Environmental pollution is one of the public issues for both developed and developing countries due to population growth, industrialization, urbanization and economic development. Toxic heavy metals are the most common inorganic pollutants to the environment. Chromium is one of the toxic heavy...
Ground surface deformation caused by mining activity is a critical aspect when assessing safetyrnof slope and environmental impacts due to the operations of open-pit and underground mining.rnThese mining-induced ground surface deformations have the potential to seriously harm thernenvironment,...
Mi ~letti a f-?rr ;~~~in~a (Hcc:--'!s-:) BAK .. : ·:>ca.l:y known asrnBerbera is a pla~t ~~ ~ ·~~ic to ~thi0?:a. P":1ytochemi c~!l.lrnir-:ve.=t'::7a+_ic-:1 of t~·;,:: st.eI:l-!:H:1!.-}-: cf ·.:.~:ls I.J :a.!it r-es:..tlted in thernisolativ~'" ':. f 2C Gl1mp-;".u'.dz ,)f w~ic~: :--.:ne b...
rise building (HRB) projects at industry level and based on the study it recommends solution to full fillrnthe gap between them and indicate that such projects should be implemented by local contractors (atrnleast 85%) as its implementation is much connected to country’s development. The...
This paper examines the relationships among motivational orientations, learner autonomy, andrn. academic achievement of EFL learners at Dessie College of Teachers Education. Eighty fourrnstudents completed a questionnaire consisting two scales, namely, motivational orientations scalernand learner...
This study was conducted to assess the ecological status of Cheleleka wetland using water quality, peat, macrophyte, and macroinvertebrates. The data were collected from six sites between December 2018 and September 2019. Based on the water quality and human disturbance assessment score, the sites...
The age at first marriage has long been considered an issue oFprimary interest in the disciplinesrnof marriage and the family as well women's studies. The issue has been taken on even greaterrnimportance recently due 10 the impact of a trend towards rising at first marriage on fer tililyrnlevels,...
A randomized field trial involving two modes ofrncontraceptive distribution, clinical and community-based,rnwhich were again divided into "free" and "paying"rnsubgroups was carried out in four rural servicerncooperatives (s.C.) ( consisting of 4-6 FarmersrnAssociations) of Sululta, Oromia Region,...
Little Akaki River (LAR) is one of the major rivers passing through the Addis Ababa City Administration and is often receiving untreated wastes from residential, industrial, municipal, and agricultural areas. The objective of the study was to determine pollution profile of LAR, develop and evaluate...
Zymoseptoria tritici the causative agent of Septoria tritici blotch (STB), is one of the most economically damaging disease of wheat worldwide. Genetic resistance is a suitable, economical and environmentally safe strategy to control the disease. Knowledge of the genetic structure of the pathogen...
Ability to produce information that has improved qualities suchrnas relevance, timeliness and accuracy is among the mainrnobjectives of financial information systems including NUPI'Srnfinance system .rnBut the system is facing difficulties in producing s uch outputs.rnMost of users requirements are...
Diarrhea is one of the most common causes of sickness and mortality among newborn calves. It has serious financial and animal welfare indications in both dairy and beef herds. Diarrhea in a newborn calf is one of the most common diseases in young animals, causing huge economic and productivity...
Climate variability and changes are among the hazards affecting rain-fed agriculture. The study was undertaken in Bilate Watershed, Southern Ethiopia. It aimed to evaluate the relationships between local climate and Sea Surface Temperature, realize patterns of drought, and predict future climate...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the attitude of teacher trainers towardrnthe implementation of multicultural education in two teacher training institutes.rnThe subjects involved in the study were 33 randomly selected teacher trainers fromrnAwassa College of Teacher Education and Arba...
Mung bean [Vigna radiata (L.)Wilczek] is one of the important legume crops grown from the tropical to sub-tropical areas around the world. Effect of processing method on the proximate composition and functional properties of mung bean in Ethiopia was not well addressed because the crop is not...
This thesis examines the effect of vehicle dynamics on both vertical and lateral deterioration ofrnthe track alignment. The track system, the measurements of the track geometry and the definitionrnof the track quality are explained in detail. The background study forms fundamental knowledgernfor...
Refrigerated railroad cars, known as reefers, are railroad rolling stock designed to carryrnperishable freight at specific temperatures. They are insulated boxcars that keep the cargo at arnregulated temperature. As soon as railway bulk freight transportation has emerged and railroadrncars had the...
especially for the traction in its daily operation. To implement energy saving programs and to studyrneconomical operation strategies, an energy estimated model is required. The models can be furtherrnextended to develop models and simulation for estimating power demand of train operation...