Postgraduate Project Topics, Thesis and Dissertation

3341 Assessment Of Immunohematological Outcome Among Adult Hiv Patients Taking Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy For At Least Six Months In Yabelo Hospital South East Ethiopia.

Background: Immunohematological parameters are key tools for evaluating antiretroviralrntreatment and prognosis during follow up in Human immunodeficiency virus infectedrnpatients. Clinical response to highly active antiretroviral therapy in resource-limited settingsrnis monitored with CD4 + T cell...

3342 Assessment Of Nurses Knowledge And Associated Factors Towards Prevention And Management Of Cytotoxic Extravasation In Selected Public Hospitals Oncology Units Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

Background: Cytotoxic extravasation is the major adverse effect than the combinations ofrnsepsis, neutropenia, mucositis and gastrointestinal disorders. Pain, immobility, irreversiblerndamage of nerve, tissues and tendon, skin grafting and loss of extremity are the significantrnmorbidities...

3343 The Financial Burden Of Out Of Pocket Payment For Medicines Among Households In Ethiopia

Background: In Ethiopia, more than half of all out-of-pocket (OOP) health expenses rnare for medicine. However, there is a scarcity of information on the cost impact of rnmedicine on households. rnObjective: This study aims to investigate the financial implications of OOP payment rnfor medicines...

3344 Late Antenatal Care Booking And Associated Factor Among Pregnant Women In Mizan-aman Town South West Ethiopia 2021 A Mixed Study Method .

Background: Antenatal care (ANC) is one of the key strategies for reducing maternal andrnneonatal morbidity and mortality directly by antenatal care service. World health organizationrnrecommends;rnrnthe first ANC contact should be within the first trimester of gestational age.rnObjective: To...

3345 Assessment Of Knowledge And Practice Towards Care Of Elderly Patients And Associated Factors Among Nurses In Adult Care Units At Selected Government Hospitals In Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2021.

Background: Ageing is the accumulation of a series of changes in a person overrntime. Nurses have the duty of care for all age ranges that considers knowledge ofrndevelopmental stages specific to client/patient center need. However, there is limitedrninformation on nurses’ knowledge and...

3346 Prevalence Of Intestinal Parasitic Infection Among People Living With Hivaids Attending At St. Peters Specialized Hospital Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

Background: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and intestinal parasitic infections arernamong the main health problems in developing countries like Ethiopia. Enteric parasites,rnespecially opportunistic parasites, cause gastrointestinal symptoms such as severe diarrhoearnwhich increases morbidity...

3347 Duration And Determinants Of Birth Interval Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic At Selected Public Hospitals Of Addis Ababa Ethiopia 2020

Background : World Health Organization has identified length of birth interval as arncritical determinant of child mortality risks and recommended women to space their birthsrn3-5 years apart to reduce health risks to both children and mothers.rnObjective: To determine duration and determinants of...

3348 Management And Economics Of Dairy Cow Mastitis In The Urban And Peri-urban Areas Of Addis Ababa (addis Ababa Milkshed)

A study on management and economics of dairy cow mastitis was undertaken between February and September 2001 in the urban and peri-urban areas of Addis Ababa milk shed. Ethiopia thernStudy had the following main objectives: prevalence estimation. Risk factor assessment andrnEconomic impact of...

3349 Responding To Internal Displacements In Ethiopia Normative And Institutional Aspects

Internal displacement which is caused by conflict has become an ongoing phenomenon in Ethiopia. Ethnic based conflicts accompanied by armed attacks and armed conflicts have caused mass displacements in various areas of the country.rnIn view of this, this study has attempted to critically analyze...

3350 Epidemiology Of Taenia Saginata And Cysticercos In Three Selected Agro-climatic Zones In Central Ethiopia

This study was conducted in three agro-climatic zones in central Ethiopia. Namely Akakirn(highland). Dehre Zeit (mid-altitude). and Nazareth (lowland) with the overall objective ofrnProviding baseline data on the epidemiological situation of Taenia. saginata cysticercosis andrntaeniosis. The...

