This paper reviews the team management practice of Development and Transformation for Ethiopia, Projects. The aim of this study was to evaluate project team management practices and identify potential gaps in DATE- TP project team management practices. An exploratory and descriptive research design...
The purpose of the study was to assess the current practices, challenges and factors affecting therneffectiveness of the project monitoring and evaluation of Ethiopian ministry of revenue electronicrnsingle window project that faces repeated delays and engagement problems. The Research...
Emergency project management often attracts the most attention and resources and its management needs application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the immediate project output and goal. Humanitarian emergency response could be a cyclical process, involving...
Vegetation of Choke Mountain was studied. Vegetation data of sixtyrnsample plots from five transects were taken from October to Novemberrn1999. These were subjected to cluster analysis by distance optimization.rnFive distinct clusters were obtained. Soil Samples were also collected andrnanalyzed....
The raw mater i als used in the manu f acture of P ortland cementrnwere s tudied in the Wayu locality (New Mughe r). The study showedrnth. t there is lime s tone of a good quality in large aMount whichrnjustifies exploitation. The c l ay ~ate ri a l studied was fou nd ou t t ornbe de f icient in...
The Katta rocks form part of the Birbir group of the upperrncompl ex s i tuated in the paleo- cal c-alkaline arc that runs northsouthrnacross the country and which compri ses thick sequences ofrnmetavolcanic and metasedimen tary r ocks 0 The rocks are intensel yrnfolded and faulted o Their minera l...
In order to understand the geotechnical properties of soils and rocks and the slope stability inrnDessie, field traverses, digging of test pits, drilling of bore hole, vertical electrical soundingrntest, standard penetration test, point load test, Schmidt hammer test and various type ofrnlaboratory...
The geology of the Asela area has been studied In de t a ~ lrnand the fertility status of the soils in relation t o thernf actors of soil formation (parent material, climate, top ogrrnaphy , organisms and time) examined qualitatively and semiquantrnitatiVielyo The area is associated with Pliocene...
The Negash area is located in Central Tigrai, Northern Ethiopia. The area consists of metamorphic rocksrnth at are cut by some granitoid intrusions. The present investigation was directed to one of such intrusions, the Negashrngranitoid stock. Geological mapping at a scale of I: 50 000, and...
The r ocks of the stulied area form nart of the ~ o llepa Birbirrnproup of the uppe r c08plex and consist of a series of me t ased i me ntaryrnand plutonic proterozoic rocks. The winiera lo~ical assembl agernindicate tha t t he metamorphism is of the r r eenshist facies.rnThe variation diagram cons...
The main objective of this research was to assess the acculturation experiences of Eritrean rnimmigrants who live in Addis Ababa. The researcher used convenience sampling method to rnselect 139 respondents for the study. To answer the major research questions of the study, rnquantitative method was...
The purpose of this study is to assess Project Implementation Practices and challenges of Youth Employment Project - The Case of Save the Children Ethiopia. This study was conducted in SCI Ethiopia. The census method is employed in aiming of collecting data from project employees. The target...
Design Bid Build (DBB) project delivery method is a traditional project delivery commonly applied within the Ethiopian construction industry. It is prone to several integration issues amongst main construction parties as the owner issues two separate contracts for the consultant and the contractor....
Team building means bringing all the team members to work together towards one common goal. The integrity and creativity of all the team members leads to a successful project. Effective team management is essential for high team performance. But it is not an easy task to build a great team. Most...
This study concentrates on the effects of COVID-19 on ICT projects implementation performance in the case of Ethiopian Airlines Group IT division. Airline industries are more dependent on Information and Communication Technologies services, and enterprises are spending huge investment to design and...
Active engagement of stakeholders from the beginning and throughout the decision-making is an essential element of any successful community-based biodiversity conservation. The objective of this study was to assess the key stakeholders engaged in projects implemented by MELCA Ethiopia, assess the...
The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of organizational culture in the performance of project execution in the transmission construction own force department of the Ethiopian Electric Power. In order to address the objective, the study employed descriptive and explanatory...
Construction sector has complexity in its nature since it contains large number of parties as clients, contractors, consultants, shareholders, regulatory bodies and others. In Ethiopia, the number and complexity of building construction projects is increasing from time to time. However, it becomes...
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a contagious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The disease has spread worldwide, leading to an ongoing pandemic. Cabin Crew are still working and providing essential service to our nation which exposes them to...
Effective management and coordination of the various project stakeholders contributes tornachieve successful project outcome. Stakeholder management involves managingrnrelationships to enable smooth execution of projects. This study is aimed to identify the effectrnof stakeholder management on...