Retrospective data study of hospital record s showed the lack of awareness about the diseasernbut clinical symptoms and the epidemio logy of the disease revealed its high public healthrnsignifi cance in the study area. The results of the study are discussed in comparison withrnfindlll gs of workers...
A cross-sectional study was conducted on apparent ly health y slaughtered swine a l Addis Ababarnabattoir from October 2004 10 February 2005. The objectives of th e study were to estimate thernprevalence of Salmone/la in slaughter swine, to find out Salmonella serovars distribution. torndetennine...
In many developing economies including Sub-Saharan African countries characterized by lowrnper capita real income, high population growth rate, high rates of unemployment, dependence onrnthe primary sector, dependence on exports of primary commodities, and a high level of poverty,rnand also a low...
An epidemiological study on gastromtestinal tract nematodiasis of small ruminants in threerndifferent agro•ecologlcal zones of southern Ethiopia was carried out from August 2004 tornApril 1005 on 180 gastrointestinal tracts and 2, 28 faecal samples collected from sheep andrngoals to Identify...
Trade liberalization is the removal or reduction of restrictions on the free exchange of goods and service between nations. These barriers could be tariffs and nontariff which includes; duties, surcharges, licensing rules and quotas. Trade liberalization is a debatable topic. The empirical research...
The main objective of this study was to investigate factors that affect the business performance of MSEs that currently working in Addis Ababa City Administration. This study was employed a descriptive and explanatory research design and quantitative research approach. Both primary and secondary...
The objectives of the present study were (1) to determine the prevalence rate of trypnnosomerninfections in the village cattle populations of Metekel district, North-west Ethiopia, (2) tornassess the prophylactic activity of isometnmidium chloride to natural trypanosome infectionsrnand (3) to...
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the process of Antiterrorism proclamation formulation by the Ethiopian parliament.rnDesign/methodology/approach- The research used the case study method to investigate the formulation of National Security Policy. Primary data has been...
Nowadays, there seems to be fierce competition in the bottling market of Ethiopia. One of the key issues mainly raised is the company’s ability to develop effective employees who have a good relationship with customers, retains its existing customers and looks for more. The general objective...
A rctfospcctive study was carried out in Kenya with lhc objective to summarise and map CBrp outbreaks. tu relate th em tll caule movement patterns. to assess vaccination coverage. and to evaluate factors affecting the reporting of passive data were collected for 1989 to 1998 from district...
Women are widely acknowledged to play a critical role in household well-being and national economic development. Women's role, on the other hand, is hampered by their low status in many developing countries. Women empowerment is also the foundation for changing lives in the home and in society as a...
An epidemiological In vcsligallon of tick and tick borne protozoa paras ites was undertakenrnfrom September 2004 to March 2005 in Decha wereda, Kaffa zone, SNNPRS. The study wasrnconduc ted wi th the 31m of deteml in ing the d istribution. preval ence and seasonal yariation ofrncatlle tick species...
The present stud} wa~ conducted rrom August 2004 to Apnl 2005 L1h Iht: ObJcclle~ IIfrndctemumng. the prevalence, extent and d istribution 0 dourine III horses and IOCSlIgalingrnoccurrence of cllmeal cases 3S well 3S carner st:ltes of donkey .. and mules III the Arst- B:llcrnIllghla nds. At the...
In the modern world economic system, the tourism industry has been playing an enormous contribution to the prosperity of countries. Ethiopia with a rich stockpile of tourism resources is far behind in utilizing its tourism reserve for successful transformation from the yoke of poverty into...
Taxation and tax revenue mobilization in developing countries has attracted global attention and resilience. The fiscal authorities in Sierra Leone introduced series of reforms in the tax system ranging from continual revisions in the tax rates to harmonization and instituting new taxes that are...
Cross-sectional study was conducted in sot homo and gamo goffa zones of southern nation nationalities and people regional state from September 2004 to February 2005 to determine seroprevalence and associated risk. Factors isolate the causative agent evaluate test agreement and validate community...
== One thousand and twelve udder quarter from 253 traduionally Managed lactating camels( Camelus dromediarus were invesugated according to multi-saage. sampling In the study Sits. Out of the 1012 udder quarters. 35( 3 .46%) quarters were blind and 21(2.08) (quarter milk samples were lost dunng...
Bovine brucellosis is an infectious disease of economic importance by causing abortions andrninfertility. Bovint: brucellos is considered a zoonosis. Infprmation on the extent of bovinernbrucellosis. however. is scarce for the expanding intra- and peri- urban dairy enterprise inrnEthiopia. The...
A tsetse fl y survey was carried out in over I00 km ~ of the study site of the Southern Rift Valley of Ethiopia Tsetse Eradication Project (SRVETEP) with the objective of imegrating the remotely sensed data. ground verified agro-ecoiogical characteristics and tsetse survey data in a geographic...
The current study was conducted from August 2003 to March 2004 with an attempt to determine the prevalence, morphological characteristics and susceptibility of Ogaden isolate of H.contorturs and Tetramisole. During the study period a total of 196 animals (114 sheep and 82 goats) of Ogaden ori gin...