3351 An Epidmilogical Study Of Major Prtozol Causes Of Calf Diarrhea On Selected Dairy Farms Of Central Ethiopa

A cross-sectional Study was undcnaken from September 2004 to march 2005 selected 40 dairy farms located in central Ethiopia to determine the prevalence and species of the major protozoal causes of calf diarrhea. And the factors associated with their occurrence. Fecal samples were collected once...

3352 Epidemiological And Clinico-pathological Study Of Maedi-visna Virus Infectio In Sheep In Selected Districts Of The Amhara National Regional State Ethiopia

An epidemiological clinical and pathological stud of aedi-Visna virus (MVV) infection inrnsheep vas carried out in highland areas of the Amhara ational Regional State (ANRS). Thernpurpose of the stud as to estimate the pre alence and distribution of the disease andrnidenti associated risk factors...

3353 A Retrospective Cohort Study On The Impact Of Community Based Animal Health Service Delivery System In Shinile Zone Somall National Regional State Of Ethiopa

The Study was Conducted to Assess: the Impact of Community-Based Animals Health Workers’ (CAHWS) Activities on the Livelihoods of the Communist. The Prevailing Veterinary Service Delivery System. the Impact of Community-Based Animals Health Workers’ (CAHWS) Activities on General...

3354 Leader Role Behavior Of Senior Secondary School Principals In Ethiopia

This study was undertaken to assess the levelrnof effectiveness of senior secondary school principalsrnin Ethiopia as they predispose their influence overrntheir staff both in task performance and grouprnsatisfaction (morale) activities. The analysis wasrnbased on the application of Halpin's...

3355 Clients Of Girl Child Prostitutes Realities From Some Selected Areas Of Addis Ababa

Knowledge of the clients of prostitutes has long-been recognized as an important means torncombat against prostitution in many countries. In Ethiopia, to date, very little is knownrnabout the types of clients and their motives to go to prostitutes, in general and childrnprostitutes, in...

3356 An Exploration Of Teachers Beliefs And Classroom Practices In Grammar Instruction

The purpose of this study was to explore English language teachers'rnbeliefs about grammar instruction and classroom practices in governmentrnsecondary schools in Addis Ababa. To attain this objective, based onrnsurvey method, four secondary schools were selected for the study. Withrnthis respect,...

3357 An Exploration Of English Teachers Language Use During Lessons And The Implications Opportunities Advisor This Has For Students Language Practice

This study was carried out to explore the nature of initiative language used by Grade TenrnEngli sh teachers and the implication it had for students' practice opportunities in thernclassroom. Specifically, it was meant to investigate the kinds of eliciting and informativernacts Grade Ten English...

3358 Learner-centered Approach In Large Classes A Survey In Thirteen Selected First Cycle Primary Schools In Gedeo Zone Snnpr

This study investigated the learner-centered approach's degree ofrnapplication in present schools conditions comparing with the desired effectivernapplication. To accomplish the objectives of the study thirteen first cyclernprimary schools from Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples'...

3359 A Comparison Of Innovative Ways Of Written . Error Correction And The Actual Practice In Elt Classrooms Gondar University In Focus

This study attempted to investigate the innovative ways of learner wrillen errorrncorrection by comparing it with the actual practice in ELT classes. The investigationrnwas made to see whether the practice of learner written error correction goes inrncongruity with the innovative ways of doing...

3360 Epidemiolgy And Strain Characterization Of Ovine Pasteurellosis Inselected Sites Of Amhara And Somali Regions Ethiopia.

Epidemilogical survey and strain characterizations of ovine pasteurellosis were carried out inrnselected sites of Amhara and Somali regions in Ethiopia. The aims were to identify. estimate andrncharacterize pasteurella species. In adition, a questionnaire survey was administered in 2...

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