Raw materials from uni nspected sources used for making of cooking utensils could be a potentialrnsou rce for high tox ic metal in food prepared in these utensils. Therefore, in the present work, thernlevel of selected meta ls (Pb, Cd, and AI) in clay pots was determi ned. The clay pots werernobta...
Sectoral linkage in urban infrastructure development and serv ice provi sion plays an impottantrnrole in determining the urban economic and physical development and has indispensible role inrnthe livelihood of urban dwellers, efficiency and effectiveness of serv ice providers andrndevelopment of...
Tuberculosis (TB) has claimed many lives throughout the history of mankind and itrncontinues to be a global threat in the coming decades, especially in developing countriesrnlike Ethiopi a. The incidence and mortality due to TB cases is not equally distributedrnacross the globe; they vary by...
This study examInes the cereals production technologies and the agro-ecologicalrndi fferences in selected regions of Ethiopia (1995-2008). The questions before thernanal ys is of the data are whether the existing technologies of cereals production usedrnby farmers , regional differences and time...
A retrospective-cohort study was carried out inrnNortheastern Ethiopia to assess the impact of healthrntraining of primary school teachers on health knowledgernand practice of their students with regard to personalrnhygiene and the environmental health conditions of thernschools.rnThe required...
A retrospective-cohort study was carried out inrnNortheastern Ethiopia to assess the impact of healthrntraining of primary school teachers on health knowledgernand practice of their students with regard to personalrnhygiene and the environmental health conditions of thernschools.rnThe required...
Cereal production and marketing constitute the sing le largest sub- sector in Ethiopian eco nomy. Itrnacco unts fo r ro ughly 60 percent of rural emp loyment, 73% of total culti vated land and 68.3% ofrntotal o utput, 46 percent of a typ ical ho usehold's food expenditure more than 60% of...
differenc·os especi ally between the stands with and without Rrica a rborea,rnWere seen in most of the vRriables dmsi de r ad . Based on the findingsrnthe vegetation on the Vlestern Slopes was divided into four cate.I'oriesrnwi th mor e problems in categories 2 and 4 which Were affected by...
Background:The occurrence of malaria in Ethiopia has been documented since 1958.Since then epidemics with different magnitude have occurred that caused significantmorbidity, mortality and considerable socio economic burden. The country has witnessedrecurrent epidemics of the disease, resulting in...
Background: Hypertension has been one of the greatest public health problems in all parts of thernworld, particularly, being double burden among developing nations with predominantly alarmingrntrends. It is one of the top leading causes of morbidity and mortality among adults in Ethiopia,rnexactly...
Introduction:Mental disorders are common and are associated with severe disability, cost andmortality. The burden of mental disorders in low income countries like Ethiopia is compoundedby thehuge treatment gap, which is over 90% for Severe Mental Disorders (SMD) such as schizophrenia,bipolar...
Introduction:Mental disorders are common and are associated with severe disability, cost andmortality. The burden of mental disorders in low income countries like Ethiopia is compoundedby thehuge treatment gap, which is over 90% for Severe Mental Disorders (SMD) such as schizophrenia,bipolar...
Dams are critical facilities, which require special consideration to ensure their longtermrnsafety. Among the safety concerns for large storage dams, seismic safety playsrnan important role, particularly for dams located close to the seismically active regionsrnlike the East African Rift System....
Diarrhea asmajor cause of illness and death among children in developing countriesattributethe problem with belief system which is inconsistentwith recommended intervention.rnA cross sectional study was conducted aiming to assess beliefs and perceptions of types, causes,signs/ symptoms of severity...
Background: Each year more than 500,000 women, 99% of them in developing countries, diefrom pregnancy and childbirth-related complications. Complications due to unsafe abortionprocedures account for an estimated 68,000 (13 %) of maternal deaths worldwide per year. Indeveloped regions, nearly all...
The incidence of diabetes mellitus has soared to epidemic proportions worldwide. Therndebilitating chronic hyperglycemia is caused by either lack of insulin as in diabetes type 1 or itsrnineffectiveness as in diabetes type 2. Frequent replacement of insulin with or without insulinrnanalogs for...
TikurAnbessa specialized hospital (TASH) started providing service to the whole country since 1964 (‘Healthcare in Ethiopia’, 2020) as a memorial of Prince Mekonnen, the Duke of Harar. TASH annually serves about half a million patients in the outpatient department; 50,000 patients in...
The energy consumed by the traction systems takes the most significant portion of the majority of total energy consumption in Addis Ababa Light Rail Transit (AALRT) system. Finding the energy-efficient train reference profile, also known as an optimal train control problem, is one of the most...
This comprehensive study on the challenges bus passengers face in Gambella will create good rnwork environment for Gambella transport authorities by providing thrnem with rnnew rnand valuable rninformrnation to help them better understand the challrnenges bus rnpassernngernrs face. rnTrnhe study...
In Ethiopia, internal child trafficking is a growing yet disregarded phenomenon. Children rnarc traffi cked from rural areas to urban areas. However, it is difficult to know the rnmagnitude of the problem due to the absence of comprehensivc and reliabl e data as well rnas the in accessibility of...