRACT This project, Expert System on Avian and Fever Diagnosis, is a software system tailored for use in the Diagnosis of Avian Fever Diseases. The software is an expert system with a database containing an expert knowledge. The user only uses it to determine whether he or she has any of the...

20 Design And Implementation Of Computer Based Invoice Generating System

ABSTRACT Design and implementation of computer based invoice generating system is one that generates a commercial recording document for both buyer and seller. It also identifies trading parties and list, describes and quantifies the items sold. Different record keeping systems has been...


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Role Of Inspection In Product Quality Management Drive In Northern Noodles Ltd, Kaduna Problems Of Development Policy-making And Implementation In Obudu Local Overnment Area Of Cross River State Effect Of Indiscipline On Academic Performance Of Students Of Selected Secondary Schools In Irele Local Government Area Of Ondo State Problems Of Indiscipline On Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students In Kosofe Local Government Area Of Lagos State Mass Media On Community Development In Nigeria (a Case Study Of Vandeikya L.g.a, Benue State)