Postgraduate Project Topics, Thesis and Dissertation

1541 Performance Analysis Of Spectral Efficiency For 5g Enhanced Mobile Broadband Network With Massive Mimo

Due to the increase of the number of users and applications, the improvement of technology is also ongoing. Wireless mobile communications need high data rate and capacity at the same time. Future generation wireless communication will have to deal with some basic requirements for serving large...

1542 Performance Evaluation Of Precoding Techniques For 5g Massive Mimo Downlink System

Massive multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems use a few hundred antennas to simultaneously serve many wireless broadband terminals, using sophisticated coding at the transmitter and substantial signal processing at the receiver, the MIMO channel can be provisioned for higher data rates,...

1543 Study On The Competitive Removal Of Heavy Metals (cr6 And Pb2) From Wastewater By Using Activated Coffee Husk

Due to the release of toxic heavy metals from various industries, water pollution has been a major challenge to environmental engineers today. Among various heavy metals, Pb(II) and Cr(VI) are considered as highly toxic due to their carcinogenicity and various health disorders. This study aimed was...

1544 Construction Industry Institute (cii) Best Practice Of Contractors With Minimum Time Cost Overruns In Ethiopian Road Authority Projects

Roads form an integral part of any nation’s transportation network, and are widely accepted to contribute positively to the socioeconomic development. This fact has meant many nations, particularly developing ones invest heavily in their infrastructure. In Ethiopia, this role is played by...

1545 Wiener Index And It Is Applications

The Wiener Index of a graph G is equal to the sum of distances betweenrnall pairs of vertices of G. It is known that the Wiener Index of a molecularrngraph correlates with certain physical and chemical properties of arnmolecule. In the mathematical literature, many good algorithms can bernfound to...

1546 The Practice And Challenges To Perform Development Journalism Principles On Oromia Broadcasting Network (obn) Focusing On Ardaa Marii Tv Talk Show Program

This research work attempted to examine the practice and challenges in applying development journalism in Oromia Broadcasting Network (OBN), through examining the development issue coverage and challenges faced to apply Development journalism principles. Its focus was on a practical nature of...

1547 Evaluation Of Phyto Beneficial Traits Of Indigenous Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria And Fungi As Microbial Inoculants For Enhancing Growth And Production Of Coffee (coffea Arabica) Under Greenhouse And Field Conditions In Jim

Exploitation of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) and fungi as microbial inoculants is knownrnto promote plant growth through the supply of plant nutrients and supression of pathogens. Inrnview of this, the present investigation was planned to assess the phytobeneficial traits ofrnphosphate...

1548 The Effect Of Pedagogical Centers On First Cycle Primary Schools In Implementing The New Curriculum The Case Of Amhara Region

As a nucleus for improvisation and innovation Pedagogical Centers create the preconditionsrnfo r the effective implementation of the curriculum and the continuos improvement of thernteaching - learning process. The study was, therefore, designed to assess the effect ofrnPedagogical Centers on the...

1549 Nitric Oxide Blockers As A Potential Treatment For Septic Shock In Sheep

The physiologic changes associated with se ptic shock result from a so phisticatedrninterplay of a number of mediators. The initiating factor in the complex cascade ofrninflammatory events leading to clinical sepsis in most cases is the release of endotoxin; arnlipopolysaccharide component of the...

1550 An Analysis Of The Work-oriented Character Of The Ethiopian Primary School Curriculum

The purpo se of thi s study is t o analyse wh e ther thernEthiopian Curri culum of primary schoo l i s work-oriented orrnno t. To ach i eve thi s a im, t e xtbook co nt en t analysis andrnqu e st i onnai res have b een used as data co llect ion instruments.rnFour s t eps have been f o ll owed i n...

1551 Genetic Diversity In Sorghum (sorghum Bicolor (l.) Moench) Germpjasm From Ethiopia And Eritrea.

Infonnation about the amount and distribution of genetic variation in gennplasm collections isrnimportant for efficient management of gennplasm collections and for effective utilization ofrnsuch materials in plant breeding. Sorghum (Sorghum bie%r (L.) Moench) is one of the mostrnimportant cereals...

1552 Sustainability Assessment Of Urban Water Distribution System A Case Of Bahir Dar City Ethiopia

One of the most fundamental requirements of human life is water. As a result, everybody should have access to adequate and safe water on a continuous basis. For adequate and safe water supply, proper design and execution of the new distribution and the operation of the existing distribution network...

1553 Maintenance Interval Determination For Diesel Electric Locomotives A Case Study Of Uganda Railways Corporation

Uganda Railways Corporation (URC) operates and maintains the railway line from Kampala to Malaba (single line of 251km) that is currently active. URC uses diesel-electric locomotives as mainline locomotives. Nalukolongo Railway Workshop (NRW) is the main workshop which does maintenance of...

1554 Development Of User-friendly Courseware A Case Study With Inventory Management

These days, the uselimplementation of computer in education is becoming increasinglyrnattractive. There is now a general understanding among workers in this area that thernapplication of computers in education can be categorized as TUTOR (CAl), TOOL andrnTUTEE . The TUTOR application (which is the...

1555 Fatigue Analysis Of Pantograph Head Materials For Better Contact

In general, the motorized units of the trainsets are powered through the pantograph-catenaryrnsystem. Loose of contact between the catenary and pantograph is one of the main problems in thernrailway industry. This loose in contact is caused by many parameters like corrugation effect onrnrail, speed...

1556 Developing New Expression For Dynamic Impact Factor Of Railway Bridges

There is a significant demand worldwide, that is ever-increasing on understanding the dynamic performance of railway bridges. One of these demands is directed towards finding a comprehensive expression for determining the Dynamic Amplification Factor (DAF), or simply called impact factor. A...

1557 The Relationship Between Notional Status Of Children And Kap Of Mother Feeding Their Children In A Rural Community

A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess the KAP ( Knowledge, Attitude andrnPractice) of mothers towards feed ing their chi ldren aged 6 months to 5 years in l-Iawa.Michael Kebele,rnBugna Wereda North Wallo Zone of Ethiopia. The study encompassed all chil dren in the studyrnpopulation. The...

1558 Railway Traffic Regulation Optimization For Case Of Aa-lrt

The presented thesis is a study on train energy consumption calculation and optimal train drivingrnstrategies for minimum energy consumption and travel time of train by optimizing the trainrnspeed profile. Speed profile signifies time spent to complete the given journey and energyrnconsumed for...

1559 Life Time Management Of Rails Based On Structural Reliability Approach

Preventing broken-rail caused derailments is a high priority for the rail industry. The currentrnpractice is to periodically inspect rails using non-destructive technologies. Determining therneffective inspection frequency is a critical decision in railway infrastructure management.rnThis thesis...

1560 A Knowledge Attitude And Practice Study On Sexual Practices Related To Hiv Transmission And Prevention Among Male Residents Of Arba Minch Town Southwest Ethiopia

A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 355 randomlyselectedrnurban male residents in Arba Minch town , southwesternrnEthiopia , to investigate their knowledge, attitudes, and practicesrnrelated to HIV transmission and prevention , with emphasis on condomrnuse. About half ( 48.8% ) of...

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