The objective of this study was to investigate the major successes and challenges of using socialrnmedia as sources of News; the case of ETV News channel. The study used descriptive research designrnto describe the phenomena of successes and challenges of using social media as sources of...
Social media is being transforming human communication and becomes the big elephant in thernroom. Social media enabled organizations to conduct interactive communication with theirrncustomers and public at large .Particularly business organizations set up social media channelsrnwhich allow them to...
This research determines the prevalence and associated factors of stress among elderly people in rnMacedonia Charity Association, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It also determined the prevalence and rnassesses associated factors. Literatures on prevalence and associated factors were discussed rnwisely in...
The goal of the study is to see how much the Ethiopian Herald and the Reporter Englishrnnewspapers covered the COVID-19 outbreak. The quantitative portion of the study is basedrnon counting the frequency of categorical analysis in newspapers, while the qualitativernportion is based on interviews...
The main objective of the study was to analyze how Addis Zemen, Addis Lissan and The Reporter Amharic newspapers framed and covered issues of domestic violence during Covid-19 pandemic state of emergency and schools closure period of time. The study aimed at identifying and analyzing the dominant...
Crises can occur in any organization or individual at any place and time. Since they attract media attention and public scrutiny, an organization must be prepared to react and communicate quickly and effectively to protect their reputations and survivals. However, Ethiopian organizations are...
Braille skill training, as a vision rehabilitation function, could be designed and implemented to rnbenefit different categories of target people among whom adults with visual impairmentrnconstitute a fundamental subject of interest. The existence of different targets and contexts for rnsuch a...
School readiness is a process of increasing children’s attainment of a certain set of rnpsychosocial, behavioral and cognitive skills needed to learn and function successfully in school rnand beyond. The objective of the study was to examine school readiness of children in rngovernment and...
Pro-Development Network is a local Civil Society Organization that works to achieve social development in Ethiopia. The purpose of this study is to Assess Implementation Practices of Civil Society Projects: The case of Pro-Development Network projects in Afar region. A Descriptive research design...
The purpose of this study was to assess the role a teamwork plays on project performance in case of advertising agency called Zeleman production plc since project teamwork is a worthy endeavor aimed at accomplishing high level cooperation, productivity and successful project in an organi-zation....
The primary goal of the research is to investigate project quality management practices in Bankrnof Abyssinia , identify potential gaps, and offer suggestions to fill those gaps. To achieve thesernobjectives, census data was collected. A survey of 51 people was conducted, with49 (96 percent)rnof...
The studied aren, in the Precanbrian Shibld of westernrnEthiopia , is characterized .by low anpbilite grade metamorphism rnand by supracrustal rocks of sedimentary and volcanic oringin. rnthe oastern part of the aran is conpased of well- preserved rnturbidites (wackes and oelitas),...
The study was conducted to assess the Ethiopia Industrial Parks Development Corporation service quality and its impact on investors’ satisfaction in Bole Lemi industrial park. The study was trying to analysis the office’s service quality on investor’s satisfaction with...
This research aims to examine the influence of SMPs on Ethiopian commercial banks’ performance; all the way through the existence of knowledge management capability. Among 48,726 targets population 385 samples were selected using random sampling methods. A pilot test was administered to...
Chromosome data have contributed little towards resolving the problems ofrnclassification and phylogeny orthe Swertia species (Y uan, 1993). For many species ofrnthe genus the chromosome number as weJ[ as morphology were not stud ied (Yuan andrnKUpfer, 1993).rnIn the present work, ch romosome...
The aim of this thesis was to examine the effect of performance management system on employees’ job satisfaction: the case of Ethiopian airlines group maintenance, repair & overhaul strategic business unit. The study used explanatory also known as causal research method to understand the...
The Corona Virus Pandemic-COVID-19 has remained a major threat to mankind around thernglobe costing over four millions of lives. Apart from the cost of life it affected, its effect onrnregional and global development is also immense and is leading to socio-economic crises.Itrnfollows that taking...
Ethiopian economy is one which has experienced consistently a high budget deficit with unstable inflation rate for the last many periods. The main objective of the study was to examine the impact of budget deficit on inflation in Ethiopia by using annual time series data over the period from 1980...
In this thesis, a sliding mode speed controller along with the particle swarm optimizationrnalgorithm and discrete commutation logic of switched reluctance motor isrnpresented. The switched reluctance motor has several interesting advantages. Forrninstance, the switched reluctance motor has high...
The main objective of this study was to examine the practice and challenges of play based rnpedagogy in preschools of Kirkos Sub-city, Addis Ababa. A concurrent embedded mixed rnresearch design (predominantly qualitative) was used in the study. A total of 60 research rnparticipants were selected...