This thesis deals with the issue of development and impoverishment among thernKarrayu Oromo of the Upper Awash Valley, Eastern Showa. Before they werernalienated from their land, the Karrayu had full right over the ownership andrnmanagement of their pastoral resources. Their social organization...
ABSTRACTrnrnThis thesis explores the social context of sex work in the city of Addis Ababa. It focusesrnon the social ties between sex workers and a variety of other categories of people, from their familyrnmembers to their relatives, from their roommates to their neighbors, from their coworkers to...
Many scholars agree that reading is among the most important ski lls for second or fo reignrnlanguage learning academ ic contexts. This ind icates that reading skills are very essential forrnour high school students who are basica lly learning Engli sh as a foreign language and as arnmeans to cope...
The study was intended to assessing The Organization And Management Of Functional AdultrnLiteracy Program in Selected Woredas of West Harerghe Zone of Oromia. In the study, arndescriptive survey method was used. Six Woredas were selected by purposive samplinrnmethod. From the six (6) Woredas, six...
The capital of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, has been undergoing different physical and socialrnchanges for a long time. It seems that the city is entertaining urban expansion andrndevelopment in its full swing. While acknowledging the positive changes introduced, thernstudy investigates the unprecedented...
Social media is becoming the main source of information intake, allowing users to sharerntheir views freely and widely. However, the unregulated nature of this information accessrnis making social media platforms a ground for the proliferation of hate speech and fakernnews. It is evident that...
The central theme of this study is to investigate the existing care and support services for rnPLWHA and AIDS orphans in religious institutions, namely the EOC South Wollo diocese rnoffice and the EECMY North central synod. The prime objective is to help address the needs of rnHIV positive people...
In this study an attempt has been made to investigaternthe interrelationships between socio-economic factors andrnproximate determinants on the one hand and socia-economicrnfactors and fertility on the other. In addition, thernassociation between proximate variables and fertility...
Different scholars have indicated that learner variables playa significant role in education. Thernpresent study was basically aimed at investigating the effects of selected individual variables inrnEnglish language achievement. The variables were motivation, learning style, attitude andrnanxiety....
Background: World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 42 million abortions take placernevery year around the world. Approximately 95% of unsafe abortions take place in poor countries,rnwhere access to family-planning services is limited. Unsafe abortion accounted for 17% of allrnmaternal...
The main objective of this study is to analyze the themes of the funeral dirges inrnWest Gojjam Administrative Zone. To achieve this objective, the researcher hasrntried to collect as many funeral dirges as possible. All of these dirges are inrnAmharic language. The collection was carried out by...
In this project, we study the thermodynamic and statistical properties of thermal plasmarnusing the laws of thermodynamics and statistical physics. We studied plasma as a fourthrnstate of matter. We find the equations of electric potential of a test particles by usingrnpoisson equation. According...
Process validation may be defined as a systematic approach to identi fyi ng, measunng,rnevaluating, documenting and re-evaluating a series of critical steps III the manufacturingrnprocess that require control to ensure a reproducible final product. The approach is based onrnthe principle that...
Context: Ethiopia is one of the countries with rapid population growth, dense settlement inrnthe highland parts, and degraded environment. These si tuations of the country causernimbalance between population growth and the existing natural resources. To ba lance the .~rnpopulation growth with the...
Following the order of Coleoptera, the Lepidoptera is the second largest order of insects. Currently, Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) comprise about 46 superfamilies, 126 families, and 180,000 species. Lepidopteran biodiversity in three selected land-use types was studied from January 2020 to...
The purpose of this study was to identify the relativerneffectiveness of high school grade point average (HSGPA),rnDifferential Aptitude test (Verbal & Numerical section), andrnEthiopian School Leaving Certificate Exarnination(ESLCE) resultsrnas predictors of academic success in the Junior College...
Phosphorus is the limiting nutrient in most freshwater systems, and when found in excess, it can accelerate eutrophication. Eutrophication causes algal blooms, aquatic plant growth, taste, odor problems and oxygen depletion in the water column. Most of the detection techniques are expensive, demand...
The Ethiopian government has pursued decentralization policy by shiftingrnauthority and responsibility to regions. Since 1992, significant changes havernbeen made in the area of provision of educational services, and thernmanagement of the education system whose foundation was based on...
This study is aimed at designing an improved Informationrnretrieval system (IRS) for the agricultural research sectorrnin Uganda . For this reason, a survey was conducted tornascertain the information retrieval facilities available inrnthe libraries of the National Agricultural...