Free Mechanical Engineering Project Topics

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Explore fresh Mechanical Engineering Project ideas or conduct a search for related projects using our convenient search box. Our project materials collection caters to students pursuing ND, HND, BSc, MSc, PGD, and Phd degrees. Access our list of Mechanical Engineering Project topics in PDF and Word formats for easy reference.

1 Construction Of A Portable Refrigerator

ABSTRACT This project write up focuses on the construction and analysis of a portable cooling system with compressor capacity of 105W. The principles of improving the operation of a cooling system, choice of materials, various methods used in the construction and recommendation for advancement...

2 Modern Washing Machine, Principles Of Operation And Maintenance

ABSTRACT This project addresses the design of modern washing machine, principle of operation and maintenance, the goal was to design, build and test a prototype modern washing machine that incorporates its principle and maintenance as a mechanical safety feature. The main problem was to develop...

3 Design And Fabrication Of Electrical Motorized Bicycle Wheelchair

ABTRACT This paper is on the design and fabrication of an electrical motorized  bicycle wheelchair. The units of the wheelchair are first constructed before being assembled to form wheelchair. The usage is outlined and the assessment of performance of the machine was carried out based on...

4 Design And Evaluation Of Pediatric Gait Rehabilitation Robots

Design and Evaluation of Pediatric Gait Rehabilitation Robots Abstract Gait therapy methodologies were studied and analyzed for their potential for pediatric patients. Using data from heel, metatarsal, and toe trajectories, a nominal gait trajectory was determined using Fourier transforms for...

5 Repair Of A Damaged Air Conditioner In Engr. Ayogu And Okpe’

REPAIR OF A DAMAGED AIR CONDITIONER IN ENGR. AYOGU AND OKPE’ ABSTRACT             This project is basically on the repair of a damaged air conditioner.  It is intended to provide a break through in the restoration of any damaged...

6 Repair Of A Damaged Refrigerator 2

REPAIR OF A DAMAGED REFRIGERATOR  2 ABSTRACT   Mechanical Engineering Department of the named institute has many has non operational machines sequel to the fact, maintenance was poorly executed which resulted to the breakdown of this refrigerator. Quality and effectiveness of...

7 Repair And Rehabilitation Of A Faulty Air Conditioner

REPAIR AND REHABILITATION OF A FAULTY AIR CONDITIONER ABSTRACT   The rehabilitation and repair of a faulty air conditioner was the project undertaken by the group of student listed above in the mechanical Engineering department. Before embarking on the project, the following fault were...

8 Design And Fabrication Of A Pilot Production Plant For P (1)

DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF A PILOT PRODUCTION PLANT FOR P (1) ABSTRACT             The concept of this project is to actualize a practical way of paint production using a locally design mixing machine which is design to meet a low cost and...

9 Design And Construction Of A Woodlathe Machine 2 (2)

DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF A WOODLATHE MACHINE 2 (2) ABSTRACT             This work is an attempt to evolve a quicker and easier method of achieving cylindrical shape object from a work price. This will no double save considerable human...

10 Design And Construction Of A Spin Dryerdesign And Construction Of A Spin Dryer

DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF A SPIN DRYERDESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF A SPIN DRYER ABSTRACT   This work is aimed at designing and fabricating a spin dryer which can be used in drying spent grains after brewing. This will no doubt save considerable human labours and time wastage involved in...

11 Constructoin Of An Open Steam Distillatoin Column

CONSTRUCTOIN OF AN OPEN STEAM DISTILLATOIN COLUMN   ABSTRACT             We constructed an open steam distillation column with the following specifications:- FOR THE COLUMN Height of column   =      ...

12 Construction Of Two Face Gas Burnerconstruction Of Two Face Gas Burner

CONSTRUCTION OF TWO FACE GAS BURNERCONSTRUCTION OF TWO FACE GAS BURNER ABSTRACT             This project which is on the design and fabrication of a two face gas burner is a brief exploration on the various ways and means of designing,...

13 The Design And Fabrication Of A

THE DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF A CHAPTER ONE   INTRODUCTION We have participated indeed in mass shelling of corn using the most primitive. Cumbersome and difficult method of hand shelling, which encourages time consuming, and human stressfulness. Corn otherwise known as...

14 Design And Fabrication Of A Printing I Block Machine

DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF A PRINTING I BLOCK MACHINE ABSTRACT Parameters on which clear prints depends were comprehensively investigated.  The study revealed that clear print depends on the impressed pressure the working temperature and the gold foil print paper life expectancy. Also...

15 The Design And Fabrication Of Mechanical

THE DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF MECHANICAL CHAPTER ONE   INTRODUCTION In this pass, cutting of grasses in the school, track or filed, Industries hotel, public centers, Agriculture lands etc. was done by machete or cutlass. This method of manual cutting not only was laborious but also...

16 Design And Construction Of Mitchell Tilting Pad Apparatus

DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF MITCHELL  TILTING PAD APPARATUS CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTIONThe Mitchell tilting pad apparatus is a hydrodynamic measuring instrument developed in the early 1880’s in the laboratory of Beauchamp Tower in England. Tower was employed to study the friction in railway...

17 Fabrication Of A Standard Waeel Barrow

FABRICATION OF A STANDARD WAEEL BARROW ABSTRACT The project is about fabrication of wheel barrow which is fabricated in mechanical Engineering workshop in institute of management and technology, Enugu. The report comprise five chapters, chapter one is about the introduction (background...

18 The Detail Fabrication Of A Candle Moulding Machine

THE DETAIL FABRICATION OF A CANDLE MOULDING MACHINE ABSTRACT   CANDLE MOULDING MACHINE The fabrication of this candle moulding machine was based on creative activity, which entailed integrated knowledge and application of material science, strength of material, property of material...

19 The Design And Fabrication Of Mechanical Lawn Mower

THE DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF MECHANICAL LAWN MOWER CHAPTER ONE   INTRODUCTION In this pass, cutting of grasses in the school, track or filed, Industries hotel, public centers, Agriculture lands etc. was done by machete or cutlass. This method of manual cutting not only was...

20 Repair Of An Airconditioner In Mechanical Engineering Department

REPAIR OF AN AIRCONDITIONER IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CHAPTER ONE   1.1            AIR CONDITIONER Indoor climate, once adjusted to human need only by opening of heating in winter and by opening windows or using...


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