Postgraduate Project Topics, Thesis and Dissertation

3301 Self Sampling Hpv Testing As Cervical Cancer Screening Approach Among Women Living In Low-middle-income -countries Systematic Review And Meta-analysis.

Background: More than 85% of cervical cancer deaths occur in low-middle-income countries, rnand 90% of the mortality burden is primarily attributed to low coverage of cervical cancerrnscreening. Self-sampling HPV could increase the overall cervical screening and contribute tornalleviating the...

3302 An Economic Analysis Of Livestock Marketing The Case Of Cattle Marketing Along The Trade Route From Bele (arssi) To Addis Ababa

A livestock market study to identify the typology ofrnlivestock markets, to estimate marketing margins and mareketrnparticipants ' share in the distribution of income from live stockrntrade and t o identify factors determining cattle pricesrnwas made using a case study method . Seven livestock...

3303 Improving Outpatient And Inpatient Medical Recording Data Quality In Yerer General Hospital2021

Background: Medical recording is an essential part of information use, dissemination, rndecision making for the health needs of the community health care system and quality servicerndelivery. The medical recording quality is a serious issue to be addressed, especially in Africarnwhich has been...

3304 Extraction And Characterization Of Cellulose And Microcrystalline Cellulose From Corn Husk Corn Cob And Lupine Husk And Evaluation Of Microcrystalline Cellulose As Directly Compressible Pharmaceutical Excipient

In recent years there has been a worldwide interest on sustainable use of resources. Isolation ofrncellulose from agro-industrial wastes has gained a great deal of interest from scientists andrnresearchers due to its high demand in paper, food, cosmetics, textile and pharmaceuticalrnindustries. In...

3305 The Effect Of Social Marketing Strategies On Community Based Health Insurance Enrolment In Lideta Sub City Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

Background: Health insurance system is one of the means to enhance access to health carernservices and to protect individuals from catastrophic health expenditures. Social marketingrnstrategies such as radio, television, print media, facility &community based sensitizationsrnhave been used to...

3306 Determinants Of Hypertensive Crisis Among Patients At Adult Emergency Department Of Selected Public Hospitals In Addis Ababa 2021 A Case-control Study

Background: Hypertension is one of the major health problems that can cause significant rnmorbidity and mortality in the world. It affects about 1.13 billion world population. 1-2% ofrnthis population have hypertensive crisis. Hypertensive crisis is becoming the main health issuernin countries with...

3307 Relationship Among Occupational Stressors Job Dissatisfaction Well-being Organizational Commitment And Turnover Intention The Case Of Employees Of The College Of Health Sciences Addis Ababa University Relationship Among Occup

The higher education sector has been traditionally viewed by many as a less stressful and securernwork environment offering high social standing and satisfying, autonomous work. However, thisrnhas changed over the past few decades and university teachers and employees are faced with arnmultitude of...

3308 Fleet Management Practice And Its Implication For Fleet Performance In Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Supply Agency

Fleet management is a component of transportation management that gives due concerns to thernwork of vehicles in the supply chain management pipeline. The general objective of this study is tornassess the fleet management practice, its implication for fleet performance, and associatedrnchallenges...

3309 Magnitude And Factors Associated With Induced Abortion Among Women Of Reproductive Age Group Who Seek Healthcare Service In Selected Health Institutes In Sebeta.

Background: Eastern African region has one of the highest rates of unsafe abortion in the world,rnwith unsafe abortion responsible for an estimated mortality rate of 18%. Ethiopia has the fifthrnhighest number of maternal deaths in the world: one in 27 women die from complications ofrnpregnancy or...

3310 Application Of Integrated Geophysical Techniques To Map Geological Features Favorable For The Localization Of Gold Mineralization In Okote West Guji Zone Southern Ethiopia

Okote mineral prospect area is located in Hallo Kebele, Melka Soda district, West Guji zone of Oromia regional state in southern Ethiopia at about 610km south of Addis Ababa. The main purpose of this research project is to investigate characteristics and nature of gold mineralization in the area by...

3311 Larvicidal And Adulticidal Effects Of Some Selected Plant Extracts Against Anopheles Stephensi Liston (culicidae Diptera) Under Laboratory Condition

Mosquitoes that belong to the genus Anopheles are among the major vectors of vector-borne diseases (VBDs). Among VBDs, malaria plays a crucial role in public health challenges worldwide. The use of synthetic insecticides to control malaria vectors causes resistance, environmental toxicity and kills...

3312 Impacts Of Trade Liberalization On Growth And Poverty In Ethiopia A Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Model

This paper presents a dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE)rnModel for Ethiopia's trade liberalization that allows for quantification ofrnincome and welfare effects stemming from tariff reduction. This dynamicrnmodel has been built using a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) of 1999/2000rnfor...

3313 Effects Of Motional Schemes On Employeejob Satsfacton A Case Of Awash International Bankse

Human resource has been increasingly considered as the key 01' decisive factor inrnorganizational development for a multitude of reasons, however , human resource hasrnbecome a serious challenge in cultivating a strong and vibrant private sector, the emergencernand development of which is only a...

3314 The Link Between Financial Development And Economic Growth In Ethiopia

The Link Between Financial Development and Economic Growth in EthiopiarnRoman TesfayernAddis Ababa University, 2012rnThe paper examines whether a long-run relationship between financial development andrneconomic growth exist in Ethiopia, It employs Co-integrated Vector Autoregressivern(CV AR)...

3315 Export Instability And Economic Growth In Sub Sahara African Countries

The study attempts to investigate the impact of uncertainty generated by export earningrninstability on economic growth. Through this investigation the degree to which outwardrnoriented economic policy will be reliable for the purpose of accelerating economic growth isrnalso be examined.rnAfter...

3316 Municipal Solid Waste Management Practice In Burayu Town Oromia Regional State Ethiopia

The Solid Waste is Gold if it is Properly held This study is aimed at the overall assessment of municipal solid waste management practice of Burayu town. Specifically, the study focused on objectives which include estimate per-capita household solid waste output per day of selected household or...

3317 The Relationship Between Coaches Leadership Styles And Players Performance Outcome And Satisfaction In Sellected Ethiopian Men Premier League Clubs

The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between coaches’ leadership styles and players’ performance outcome and satisfaction. For the implementation of the study, a cross- sectional survey research design was employed. The study subjects were selected from the...

3318 Determinants Of International Trade Flows The Case Of Ethiopia

This paper utilizes an error correction model to identify the determinants of internationalrntrade flows of Ethiopia through the estimation of demand elasticities for aggregate importsrnand exports and their respective components during 1974/75:1 - 1999/2000:4. In thernestimation of the long run...

3319 Assessment Of Marketing Practices Of Selected Microfinance Institutions In Addis Ababa

In Ethiopia the institutionalized microfinance industry is a relatively a newrnphenomena and development. It was formally legalized in June 1996 under thernproclamation 40/ 1996 and to date, the industry has grown to service somern721,100 clients (based on data made available at the end of June...

3320 Cross-sectional And Longitudinal Prospective Study Of Bovine Clinical And Subclinical Mastitis In Peri Urban And Urban Dairy Production Systems In The Addis Ababa Region Ethiopia

This study was conducted to establish the prevalence and incidence of clinical and subclinicalrnMastitis in peri-urban and urban dmry production systems in and around Addis Ababa andrnDebre Zeit, Ethiopia. A questionnaire survey was also conducted to gain an insight in to thernfarming systems in...

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