Background rnPsychotherapy, traditionally known as talk therapy is one of the main management modalities usedrnin mental health. It is used to help clients with claimed psychosocial problems to overcome theirrnsymptoms and to improve their well being and mental health by applying psychosocial...
The is ue of connict and conni ct resolution are seldom handl ed in literature on Oromo. The rnpresent study aims at addressing thi missing gap. It therefore, documents some aspects of rnconflict and conni ct resolutions among the Wa liso Oromo. The thesis ex plores some loca l rninstitutions and...
Conlalllinalion of cereal commodilies by mOlilds and lIIycoloxins resllils in cby IIwller,rnqualily, and nlllrilional losses and represenls a signijicanl hazard 10 Ihe food chainrnAjlaloxins are loxic, hepalocarcinogenic, secondmy lIIeraboliles of Aspergillus speciesrnprodllced in 1II0s1...
Introduction: Anxiety Disorders are a group of disorders that have a core symptom of excessivernfear and anxiety and associated behavioral symptoms. It is a condition that can be experienced byrnanyone but it needs intervention when symptoms become excessively distressing or disabling, orrnreduce...
Trafficking in human beings, especially in women and children for the purpose of labour and sexualrnexploitation has become an issue of global concern because of its rapid growth in recent years.rnEthiopia is among the countries highly affected by both domestic and international trafficking....
Background: Diabetic foot ulcers and the resulting lower extremity amputations are common,rncostly, and disabling complication of diabetes, and up to 12% of all hospitalized diabetic patientsrnin Africa have foot ulceration. Interventions aimed at preventing foot ulcers in patients have beenrnshown...
The study area Ziquala Watershed located at a distance of about 760 km from the capitalrnAddis Ababa city covers an area of about 759 km' . It is one of the drought p;one areas in therncountry. It is found in drought prone areas of the Wag Himra Zone. The area is charocterizedrnby scarcity of water...
Aj/atoxin, a contaminant produced by the fungi Aspergillus j/avus and Aspergillus parasiticus in severalrnagricultural commodities, is a known human liver carcinogen. Red pepper is widely consumed inrnEthiopia and this agricultural commodity is known to be susceptible to aj/atoxin contamination. In...
School WaSH survey IVas carried oul in the primQly schools of Assossa woreda, BGRS, Elhiopia. IIrnwas intended 10 assess (he situation and effectiveness of woler supply and sanitation facilities inrnschools, hygiene aIVarelless of leachers, hygiene knolVledge and praclice of sludents...
Utilities are very important for smoothing people's daily lives. Public utility authorities are facing significant challenges in developing cost effective business process for managing subsurface, surface and overhead utility infrastructures and assets. People working in utilities need a better...
Child malnutrition in Ethiopia is one of the most serious public health problems and thernhighest in the world. Wasting refers to low weight-far-height and measures the body'srnmass in relation to body length. The objective of this study was to identify determinants ofrnwasting among under-jive...
Ethiopian Airlines is a profit-oriented business organization whose objective is to providernthe maximum value to its customers, consistent with the need to make some return on eachrntransaction. One of the major primary activity at the airline is Sales. In addition, becausernconU11erci al...
Social work is a profession workingfor social change, problem solving, empowerll1 ent, social rnjustice, social jimctioning and well-being. Because of their complex socio economic and political rnlife, people in Addis Ababa City face various psychosocial problems and diverse intervention...
The gravity method is one of the geophysical methods that has been used in arnwider range of geophysical prospecting and investigations. One of the indispensablernsteps in this method is the inverse modelling of the measured data to estimate thernsubsurface density distribution and geometrical...
The main aim of this study is to identify the wide-ranging impact of urbanization on the farming rncommunity of Sululta, which is located 23 km north of Addis Ababa. Social, cultural and rneconomic impacts which are brought about by urban development are explored. In addition, the rnstudy also...
The large –scale return of Ethiopian migrants from Saudi Arabia is an example of a group of forced return migrants that were less prepared for their return.Most of the returnees had shown no desire to return to Ethiopia until the Saudi security forces began the...
Ecosystems Services (ESs) are fundamental to sustaining life. However, they are under pressure due to anthropogenic activities such as the expansion of agricultural land and declining of forest cover, which causes loss of the ecosystem services. This study aims at quantifying and mapping of ESs,...
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is the most stable and important food security crop in Ethiopia accounting for nearly 40% of human calorie intake. Knowledge of the natural genetic composition of the crop provides the option to further exploit its genetic potential through breeding. However,...
Introduction rnHIV targets immune system and weakens people’s defence against many infections. Adolescentrnage looked as a transitional period between childhood and adulthood and pass through deferentrnperiods during this time of transition. Thus, as they are passing through this phase...
The increasing demand of energy has been supplied through the combustion of petroleum throughout the world. Due to escalating cost of petroleum, its contribution to global warming and non-renewable nature of this oil, there is collectively a need for renewable and ecofriendly energy sources such as...