Free Library And Information Science Project Topics

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1 Product Marketing : A Strategic Step For Libraries In The Information Age (a Case Study Of Imo State Library Board, Owerri)

ABSTRACT   This project is on product marketing - A strategic step for libraries in the information age. The study aims at presenting product marketing as a strategic step that all types of libraries must take in order to remain relevant in the information age and also highlights some of...

2 Annotated Bibliography On English Language

INTRODUCTION        The subjects of this bibliography are English language. The ‘English’ refers to the language that is so simple that meaning is quite clear.        English language is a standard language used in...

3 Preservation Of Library Materials In Public Libraries And I Am Using Kenneth Dike

preservation of library materials in public libraries and I am using Kenneth Dike CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0            BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Library is an institution housing a collection of books and non-book materials like the...

4 Development Of Public Library In Nigeria With Reference To Imo State Central Library Owerri

DEVELOPMENT OF PUBLIC LIBRARY IN NIGERIA WITH REFERENCE TO IMO STATE CENTRAL LIBRARY OWERRI ABSTRACT This project is on the development of public libraries in Nigeria with reference to the Imo Central Library, Owerri. Chapter one of this work traces the history of public Library development...

5 Compilation Of Bibliography On Poultry In

COMPILATION OF BIBLIOGRAPHY ON POULTRY IN INTRODUCTION Poultry farms are farms that raise chickens, duck, turkeys and other birds for meat or egg production. In the must, poultry farming involved raising chickens in the back yard for daily egg production and family consumption. However,...

6 Bibliographic Compilaton On Corruption In Nigeria

BIBLIOGRAPHIC COMPILATON ON CORRUPTION IN NIGERIA INTRODUCTION   The SLSH identified the following breakdown Bribery and corruption Drug Abuse Drug Trafficking Kidnapping Police corruption Political corruption Political crisis DEFINITION OF THE TERMS...

7 Users Patronage In The Institute Of Management And Technology, Enugu Library

ABSTRACT This work is the study of the user’s patronage in the institute of Management and Technology Enugu library. The research focus on the clientele use of the library. The research high-light the problems encounter by the library and solution to those problems. To achieve this...

8 The Problems And Prospect Of Reference Services In Academic Libraries In Anambra State. A Case Study Of Anambra State University, Uli.

ABSTRACT This project is aimed at examining the problems and prospects of reference services in academic librarians, using the Anambra State University Uli campus library as a case study and how to evaluate the strength and weakness of the reference services in an academic librarian. It will...

9 The Classification And Knowledge Development By Technical Librarians In Academic Libraries In Anambra State.

ABSTRACT The major purpose of this work was to investigation classification and knowledge development by technical librarians in academic libraries in Anambra State it was also directed to find out the factors militating against effective knowledge development in academic libraries, survey...

10 Stock Acquisition In Alex Ekwueme Library Federal Polytechnic, Oko Anambra State.

ABSTRACT This research work deals with stock acquisition with a reference to Alex Ekwueme Library, Federal polytechnic, Oko. Acquisition is a means by which books and non book materials are collected in a library. The librarian glossary  (2001) defined acquisition as a process of...

11 School Libraries As An Effective Instrument For Achieving Academic Excellence A Case Study Of Schools In Owerri Town

ABSTRACT This project work is on the “school library as an effective instrument for academic excellence of schools on Owerri town”. The aim of this research survey is to determine and examine the extent of services being rendered to library users, the stock of the library and to...

12 Library User Education In Tertiary Institutions In Nigeria: A Case Study Of The Federal College Of Education (technical) Umunze

ABSTRACT The research focuses on user education in academic libraries, using the federal college of education (Technical) Umunze as its case study. User education is an academic program that is designed by Universities and other higher institution to educate library users on how to effectively...

13 Information Retrieval Systems In Academic Libraries (a Case Study Of Federal Polytechnic, Nekede Owerri)

ABSTRACT Information retrieval systems in libraries are basically systems that store record in a file for data relevant to each request, retrieve the data and provide the information on request. The purpose of such system is to help access and use of the knowledge which has been recorded. This...

14 Information Retrieval Methods (a Case Study Of Onitsha Divisional Library)

ABSTRACT This study aims at finding the information retrieval system is basically a system that stores records in a file for data relevant to each request. The purpose of such system is to help access and use of knowledge which has been recorded. This study on information retrieval methods: A...

15 Information Needs And Resource Utilization By People Living With Hiv/aids: A Case Study Of Esut Teaching Hospital Parklane Enugu

ABSTRACT The study was carried out on the information needs and resource utilization by people living with Human Immune Deficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome in ESUT Teaching Hospital Parklane Enugu. Health is of utmost important in every human facet, that is the reason why...

16 Information Dissemination On Agriculture In Nigeria: A Case Of Study Anambra State Agricultural Development Programme (adp) Awka.

ABSTRACT This project aims at looking at information Dissemination on Agriculture in Nigeria, this is a particular reference to ADP Awka agricultural development programme in Anambra State. Its purpose were to find out what constituted the problem of information dissemination on agriculture....

17 Evaluation Of Technical Services In Abia State Central Library Board, Umuahia.

ABSTRACT This study is on the Evaluation of Technical Services in Abia State Central Library Board, Umuahia. The study is divided into five (5) chapters. Chapter 1: It deals with the introduction/background of study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, scope of the study,...

18 Complication On Bibliographic Abstract And Index Bibliographic Information On Taxation In Nigeria (2008-2014)

INTRODUCTION This complication dealt with taxation as a subject, its principles objectives, classes, purpose and effect in any given economy weather. Taxation is a compulsory but non-punitive levy on properties, income of individual and co-operation bodies. The money raised there constitutes...

19 Compilation Of Bibliography On Abortion In Nigeria (2009-2012)

INTRODUCTION         Abortion is the removal or explusion of an anbryo or foetus from the uterus, resulting or causing its death. This can be spontaneously as miscarriage or other meals. “Abortion” can refer to an induced procedure at any point...

20 Bibliographic Survey On Academic Staff Union Of Polytechnic (asup) Strike In Nigeria

INTRODUCTION Down through the ages, education has always been at the force front of human existence, which entails that without education in this 21st century, its really going to be hard for the youths to make through for a better future.         According...


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Role Of Inspection In Product Quality Management Drive In Northern Noodles Ltd, Kaduna Problems Of Development Policy-making And Implementation In Obudu Local Overnment Area Of Cross River State Effect Of Indiscipline On Academic Performance Of Students Of Selected Secondary Schools In Irele Local Government Area Of Ondo State Problems Of Indiscipline On Academic Performance Of Secondary School Students In Kosofe Local Government Area Of Lagos State Mass Media On Community Development In Nigeria (a Case Study Of Vandeikya L.g.a, Benue State)