Agricultural productivity in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) including Ethiopia remains low; and onernprimary reason is low adoption of agricultural technologies. The external reasons (e.g., creditrnconstraints) why farmers do not adopt productivity-increasing technologies have been...
Mechanical ventilation is a backbone and the major supportive modalities in intensive care unitsrneven though it has its own side effects and complications. Nursing care plays a crucial role in thernprevention and early recognition of this complication. Knowledge of nurses about...
This study uses annual data for the period 1974/75-2018/19 to investigate the effect of exchangernrate on Ethiopia’s trade balance using both descriptive and time series econometrics techniques.rnBased on the assertions made by the traditional theory it is expected that devaluation of...
Back ground: Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), a noninvasive respiratoryrnsupport method used to manage neonates with respiratory distress, provides continuousrnpressure that helps prevent the collapse of alveoli, increasing the lungs’ functional residualrncapacity, and thus...
Introduction: Human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus, and syphilis infections are arnwidespread problem among pregnant women around the world, with difficulties that are passed onrnto their newborn babies. In Ethiopia, STIs such as syphilis, HBV, and HIV are major public healthrnissues...
Background:Community-acquired pneumonia is an important cause of morbidity inrndeveloped countries and an important cause of morbidity and mortality in developingrncountries. Ethiopia is ranked sixth out of 15 countries with the highest death rate duernto pneumonia among children under five....
Introduction: Patient's rights are a basic human right and quality assurance that protectsrnpatients against abuse and discrimination and promotes ethical practices. Though there arernbills and hospital documents regarding patients' rights available in different settings, thernawareness among...
This study attempts to examine the effects of sociopolitical instability, and macroeconomicrnvolatility on private investment, for a panel of 26 SSA countries for the period 1986-15. Tornuncover robust results this study exploited the within group, forward orthogonal deviation (FOD)rnand system GMM...
Background: Antimicrobial resistance is one of the major global health problems that has beenrnworsened due to poor antibiotic stewardship by health workers and improper use ofrnantimicrobial by the patients among other factors. Quality data representative of the extent ofrnpoor antimicrobial...
Background: Cesarean section is common obstetric procedures worldwide. Following cesareanrndelivery, mothers experience moderate to severe pain since postoperative analgesia of spinalrnanesthesia is limited by duration of local anesthesia drug used. Analgesic effect of local rnanesthesia agents...
Introduction: Fracture is a complete or incomplete disruption in the continuity of bonernstructure and is defined according to its type and extent. The nursing staff plays a main rnrole in health promotion for persons with fracture. rnObjective: To assess nurse’s knowledge about fracture...
Background: Oral care is basic nursing care that has a paramount impact on patient‟srngeneral health in a hospitalized patient in general and on intubated patients in particular.rnThere is limited information on the nurse‟s knowledge, attitude, practice and associatedrnfactors of oral...
Abstract rnIntroduction: Ethics is defined as a moral philosophy or code of morals practiced by a person orrngroup of people. There agreed ethical principles are autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, andrnjustice, which are widely accepted in the neonatal practice. However, within the context of...
Background: Money is the items most commonly passed from hand to hand and canrncontaminate. Simultaneous handling of food and such contaminated currency could result inrnfoodborne infection, and cause of food poisoning. Microorganisms commonly present onrnbanknotes include S. aureus, E. coli,...
This study is set out to simulate the impact of phasing out of export subsidies by the GECD on the exportsrnof animal and animal products in Sub-Saharan Africa. The global trade of animal and animal productsrnhas been increasing Significantly over the past 20 years although the share of SSA has...
Background: Covid-19 was identified as the cause of a cluster of pneumonia cases inrnWuhan, a city in the Hubei Province of China. It affected 178,021,491 of individuals and rnkilled 3,853,190 of peoples globally since 17/06/2021. It has the seeds of a major mentalrnhealth crisis beyond the...
Background: A cesarean section is the most common obstetric surgery performed today. Evenrnthough cesarean delivery is the safest mode of delivery for high risk situation, it also appears tornhave higher risk of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality than vaginal delivery in lowrnrisk cases....
Background: A cesarean section is the most common obstetric surgery performed today. Evenrnthough cesarean delivery is the safest mode of delivery for high risk situation, it also appears tornhave higher risk of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality than vaginal delivery in lowrnrisk cases....
Background: Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women in Ethiopia.rnThe increase of its prevalence has create a burden on cervical cancer patients and it is currentlyrnbecomes a serious health problem in the country .Nonetheless, research on the socio economicrnimpact of...
Researchers have identified various success factors that determine the success of projects atrndifferent times and most conclusions are that no standard prescription works for all projects. Factorsrnmay depend on the nature of the project and the environmental and cultural aspects in which...