The main purpose of this research is to understand how and to what extent charcoal production andrntrade has been affecting the livelihood of pastoral communities in 'Galeila Dora' KebelernAdministration, Gewane Wereda, Afar Regional State. The study focused on how the local coml'nunitiesrnrespond...
This paper examined demand for electricity in Ethiopia as a function of real grossrndomestic product per capita, real price of electricity and population growth raternbetween the period 1976 and 2010. Partial adjustment and ARIMA models were used tornprovide electricity demand estimation and...
Twins are relatively rare events, but several studies confirm that they contribute substantially tornmortality in both neonatal and post-neonatal periods. The excess infant and child mortality ratesrnamong twins calls for a need to identify the main causes behind it. This study intended to...
Graphcne hfl,s many remFlrkablc properti es) but superconductivity is notablyrnabsent. Hccent observation of proxi mity effeeL has ignited in superconductivity ofrngraphel'" sheel,. In this work wc explore. using density fu nctiona l theory (OFT)rniI.nd density functioned pert.urbation t heory...
Children are the substantial segment of every society because they are prospective leaders and rnowners of every country. To help children learn about appropriate behaviors, parents utilize rnvarious disciplinary techniques. This area should be given high emphasis because children's rncurrent and...
Cancer, one of the non-communicable diseases is gaining momentum in Ethiopia. As rnthe country has only one cancer treatment center for both adults and children, the rnchallenges associated with that are immense. In line with that, this study, focused on rnidentifying the psychosocial impacts...
This research aims at investigating the scq/lolding oj'illegal druRs prevention and controlling of rnthe Federal Police Counter Narcotics ControffinR Division. at Bole International Airport. 'Ihe rnstudy used both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Data pertinent to the stlldy were...
Over the past 20 years data has increased in a large scale and in various fields. Managing the produced data and gaining insights from it is often a challenge and possibly a key to competitive advantage, consequently forcing industries to find ways to collect and integrate massive data from widely...
The main concern of this thesis is exploring the extent of social exclusion and the resultant life conditions of the manas-marginalized potters in the socio cultural context of the Dawuro. The study focuses on the basic features of social life such as family. marriage clan origin.beliefs and...
The continual encroachment of immigrants that occurred during the past political regimes ,in particular the massive state-sponsored resettlement scheme of the 198Os,agricultural expansion for cash crop production and wood based investment,has brought about complex changes in the socio-cultural,...
The study area located in Southern Nation and Nationality People Region (SNNPR) andrnencompass Sidama & Gedeo Zones that are among all the coffee growing region of Ethiopia,rnbounded between 37° 54'N to 39°8 N latitude and 5° 52'E to 7° 13'E longitude in which mostrnpart of it situated...
With the digitization of most operations, the popularization of various social media channels, blogs, deployment of various types of devices, sensors, hand-held smart devices, wearables, and the explosion in Internet usage, large volumes of data are being generated on a regular basis. Today,...
The aim of the study was to investigate the prevalence and nature of the objective burdenrnexperienced by caregivers of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder patients. Also torncompare the results from the two statistical methods, polytomous logi stic regression andrndiscriminant analysis in correctly...
The aim of this study was to produce and evaluate the nutritional quality, anti nutritional factorsrnand sensory characteristics of complementary foods from sorghum, maize, soybean, sorghumrnsoybean and maize/soybean blend. Results showed that the moisture content ranged betweenrn4. lgl OOg for...
Since the forest resource of Ethiopia is under great treat. Government and non governmentalrnorganizations are lIying to improve the condition. But on the ground their effort is notrnsuccessjitl. This study concerned about the role of institution in forest management. Becauserncurrently...
Since the forest resource of Ethiopia is under great treat. Government and non governmentalrnorganizations are lIying to improve the condition. But on the ground their effort is notrnsuccessjitl. This study concerned about the role of institution in forest management. Becauserncurrently...
Undernutrition is a serious problem worldwide due to unbalanced diet or infection . Childrenrnduring the first two years of li fe are vulnerable to several nutrition related prob lems includingrnmicronutrient deficiencies. Due to lim ited education of mother's, poor resource avai labi lity...
Two dimensional structures like graphene nanostructures exhibit vanous phys icalrnproperties on in-plane anchoring of fun ctional groups. We have investi gated thernelectronic band structure, the density of states (DOS), and the current-voltage (I-V)rncharacteri stics of pri stine and armchair...
The Upper Blue Nile Basin (UBNB) in Ethiopia has a huge hydropower development potential and it covers a considerable amount of the present hydropower consumptions in the country. However, as hydropower is basically rainfall-dependent, its future sustainable utilization under climate change is...
Raw materials from uni nspected sources used for making of cooking utensils could be a potentialrnsou rce for high tox ic metal in food prepared in these utensils. Therefore, in the present work, thernlevel of selected meta ls (Pb, Cd, and AI) in clay pots was determi ned. The clay pots werernobta...