The major objective of this study was to investigate teacher -initiated learner selfcorrectingrnability in written composition of third year EFL students at WollegarnUniversity taking the course Advanced Composition. Specifically, the study aimedrnat finding out the extent to which the students can...
The purpose of this study was: (1) to assess the effect ofrnfallow perioda on the fertility of soils, (2) to evaluaternthe compounded effecta of fallow periodS and cropping yearsrnon the fertility and productivity of 80ila. Experimentsrnwere conducted on tallow-sites and on-tarU plota...
The test of a curriculum plan is ascertained through a thorough inquiry into itsrnpracticality and ultimate worth. In view of this, the purpose of this study is tornevaluate tbe implementation of the lower primary school social studies syllabus andrnto identify the outcome as well as problems...
Dissemination of HIV / AIDS education using mini media in Ethiopian secondary schools isrnessential to educate the youth about the danger of AIDS. This study is, therefore, designed torninvestigate and describe the state of dissemination of HIV/AIDS education using secondaryrnschools minimedia....
The relevance and viability of cooperative approach by forming arnnetwork of existing information service units in the country tornaddress commonly faced shortcomings in agricultural informationrnprovision was assessed and discussed. A review of literature onrnvarious aspects of information ne...
A c!Coss-sectional descriptive survey through a selfadministeredrn, anonymous and structured questionnaire wasrnconducted from September to December, 1993 in ten highrnschools in Addis Ababa to determine the sexual behaviourrnof adolescents, their knowledge about AIDS, attitudes andrnpractices...
A c ase contro l study has been conduc ted in Tegulet andrnBulga Awraja/ district, No rthern Shoa Admini strative Region.rn• The purpo s e o f t he study was to assess t he variousrncharacteristics inf l u enc i ng modern con tra ception u s age amongrnusers as compared to neve r-users and...
This paper is aimed at examining the role of women in household food security. The content,rnhowever, is confined to the realities in three kebeles of Kersa Kondaltiti Woreda. KersarnKondaltiti is found in the West Sh ewa Zone of the Oromia Regional State. It is located 60 kmsrnsouth of Addis Ababa...
Combined electrical resistivity and electromagnetic prospecting methods wererncarried out around Dembi area near Debrezeit town. The analysis of the resultsrnobtained from both geophysical methods has provided useful informationrnregarding the electrical characteristics of the subsurface which is...
1800 gravity data covering the research a rca are reduce to Bouguer and free air values and interpretedrnbased on the Bouguer anomaly map and a pair of short wave length (SWL, residual) and long wavernlength (LWL, regional) anomaly maps. All data are reduced to sea level wth uniform density of...
This thesis focuses on the relationship between fertility and female labor forcernstatus in Akaki town. The study was based on a sample survey of 1475 eligible womenrnbelonging to the three female labor force status categories, namely, formal, informalrnand no work categories. Women were classified...
Heavy metals pollution is a major problem in both developed and developing countries. In Ethiopia, the wastewater in most of the paint industries is not treated properly, but instead is fed directly into rivers. Recently, there are more paint industries in Ethiopia, polluting the environment and...
A descriptive and case control study was done tornobserve the incidence of injuries and their determinantsrnin Akaki textile factory. There were a total of 143rnaccidents during the study period giving an incidencerndensity of 200 per 1000 person years. This is very highrnin comparison to developed...
The objective of the present study is to examine the factors influencing thernimplementation of the problem solving approach in the upper or second cycle primaryrnschools of southern Tigray admini strati ve zone. Nine schools found in four weredas werernse lected as sample study areas using the...
The objective of the present study is to examine the factors influencing thernimplementation of the problem solving approach in the upper or second cycle primaryrnschools of southern Tigray admini strati ve zone. Nine schools found in four weredas werernse lected as sample study areas using the...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the the extent to which senior secondaryrnschool students, grade eleven students in particular, of East Wellega zone, disseminaternenvironmental education to the surrounding community. In doing so, an attempt wasrnmade to see the students' awareness,...
The thrust of this study was experiential observatioll of pre-service EFL student teachers'rninability to reflect in/on their practices at Haramaya University practicum context. Thernoverall aim of the study was to, firstly, critically analyze the problem in its context withrnthe intention to...
In an attempt made to study the effect of trainee academicrnbackground and other related factors in the secondaryrnschool upon performance in the T.T.I. and the curricularrni mplications thereof, correlation and regression methods,rnquestionnaires, and interviews were used. The study wasrnconducted...
This study deals with the changing role of access to farmland on household rnsocio-economic status overtime and regimes in Wonqa, East Gojjam, where land rnwas an index for socio-economic status in pre-1975. The research identified local rnlevel dynamics in relation with household access to...
This study is primarily aimed at determining important demographic and socio-economic factorsrninfluencing unemployment in Addis Ababa. Cross sectional data were collected from 539rnhouseholds through systematic multistage sampling technique in which those members of thernhousehold aged 10 years...