Postgraduate Project Topics, Thesis and Dissertation

2161 An Investigation Of The Practices And Challenges Of Training Management In Education Office In Burayu City Administration

The purpose of this study was to investigate the practices of training that have been carried out rnby Burayu City Administration Education office since 2010 E. C and also examine problems that rnhad been hindering such efforts. Descriptive survey research design was employed to conduct rnthe...

2162 Qoe Model For Social Media Video Streaming Service Using Ensemble Method - The Case Of Addis Ababa

Nowadays, the number of Social Media (SM) users is increasing tremendously worldwide.rnAn increase in the number of smartphone users and an increase in Internetrncoverage helps people expand their networks. The availability of SM helps users tornfind their friends, make a connections with new...

2163 Email Spam Detection Using Content Semantic And Entropy-based Features

The spam detection technique helps the business prevent unnecessary emails from reaching inboxes and preventing any consequential harm to an organization or user. To train the machine learning algorithms, several researchers use features extracted from the email. These features, however, capture...

2164 Sdn Coupled Seamless Mpls Traffic Engineering Performance Analysis

Internet Service Providers (ISPs), are requiring better performing MPLS networks. Seamless MPLS (S-MPLS) provides an end-to-end MPLS networks by integrating access, aggregation and core networks into a single MPLS domain, improving the performance of MPLS networks. The ISP network performance can...

2165 Clear-air Radioclimatic Modeling Of Terrestrial Line-of-sight Radio-link In Ethiopia

Terrestrial radio link is challenged by clear air environmental factors like multipath fading, diffraction fadingrnand atmospheric gaseous losses. These radio link impairments need to be discovered using right meteorologicalrnparameters and applying appropriate models so that its result will be...

2166 Optimization Of Rain Gauge Network Using Entropy Geo-statistics And Remote Sensing Case Of Upper Awash River Basin Ethiopia

An adequate rain gauge network gives immediate and precise rainfall data that are crucial for the effective and economical water resource development and management. This study was aimed at assessing the adequacy of the currently existing rain gauge network and optimization of the required rain...

2167 Impact Of Knowledge Management System On Customer Service Employees Performance The Case Of Ethio Telecom

This research aimed to identify the impacts of knowledge management system on employee performance of ethio telecom customer service department, call center employees. The researcher used quantitative research design among the various quantitative methods to explain the relationship variables that...

2168 Trend And Determinants Of Intention To Use Family Planning In Ethiopia

Family planning (FP) is defined as the ability of individuals and couples to attain their desired number of children and the spacing and timing of their births. It is a means of promoting the health of women and families and part of a strategy to reduce the high maternal, infant and child...

2169 Coffee Shade Trees Current Status Phenology Management Practices And Threats In Kochere Woreda Gedeo Zone Snnpr Ethiopia

This study was conducted in Kochere woreda,Gedeo Zone,SNNPR, Ethiopia. The aim of this study was to identify the most common and important shade tree species,current status, phenology and threats and to document farmer’s perspectives on the environmental and socio economic benefits of the...

2170 Determinants Of Severity Of Illness In Patients With Covid-19 The Case Of Eka Kottebe General Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia

Corona virus is a zoonotic disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2. It believed that the virus jumped the species barrier to humans from another intermediate animal host. An outbreak of COVID-19 emerged in Wuhan, Hubei Province; China on 31 December 2019. The aim of this...

2171 Ethnobotanical Study Of Medicinal Plants Used In Indigenous People In Lemo Woreda Hadiya Zone Snnpr Ethiopia

Medicinal plants have not been well studied, tested or documented in the study area. Most of the information is steel in the hands of the traditional healers. This study was carried out 25 February-March 20, 2018 to explore ethnobotanical information on the use medicinal plants in lemo district...

2172 Assessing Occupational Health Safety And Environment Management Practices And Challenges At The New Headquarter Building Construction Project Of Commercial Bank Of Ethiopia

The management of occupational health, safety and environment has become today an issue that is pertinent and crucial to all organizations across all industries especially for the construction industry. The safety and health of workers and society surrounding any project should not be taken as a...

2173 Assessment Of Organizational Climate And Employees Job Satisfaction In Project Management Context The Case Of Usaid Joint Emergency Operation Project (jeop) In Addis Ababa

Research on the organizational climate is an old realm of studies which goes back as far as the 1930s and it was commenced by the work of Hawthorne who made the subsequent researchers to focus on the psychological aspects of the organization than the physical one. This study also traced this...

2174 Assessing Risk Management Practices For Risks Identified In Construction Companies In Ethiopia A Case Study Of Quick Quality Construction P.l.c

The paper has assessed risk management practices for risks identified in Quick Quality Construction P.L.C at Addis Ababa. The study has given focus to risk management practices which has been ignored by the construction Industry.rnThe study used descriptive analysis techniques; the population of...

2175 Assessing The Challenges Of Adopting Agile Software Development Practices The Case Of Two Software Development Companies In Addis Ababa

This study was conducted to assess the challenges and implementation gaps of agile software development within Atlas Computing Technologies PLC and Jasmine Addis Trading. These two companies have different project approach, the first undertaking customer-initiated projects while the later mostly...

2176 Medicinal Plants Used By The Ayehu Woreda Communities Awi Zone Amhara Regional State Ethiopia Threats And Conservation Methods

Ethiopia has a long history of employing traditional medicinal plants to treat a wide range of human and Livestock illnesses. The present study on medicinal plants was conducted to document local, plant-based medicinal knowledge of communities, conservation methods and the threats affecting these...

2177 Development Of Tools And Assessment Of Ethiopian Students Pattern Of Scientific Reasoning At The Upper Primary Level In The Hadiyya Zone

Studies indicate that the failure of science education to meet the needs of the rn21st century is to some extent due to the inability to incorporate scientific reasoning and rnhigher order assessments in the school instruction. Though the outcomes of education seek rnhigher-order thinking abilities...

2178 Fault Prediction In Optical Transport Network Using Machine Learning Algorithms - Case Of Ethio Telecom

The availability of Optical Transport Network (OTN) is an important factor to provide dependable telecom services. This backbone infrastructure of ethio telecom suffers from frequent outages and fault alarm data are exploding in magnitude. Hence, in this research machine learning based fault...

2179 Link Capacity Dimensioning Of Microwave Backhaul Using Real-time Traffic In The Case Of The Ethio Telecom Network

As technology advances, the traffic demand has increased in tandem with the evolution of mobile servicerntypes, and prompting mobile operators to enhance their network capacity. Because optimum link capacityrnplanning is expressed in terms of both cost and network performance, operators face a...

2180 Factors Affecting Female Teachers Participation In School Leadership In Government Secondary School In Arsi Zone Of Oromia Regional State

The purpose of the study was to search out the factors that affect female Participation inrnsecondary school leadership in Arsi Zone. To realize these purpose three basic questions relatedrnto major factors that effect on female teacher’s participation in school leadership were raised.rnThe...

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