Eccentrically Braced Frames (EBFs) link’s behavior is affected by their link length,rnweb/flange slenderness, stiffener spacing, stiffener cross-sectional behavior, and the axialrnload ratio present in the link. Even though various research has been conducted on therneffect of these...
Adobe buildings exist in different parts of the world and have been classified as unreinforced masonry structures. The construction technique of adobe is combining unfired clay mud and straw. The bricks are joined together with mortar made of mud and straw. This thesis studied the composition and...
Flooding is a natural disaster that causes considerable damage. Awash basin is susceptiblernto flooding due to physical characteristics. Therefore, sensitivity mapping are essential forrncomprehensive management to reduce the harmful effects of flooding. This research aims tornassess flood...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the practice of beat reporting in EBC/ETV Amharic newsrnservice. For the study, descriptive type of research design was used. Data was collected using inrndepth interview, focused group discussion and document analysis; and the collected data wasrnanalyzed...
This research paper aims to assess the factors that influence journalist’s freedom in the mediarnhouses by comparing two commercial media. The reasons that initiated the researcher to studyrnon the factors affecting journalistic freedom is that while the media has a responsibility...
The news of the conflict between the Tigray People‟s Liberation Front (TPLF) and Ethiopia‟s federal government has got massive attention from the local and global media outlets. Several hundreds or even thousands of people are believed to have been killed in this conflict. We have...
This study argues that narratives justifying the construction of, and the aggressive mobilization of resources for, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) are leading to the construction of a new state identity centered on the GERD. It is further argued that this emerging identity has...
The objective of the study is to evaluate the role of Media on Conflict resolutions in the case of Walta TV –Media. The studies design is explanatory research design and its approach is mixed studies method. Sources of data was both primary and secoundary sources. Sampling size is 297 are...
The main purpose of the study was to evaluating community radio capacity in promoting partici-patory communication for development: the case of Wolayta community radio / Wolayta Wo-getaa F.M 96.6 radio/. In this regard, the study employed both qualitative and quantitative re-search methods. As a...
This research project focuses on identifying the impacts of organizational communication onrnorganizational performance in Lege Tafo Lege Dadi town administration public sectors. The mainrnobjective of this project is to assess the impact of organizational communication on...
Food insecurity and malnutrition makes part of the countries challenge in the history of Ethiopia. This paper examines the legal status of the right to food in and policy challenges in Ethiopia, factors affecting the right to food and some matters linked to the right which may contributed...
The purpose of this thesis was to examine the influence of the social media, particularly Facebook on newsroom decision making at Addis Media Network. To meet the objectives of the study qualitative method was applied. According to the finding of the study, Facebook influenced the newsroom decision...
Violence against women and children is a world phenomenon that is increasing at an alarmingrnrate. To respond to this horrifying action countries are devising a mechanism that providesrnmulti-sectoral case management for survivors including health, welfare, counseling, and legalrnservices with a...
The strategic communication practice to create awareness and bring behavioral change towards the use of local eco-friendly innovations among the residents of the Addis Ababa is more demanding and urgent than ever before. A.A City Government Environmental Protection Green Development...
An excise tax, if designed and implemented properly, has various socio-economical advantages. In this connection, the research has the objective of evaluating the Ethiopian excise tax law with a particular attention on its central substantive design aspects.rnThe research has, therefore, employed a...
The main of objectives of this research was to assess Assesment of the drawbacks pharmaceutical supply of chain ofrncommunication:the case of Ethiopian paharmaceutical supply agency.rnMethed .In this study a mixed methed descriptive survey research design and depth interview were...
Background- Diabetic patients on sulphonylureas and insulin are at higher risk ofrnhypoglycemic events. The body’s response to hypoglycemia include neuroglycopenicrnsymptoms which can affect the capacity of the individual to operate motor vehicles.rnThe level of knowledge about the dangers...
Children as member of human being and due to their vulnerability nature, many legal instruments include wide package of rights concerning children in their provisions. Various legal instruments designed with different package of rights for children. Ethiopia as signatory for Convention on the...
Air transport is regulated by the Chicago Convention, ICAO, and IATA, other regional andrninternational arrangements. It is also governed by countries’ Bilateral Air Services Agreementsrn(BASAs). The WTO, although it excludes the air transportation in general, it included some...
Banking frauds are the real challenges adversely affecting the trust between banks, their customers, and the national economy amid the seamless nature of banking technologies. The study is to analyze liability for fraudulent withdrawal of money by third parties in Ethiopian bank systems, employing...