In Soulhern Elhiopia in Adola Precambrian rocks, the Legadembi primary goldrnoccurrence have been under exploralion and feasibility study wilhin a period of 1975•-rn1990 G.C .. In 1990 G.C the Legadembi Gold Mine has been established and officiallyrnstarted mining. In 1997 the mine has been...
In Sibilu dam catchment geomorphological, geological hydrological and engineering geologicalrnstudies were conducted 10 characterize the lim itat ion and importance of the area for the new d:unrnconstruction.rnUsing main ly Ihe, aerial photos and lopo-maps of the area relief and landform, s lope...
Sedinents of Late ouaternary Period are exposed in Adami rnTulu area. they represent deposition in a fault controlled rnBasin in the northern part of the main Ethiopian Rift vallay-rnThey form thick successions of coarse and fine grained sedi- rnncnts, gravcle,sands, silt and diatomitas awong...
Background: Oxygen therapy is a medical treatment used for tissuernhypoxia. It has the potential to improve medical outcomes and savernlives when used appropriately and to cause harm if usedrninappropriately. rnrnObjective: To assess knowledge, attitude and practice of residents and rnabout oxygen...
Background: NRFS is leading indication for cesarean section. The risks of maternal morbidityrnand mortality associated with a caesarean section may not be reasonably justified by the degreernof neonatal compromise at birth. rnObjectives: This study was undertaken to evaluate prediction of clinical...
Background: leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae, rnthat predominantly affects the skin and peripheral nerves, resulting in neuropathy andrnassociated long-term consequences, including deformities and disabilities. The diseasernis associated with stigma, especially...
Background: - Neonatal seizures are a neurological emergency that are difficult to diagnose andrntreat. The clinical presentation of neonatal seizures is variable and clinical features of a seizurernare often absent or non-specific. This has led to under-diagnosis and occasional over-diagnosis...
Abstract rnIntroduction : ERAS ,first introduced in 2005 is a combination of various perioperative patientrncare methods based on a multimodal approach that integrates evidence based interventions tornreduce surgical stress ,maintain post operative physiological function and accelerate recovery...
Background – Comprehensive postnatal care (CPNC) includes full assessment of physical,rnsocial and psychological well-being determining the health and survival of the mother and herrnnewborn. Ethiopia is one of the low income countries with high maternal and neonatal mortalityrnand morbidity...
Background: Cervical cancer is the second most prevalent malignancy in Ethiopia associatedrnwith high mortality and morbidity. Nonetheless, few efforts have been made to assess thernpatients’ HRQOL, and its predictive factors in Ethiopia. rnObjective: To describe Health Related Quality of...
Five toilet-linked biogas digesters working with in the range of ambient temperaturernwere assessed to detennine the presence of intestinal parasites in the effiuent slurryrnconsidering the four seasons. These were in Addis Ababa (at Asko, Lidcta and BisrateGebriel),rnat Fitche and Awassa....
Background:Anemia is a common clinical problem contributing to increased maternal and fetalmorbidityand mortality during pregnancy. Anemia can be caused bydifferent factors apart fromknown diseases. The main aim of this study is to identify determinants of anemia amongpregnant women attending...
The generation of antrainlng currents in a homogeneousrnplasma by me ans of high f r equency electromagnetic wave s , withrna slowly varying amplitude arcconsidered...
Introduction: Worldwide, 15 million babies are born prematurely each year. Prematurityrnhas become the leading cause of newborn deaths worldwide, resulting in more than 1rnmillion deaths each year .Preterm birth rates around the globe are increasing and arernnow responsible for 35% of the...
Degradafion a/vegetation cover;s cOl/sidered as olle o/Ihe mOSI seriOIlS ellvironmellfal problems/acingrnElhiopia and 'he world aI large. Studies revealed fliaf fhe vegc/a1ion resources of Ethiopia arerndisappearing much jasler lhon the efforts made 10 document Ihe informa/ioll and prOjXJse...
Degradafion a/vegetation cover;s cOl/sidered as olle o/Ihe mOSI seriOIlS ellvironmellfal problems/acingrnElhiopia and 'he world aI large. Studies revealed fliaf fhe vegc/a1ion resources of Ethiopia arerndisappearing much jasler lhon the efforts made 10 document Ihe informa/ioll and prOjXJse...
A solid-state photoelectrochemical solar energy conversion device based on blend ofrnpoIY(3 -hexy lthi ophene) (P3HT) and 1- (3-methoxycarbony l)propyl- l-phenyl (6,6]C61rn(PCBM), and an amorphous poly(ethylene oxide) complexed with 1)-11- redox couplernhas been constructed and characterized. The...
A project's success depends on its management. The unlimited market need should be compromised with the limited resource through an application of proper project management technique. Throughout all the phases of a project, the management team takes care of the time, cost and quality constraints of...
The paper assessed significant factors causing delay in the construction of projec12 at Bole Arabsa site. The assessment involved the professionals from the three important major stakeholders in the sector who were involved in the project 12. In conducting the assessment five important sources of...
This study aims to assess the stakeholder management practice and the challenges in the Ethiopian Construction industry, specifically by taking the case of Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation. The objective of the study is to assess the stakeholder management practice in...