Many projects in the world fail to be successfully completed due to several reasons. Among these are lack of understanding of the role for monitoring and evaluation. Monitoring and evaluating of projects is very important to various stakeholders because it would ensure them that the project is...
The purpose of this study is to assess project communication practices in AACRA. Specifically,rnthis study tries to assess the challenges in project communication and assess therncommunication methods in place. With this in mind, questionnaires were developed andrndistributed to 87 respondents from...
This document presents the research study carried out on the practice of agile project management in social enterprises in the Ethiopian context. Agile project management, even though it is not novel worldwide, in Ethiopia it is still new and is common only in software related projects. The...
This research conducted to identify from literature the general project closure practices, the steps and the standard practices of project closure implemented by Oromia Water, Mineral and Energy Bureau for its Water Supply projects as well as judging obedience and conformity of project closure...
The main objectives of the research are to identify and rank critical success factors (CSFs) and assess their practice in implementing PPP power projects in Ethiopia. Mixed research approach were used, accordingly Questionnaires and Interview were the main data collection instruments. Intensive...
This study examines the challenges of adoption International Financial Reporting Standardrn(IFRS) among medium enterprises of Addis Ababa City Administration, Ethiopia. However, thernstudy raised research question that is, what are the practical challenges face while adopt IFRSrnfor the selected...
The aim of this study is to assess the determinant factors affecting external audit quality inrnEthiopian audit firms. Namely External audit quality, External Auditors Professionalism, levelrnof Education, work Experience, evidence-based approach and independence. Considering thisrnobjective, the...
The main purpose of this study was to examine factors affecting export performance of firmsrnoperating in Bole Lemi industrial park developments. In this study the descriptive andrnexplanatory research design method has been used.The study adopted a stratified randomrnsampling technique to select...
This research attempts to examine the effect of fund management practices on project success/performance in International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) in Addis Ababa and the challenges of fund management in INGOS. Three dimensions of fund management practices were considered i) Budget and...
Stakeholder management is important because it aids an organization's strategic goals by understanding and influencing both the external and internal environments, as well as fostering positive stakeholder relationships.rnIn recent years, project execution, especially large ones with many...
The use of ICT, these days, is away from want and nearly becoming a need. Every one of us uses ICT for some purpose or in different ways. Catholic Relief Services uses ICT to manage its projects. The organization has been investing to acquire, adopt, customize, or develop ICT solutions to improve...
To complete a given project successfully, the project must be completed at expected time, with expected cost and desired quality too. Unfortunately, some projects may not meet the desired performance parameters. Construction projects are among those that fail to attain the desired schedules, cost...
In this research , statistical work in stochastic modelling of hydrologic time seriesrnis discussed. The theme is the comparison of stationarity and non-stationarity approachesrnfor stochastic simulation of monthly streamflow sequences. The paper first introducesrnvarious concepts related to...
The thesis aimed to investigate the crashing behavior of locally manufactured 60 seated busrnstructural frames in case of frontal and side impacts. In addition to studying the crashworthinessrnof current structure, the most severe impact condition was identified by referring to crash testrnand an...
The thesis aimed to investigate the crashing behavior of locally manufactured 60 seated busrnstructural frames in case of frontal and side impacts. In addition to studying the crashworthinessrnof current structure, the most severe impact condition was identified by referring to crash testrnand an...
The thesis aimed to investigate the crashing behavior of locally manufactured 60 seated busrnstructural frames in case of frontal and side impacts. In addition to studying the crashworthinessrnof current structure, the most severe impact condition was identified by referring to crash testrnand an...
Since attitudes are subjective an illusi ve, scal inqrntechni ques for quanti fy ing att itudes are most i mpor tan trnand hence r eceive a consider ab l e ~mount of attention in ourrnl...
Since attitudes are subjective an illusi ve, scal inqrntechni ques for quanti fy ing att itudes are most i mpor tan trnand hence r eceive a consider ab l e ~mount of attention in ourrnl...
Ethiopia as a developing nation faces a negative balance of payment, domestic savings are insufficient to meet domestic investment demand, there is a consecutive budget deficit. The very idea of attracting FDI to Ethiopia is to utilize the capital available from foreign investors. However,...
This thesis focuses on the philological, comparative and textual analysis of the Ethiopic Book of Amos. Among the numerous Ge’ez manuscripts of the Book Amos, located with other prophetic books, the manuscript UNESCO 10.34 is worth studying. When one compares this manuscript with five other...